DECEMBER 13, 2023
Welcome to our December newsletter!

Wrap up the year with a quick dive into our December updates.

As always, a lot can happen in the month between our newsletters, so stay up to date by following us on Facebook (@PghNightEcon) and @PGHatNight on Instagram.

Allison & Bret
Office of Nighttime Economy
Two Associations Make Strides in 2023!
PGH Brewers Guild Passes Code of Conduct
Workers who spearheaded the effort to root out and prevent harmful workplace behaviors say the set of rules will act as an important first step in a larger fight for a more inclusive and diverse industry (and customer base). 
Check out the article for more!

South Side food, beverage and entertainment businesses launched the South Side Hospitality Partnership. Its first order of business was to agree upon Business Best Practices and a customer 'Code of Conduct." Check out the website

This month - a Toy Drive with lots of prizes for donors. Get more info here
2024 Compliance
Paid Sick Leave
Upcoming Info Sessions:

Meeting ID: 255 190 209 256 
Passcode: tdoHzQ 

Do these 2 things to stay compliant!
1.Have a sign posted (printable sign here)
2. Have a policy in place

Have questions? Check out this recorded info session.
Time to Re-Order?

With each new year come more innovations in fake i.d.'s.

Don't forget to order the next year's updated ID checking guide to help service staff effectively I.D. your customers and intercept fraudulent identifications.

Seasonal Workers and Staffing
Ask a Legal Professionals: What Do I Need To Know When Hiring Seasonal Workers?

Whether seeking to meet the uptick in demand during the summer or the holidays, there are important considerations for bringing on temporary workers

Check out the article for more
Get $250 for Participation in this Program!

Your business can offer U.S. D.O.L registered apprenticeship training sponsored by the NRAEF to develop line cooks, kitchen managers, and restaurant managers. 

Please join the NRAEF and PRLAEF for a virtual 
Apprenticeship Information Session on Wednesday, December 13 at 11:00 am ET to learn more.

This is your opportunity to ask any questions you might have on how apprenticeship can work for your business.

Winter Restaurant Week 2024
Restaurant registration deadline is Dec. 31st, but don't delay, registering early will ensure placement in listings.
Get involved this season.
Port Security Grant
Are you close to a river?

This grant provides funding to state, local and private-sector partners to help protect critical port infrastructure from terrorism. You may be qualify for $$$ for new cameras or security technology.

Click HERE for more info!
Feed the Soul Foundation

Feed the Soul Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, developed to aid marginalized professionals in the culinary industry.
The awarded grant amount is $10,000, + 6 months of biz development consulting and training, at a value of $15k. Awarded recipients are determined through a comprehensive review process. It is not guaranteed that all those who apply will receive the grant. 

Applications open: October 5, 2023
Application deadline: January 31, 2024
Grant notification: by April 15, 2024
Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Grant Program
The Pennsylvania CDFI Network received $10 mil in funding from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to administer the Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance (HDBA) Program, funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). funds.
Follow our social media for important updates and deadlines.
Quickbooks 101 Online Training
by Small Business Development Center
Jan. 1 9am - 11am

Training Topics: Accounting/Budget, Business Financing, Managing a Business
Harness this powerful bookkeeping tool for small business owners.
Click here for more info.
De-Escalation for Event-Driven Venues

Full of scenarios, tips and tricks, proven methods, and opportunities to talk through tense situations , this session uses best practices tailored for performance venues and events.
Access this recorded class on demand!
NIVF Training Hub
The NIVF Training Hub provides access to the library of archived training videos and resources from the Workforce Development Virtual Sessions. Just click the link, fill out the form, and you'll have access to tons of invaluable training videos!
66% of American view tipping negatively...
Bankrate reports the frequency of U.S. adults tipping has declined steadily since 2019.
Find out which gender and generation is the stingiest and what can be learned from the data?
The Next Step for
Non-Alcoholic Spirits?
Consumers can connect to NA brands through bars, retail, and marketing, but there’s something irreplaceable about the experience and education gained through direct connection onsite in a distillery.
How the New Hybrid Workforce Has Changed U.S. Restaurants
More than 40% of U.S. employees work at least part-time at home. The impact on where and how people dine out has been significant.

Weigh In On PGH's Future
Sustainable Pittsburgh Sprints
Jumpstart progress on key sustainability topics and earn bragging rights through these fun, friendly competitions.

Click here for more info
Night Transit Survey
PRT is taking a look at where our buses go and how they can best serve the riders of today and future riders of tomorrow. The most important part is your input. 

State economic development plan process is starting and Hospitality industry input is sought.
Gov. Shapiro recently announced that his administration is in the early stages of creating a new statewide economic development plan. In an effort to ensure the hospitality and tourism industries are heard in the process, and to show how hospitality is an important component of any economic development plan, we encourage the industry to complete this survey to offer thoughts and feedback.

How do you Socialize?

Help the Office of Nighttime Economy identify barriers and opportunities to improve Pittsburgh's Socializing Health neighborhood by neighborhood.

Click here to take the survey.
100 Things To Do In Pittsburgh
(before your graduate)
The City of Pittsburgh’s Office of Nighttime Economy launched a social media campaign to showcase diverse, fun activities available to people under 21, the campaign aims to create awareness of the many opportunities for students and residents to connect socially with others in a variety of settings. 

Follow along all year on Instagram @PghAtNight and Facebook @PghNightEcon
Follow us for daily updates on Pittsburgh's Nighttime Economy and upcoming news and events.

Check out previous newsletters for more information.
HELP US HELP YOU: Send your questions, challenges, or useful tidbits to Allison Or give us a call at 412-400-9007.

SHARE THIS NEWSLETTER with other business owners and managers who work in or with Nighttime Economy. Sign up here to join our mailing list.
References to a specific product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement. Always, consult your professional service providers to decide if a resource is a right fit for your business.