Nevada news & updates

July 2024 | Vol. 33, No. 3


Upcoming Board Meetings

August 21, 2024

Las Vegas

October 23, 2024


Residential Design Exam

August 8-9, 2024

Las Vegas and Reno


November 1, 2024


Keep Your Contact Information Up to Date
Registrants have 30 days to notify the board of a change of address or place of employment per NRS 623.720.
Change of Address

Las Vegas RID Chelsea Lavell Appointed to Board

Governor Joe Lombardo appointed Chelsea Lavell, a Las Vegas registered interior designer, to serve on the Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design in June.

Lavell has been a Nevada registered interior designer since 2014 and received her Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Design from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As Director of Interior Design at kga, Lavell provides creative and management leadership for a highly specialized team of interiors professionals. 

Additionally, Governor Lombardo reappointed the following architect board members whose terms expired on October 31, 2023: Greg Erny, George Garlock, and Tina Wichmann.


Nevada Architect Elected to NCARB Board of Directors

Nevada architect Coffee Polk was elected to the NCARB Board of Directors at its 2024 Annual Business Meeting. Polk was one of two at-large directors elected; these new board positions were created as part of the organization’s governance structure reform. Polk has been a Nevada architect for six years and started her volunteer service with NCARB in 2019.

More information

Sanctions Issued for ARE Misconduct

Last month NCARB issued sanctions for a candidate who violated the ARE Candidate Agreement by exhibiting inappropriate conduct during an exam administration, unauthorized use of electronic devices while testing, and copying, recording, or disseminating exam content.

The candidate received a public reprimand and exam scores connected to the violations have been invalidated. The candidate’s testing authorization is suspended for four years, he is required to complete 10 hours of ethics education, and is banned from taking future divisions via online proctoring. 

For more information visit the NCARB website.

NCARB Fees Increase August 1

NCARB will increase the following fees, effective August 1, 2024. Announcing this decision NCARB stated, “This will be the first time NCARB has adjusted candidate Record holder fees since 2016, and exam fees will be updated for the first time since 2018. This increase addresses rising costs due to inflation—including increased information security costs—while still keeping NCARB’s fee adjustments below benchmarks for inflation over the past 10 years.” Some increases include:

  • Licensure candidate Record renewal: $100 (previously $85)
  • ARE cost per division: $250 (previously $235)
  • Licensure candidate Record reactivation: $100 (previously $85) plus the cost of all outstanding renewal fees, up to $200 (previously $185)
  • Annual architect Record and NCARB Certificate holder renewal fees: $285 (previously $270)
  • Reciprocity and international transmittals: $475 per transmittal (previously $450)

A complete list of fees is on NCARB website.

New Registrants by Examination


Nabila Sarkar (Reno) #9464

Savita Deva (Las Vegas) #9465

Jorge A. Hernandez Castro (Las Vegas) #9466

Residential Designer

Francisco Castellanos Pulida (Reno) #453-RD

New registrants Francisco Castellanos Pulida, Nabila Sarkar, Savita Deva and Jorge A. Hernandez Castro.

Residential Designer News

Pulido Awarded Dewey Jones Scholarship

Francisco Castellanos Pulido (453-RD) was awarded the Dewey Jones Residential Design Exam Scholarship at the June board meeting. He is the thirteenth scholarship recipient. The scholarship, which covers the cost of the RD Exams, is awarded to any residential design candidate who passes all four exams on the first attempt.

The Dewey Jones Scholarship honors the late Dewey Jones (029-RD) and is funded by members of the residential design community. Jones, a board member, was instrumental in the creation of the residential design law.

Dewey Jones Scholarship information

Residential Design Exam Set for August

The next administration of the Residential Design Exam will be August 8-9, 2024 in Las Vegas and Reno. Candidates planning to take the exam must register and can contact the board office for a registration form.

Potential applicants who have not yet submitted an initial application for licensure and been qualified to sit for the exam should contact the board office and submit completed applications as soon as possible. The registration process for residential designers is outlined on our website.

We Can Help Promote Licensure in Your Firm

Do you want to promote registration in your firm? Do you have staff who are in the licensure pipeline or thinking about it? Are there unlicensed staff in your firm who have questions about Nevada law?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can invite someone from the board to speak to your firm. These small, informal discussions allow your staff to have their questions answered in a comfortable environment and give them personal contact with board staff.

The licensure process can be long and is sometimes confusing. We can help. Staff in multiple offices? No problem. Meetings can be held virtually so we can talk to staff in remote locations too.

Contact Stacey Hatfield, Public Information Officer, with questions or to schedule a meeting.

Formal Contested Administrative Hearing

Board Finds Registrant in Violation of NRS 623.270.1(f)(1), NRS 623.325.1 and ROC 1.1: Case Nos. 24-027R and 24-034R

The respondent, Michael Peterson (147-RD), was alleged to have violated NRS 623.270.1(f)(1) and ROC 1.1 on two separate counts by not acting with reasonable care and competence nor applying the knowledge and skill ordinarily applied by residential designers in good standing practicing in Nevada. The respondent was also alleged to have violated NRS 623.325.1 by failing to have a written contract.


The board found Michael Peterson violated all counts of NRS 623.270.1(f)(1), NRS 623.325.1, and ROC 1.1. As Peterson was already on probation from previous matters, the board suspended the respondent’s residential designer license for three years, effective January 1, 2025. In the interim the respondent must contact all current clients, inform them of the disciplinary action, allow them to retain a new design professional, or allow him to complete the project prior to the suspension date. Peterson must complete specified practice management and professional conduct continuing education classes and pay all outstanding fines before applying for reinstatement. Peterson was also ordered to pay all costs and fees for the investigation and hearing.

Disciplinary Actions

(March 21 through June 5, 2024)

Inquiries are routinely sent to both registrants and non-registrants for alleged violations of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC). 


There were two cases this period that were submitted for board consideration and approved. Additionally, six cases were closed because there was no basis for the allegations or the complaint did not fall within the board's jurisdiction.


The following cases were closed by means of settlement agreement; as part of the agreement respondents agreed to assure compliance with Chapter 623. Should the respondents be involved in a subsequent case and found to have again violated NRS, NAC or Rules of Conduct, the case may be used as an aggravating factor.


Every effort is made to ensure that the following information is correct. Before making any decision based on this information you should contact the NSBAIDRD.

Holding Oneself Out, Advertising, and Unlicensed Practice of Architecture, Registered Interior Design or Residential Design: NRS 623.360.1(a)(b)(c)


Case 24-024N

The allegations against Donna Johnson and Luxe Design were that they held themselves out as being qualified to provide services that fall under the practices of architecture and residential design and engaged in the practices of architecture and residential design without having a certificate of registration with the board. The matter was resolved through a settlement agreement incorporating an administrative penalty of $6,000 plus investigative costs of $2,000.


Advertising and Unlicensed Practice of Architecture, Registered Interior Design or Residential Design: NRS 623.360.1(b)(c)


Case 24-025N

The allegations against Nenah Washington and Neet Design Group were that they issued a proposal offering to provide services that fall under the practice registered interior design and engaged in the practice of registered interior design without having a certificate of registration with the board. The matter was resolved through a settlement agreement incorporating an administrative penalty of $4,000 plus investigative costs of $1,500.

Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design & Residential Design

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