March 2020 Edition
2019-2020 Governor Allen Yergovich

Fellow Kiwanians,

We find ourselves in an unprecedented situation with CoVid-19 that we are watching closely. Governor DeSantis has declared a state of emergency, schools are closed, and many large events cancelled. Whether you think the hype and fear is unwarranted, I think we can all agree that, no matter how healthy you are, the possibility of exposing our less resilient loved ones to this virus is unwanted. The stock market may swing wildly on a whim, but Disney closing and so many other huge events being cancelled is a decision made after great scrutiny. Kiwanis clubs in Florida need to do our part to analyze what is in the best interest of our members, our families, and our communities. I encourage clubs to make to wisest choices when it comes to all upcoming meetings and events. There is no need to panic. Stay safe.

Key Club DCON has been cancelled. This pains me, but I don’t feel there was any other option. The details are still being worked out - please have patience. Kiwanis ICON is not in my control and I have not heard anything, however, I am 100% confident that our Florida DCON will occur as schedule...and it will be incredible!

“This, too, shall pass.” There are families who will experience hardship due to the school closures and work interruptions. At risk people may need some assistance during their self-isolation (or just a friendly greeting while also checking-in on them). There are many ways we can help. Let us take this opportunity, as Kiwanians, to help and support others in whatever way we can. 

Allen Yergovich
Governor - Florida District of Kiwanis International 
#KidsNeedKiwanis #FLKiwanis #GetQuacking
Kiwanis News
The Kiwanis International Board of Trustees has adopted this statement effective February 19, 2020 which is essential for you to communicate to all of your clubs as it is a pretty major for any club with an SLP. 

No Kiwanis club or district is permitted to deviate from Policy 16(d)(1), which states:
“Kiwanis International requires clubs to have a clear criminal history background check for any club member serving as an advisor to any Service Leadership Program club.”

Therefore, any Kiwanis advisor to any Service Leadership Program who does not have a clear criminal history background check on file with Kiwanis International is not permitted to have any contact with youth at a Service Leadership Program meeting or event.

As of April 1, 2020, any Kiwanis International SLP advisor who does not have an approved criminal history background check on file will be ineligible to serve in the advisor role, and notice will be sent to the club secretary and district leadership. The Kiwanis International and Service Leadership Programs staff will make every effort to work with SLP advisors in completing this critical requirement.

Members who have submitted a background check by April 1 and are awaiting results will not be removed from the advisor role while waiting for results. Their removal would take place if the background check prohibits them from serving in that role.

Additionally, on February 19, 2020, the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees approved the following policy regarding Service Leadership Program events and adults working with youth.

That the Kiwanis International Board approves the amendments to Kiwanis International’s policies and procedures, as shown below, effective May 1, 2020.

  1. All Levels of Kiwanis: Kiwanis International and any subsidiary, affiliate, district, division, zone, region, or club therein organizing a Service Leadership Program event where adults will have direct interaction with youth under age 18 must follow these guidelines. Criminal history background checks for persons listed below, when required, must be conducted and verified by Kiwanis International in accordance with Kiwanis International procedures. A clear check must be verified prior to arrival at the event. Persons who do not meet this criterion may not attend the event. 
  2. Single-Day Events Without an Overnight Stay: All Kiwanis advisors (club members and non-members) registered for or participating in any Service Leadership Program event must have a clear criminal history background check and must have completed Kiwanis International annual youth protection training. All other adults participating in single-day events must follow all Kiwanis International youth protection policies and procedures, a copy of which will be provided before the start of the event.
  3. Overnight Events: All adults (club members and non-members) registered for or staying overnight at any Service Leadership Program event must have a clear criminal history background check and must have completed Kiwanis International annual youth protection training. However, parents/guardians of participating students who are not chaperones may attend the event for a maximum of one overnight stay without a criminal history background check.
  4. Chaperones: A minimum of one adult per 10 students must be serving as chaperones during the entirety of the event. All chaperones (club members and non-members) participating in any single-day or overnight Service Leadership Program event must have a clear criminal history background check and must have completed Kiwanis International annual youth protection training. Additionally, chaperones must follow all applicable policies and procedures. (See also Procedure 432.)
  5. Aktion club members: Aktion Club members are exempt from criminal history background checks. However, their chaperones/caregivers are not exempt.

In addition to these new policies, Kiwanis has new resources for SLP advisors from Praesidium, Inc., via their Armatus training database. There will also be new in-person training at Kiwanis-family conventions in June and July.

Finally, Kiwanis has introduced a 24-hour, confidential helpline at 1-888-607-SAFE. The helpline can be used if you think a youth has been harmed or their safety and well-being are at risk.

Please if you have any questions please feel free to email me at  Jennifer Schmitt .

Jennifer Schmitt
District Youth Protection Manager

Our new CKI year will begin on April 1st with a new CKI Board and a new CKI District Administrator, David McCampbell. Congratulations to the following CKI members elected to serve on the 2020-2021 Florida CKI District Board:

Governor Meit Dave, University of South Florida-Tampa
Secretary Deanna Kreinbring, University of Florida
Treasurer Frederick Brea, Miami-Dade College - Wolfson
Editor Matt Wade, University of Central Florida
Citrus LTG Elli O'Shay, University of Central Florida
Panhandle LTG Cristian Tello, Florida State University
Sunbelt LTG Daniel Makoon, University of South Florida-Tampa
Suwannee LTG Mayra Gonzalez, University of North Florida

I would like to thank Florida Kiwanis for supporting Florida CKI during my 5 1/2 years and for your continued support for many years into the future. Please continue to support Florida CKI by participating in their service projects, attending their club meetings and Divisional Council Meetings and many more events. 

Yours in Kiwanis Family Service,

Amanda Saguil
District Administrator
(727) 534-0878
Upcoming Events
Registration is Now Open!
Get excited to see all of your Florida Kiwanis family
at this year's District Covention in Orlando.
Kiwanis Day with the Tampa Bay Rays
Sunday June 14th 
First Pitch – 1:10 PM
*Tentative date pending MLB resuming regular schedule*

Bring your group out to enjoy a day of baseball as your Tampa Bay Rays take on the Baltimore Orioles

For more information contact Alexa Restante at 727-825-3141 or 
Have fun at the Kiwanis International Convention 2020

June 17th through June 20th

Early registration (January 15–April 10) — $399
Regular registration (April 11–May 22) — $499

Florida Hotel is the Hyatt Regency Downtown Indianapolis, IN

Contact your “On to International Convention” District Chair Ray Leitzman
Cell: (386) 336-0967
Home: (941) 479-7318

P.S. There is a division award for the “Most attendees to ICON”!


Club of the Year applications are due no later than midnight on April 2, 2020.
As you will see, the application has changed dramatically this year. We hope that this will encourage ALL of the clubs in the Florida District to apply for this important recognition.
We believe that we have the greatest clubs in the greatest district of all of Kiwanis. This is your opportunity to put your club on the map.
For content submission, contact
Angie Bailey, 2019-2020 Communications Chair
via email at

Submissions are due by the 10th of the month.