We've shared many tools and ideas this August through these emails and at PAVeggies.org and we're thrilled to see, and hear about, some of you putting them in action. Great job!

This week, we're focusing on video marketing.

Below you'll find 5 videos that explore behind the scenes elements of farming. Time to put them to work for you. How?

  • Share them on your platforms - blog, YouTube, website, Facebook, email, and beyond! You can access them on the PA Veggie's YouTube, Facebook, or Blog.

  • Steal a relevant theme and make your own video. Don't worry about the length, music or title slides. Just focus on communicating and being genuine and friendly with your customer. Additional features can follow once you recognize your audience's response.

  • Email them to your press contacts and suggest coordinating a similar video (or video series) with your local media.

  • Run a veggie quiz special inspired by the videos. Make it "Know How We Grow" Week. Ask your customers agriculture trivia questions (in person or in advance via your marketing channels) and reward them with special gifts, like an extra ear of corn or bonus bell pepper.

If nothing strikes a chord above, remember you can always refer to previous emails, the PAVeggies.org Toolkit , or contact the Program for assistance.
The Ins and Outs of High Tunnels
How a Pennsylvania Farm Stand Works
Seed to Table: Tomatoes
Seed to Table: Sweet Corn
Behind the Scenes on CSA Day
We'll be back in touch soon with more ideas. In the meantime, we welcome you to explore and make the most of the marketing resources at PAVeggies.org . Please don't hesitate to contact the PVMRP with questions, comments, or requests.