February 5, 2021
Featured Podcasts

Was the 2020 Election stolen...? Mathematician and number theorist explains the odds. Hint... MORE THAN LIKELY!

What does it look like to wake up - speak up - show up in your own life? No matter what your background or your goals, you will have something to take away from Erin McMichael's life-changing transformation. WARNING: You might want to have some kleenex handy!

...Yes. Our leading Covid expert is now concerned that too many whites are getting the vaccine, and the most powerful medical journal in the world is encouraging the ridiculous idea!...READ MORE
Upcoming Flyover
Do any of you have people in your life that still believe the 2020 Election was incredibly fair? Any friends that say there is NO proof? If they would like to challenge our guest from this week on his math, he has opened up his schedule to us for TONIGHT... 2/5/2021 at 7:00 pm CST for Q&A. In his words, "Bring It!"
Featured Headlines

This is the part 2 of last weeks post! Learn the meaning of the Constitution and the principles of American government in this new version of Hillsdale's most popular course. Visit hillsdale.edu/con101 to begin your course today.

The form of government prescribed by the Constitution is based on the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. These two documents establish the formal and final causes of the United States and make possible the freedom that is the birthright of all Americans.
Monica Matthews joined Stew Peters on #PCRadio​ to discuss specific actions Patriots can take right now in a world that seems so hopeless.
During their interaction, Monica revealed that Joe Biden, according to her sources, does NOT have access to the Pentagon.
What does the old guard need to do NOW in order to save the Republican Party? Charlie Kirk has some answers for us!
Talk about acting like a 2-year-old! Newsmax host, Bob Sellers, talks over Mike Lindell and then gets upset and walks off! They were asking him about being censored on Twitter because of his "Claims" of Election Fraud... then they censored him!
Letter From The Flyover Team
This past week I saw a meme on Facebook that just caught me the wrong way and the wrong time. It depicted the greatness of a WWII movie character played by Clint Eastwood juxtaposed against the radical frailty of climate activist Greta Thunberg. This post, and the thousand others like it project that all members of previous generations are exceptional, and everyone under 35 are pathetic and beyond help. I’m not sure where this started, but it does not serve either the conservative movement or the future of our country to speak death over entire swaths of our population.
It takes more than unfiltered cigarettes to be tough and avocado toast does not make you weak.
Many problems might be attributed to the hippies, greed, and the ignored corruption of this generation’s parents and grandparents. There is much to be said about previous generations of conservatives avoiding topics of religion and politics as well as vacating the seven major mountains of influence so that radical liberals could influence this generation unimpeded.
This generation has produced Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder all in response to the Greta Thunberg crowd.
There are snowflakes in every age group as the Clint Eastwood crowd also gave us Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Sleepy Joe. As I creep up on 50, I am so encouraged by those 35 and under by the way they are so talented, so smart, and more productively engaged than any generation that came before them. 
To learn more on this topic check out this podcast where we do a quick deep dive!
David Whited | Flyover Conservatives Founder
We have officially launched Flyover Merch! You guys have been asking for it so we made it happen! Go check out the page, and as a THANK YOU for being our Flyover Friday Newsletter Family we would like to give you guys 10% off! Use the code below for 10% off this purchase AND all your future purchases!
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