2019-2020 Governor Allen Yergovich


I can do very little on my own. I need ALL of your help to make this a year worth celebrating this time next year. I need each and every one of you to help make the Florida District the best it’s ever been. I hope to meet as many of the great Kiwanians in this district during the year.

I would like to thank and congratulate everyone who was involved in making the 2018-2019 Kiwanis year the success it was. Whether it was the new clubs opened or the successful DCON, or all the other many successes, everyone has every reason to be proud.

This year, we have a great team of Lt Governors. I hope you all have developed a good working relationship with yours and feel comfortable reaching out for whatever you need.

We also have a great team of District Chairs who are all listed on the District website . Please familiarize yourself with the committees and utilize their knowledge. Also, contact the Chair if you wish to volunteer on a committee.

Unfortunately, membership remains a top priority. We are in a slow death spiral that we need to turn around. That will take the help of EVERY Kiwanian in the district. ASK someone, anyone, who wants to make the lives of children better. Wear your Kiwanis pin/shirt/hat etc. often and talk about the great things we do and how much fun it is! 

Be Visible! Go to a Service Leadership Program (SLP) meeting or a project, even if - especially if - that’s not your regular role.

I also want to renew the focus on Young Children: Priority One. There is so much we can do for children under the age of 5, the most critical time in their develpment. If you have questions, please reach out to Jennifer Ohlsen at , myself, or your Lt Governor.

Children Week, where we lobby our legislators on children’s issues, is coming up in January. If you can’t go to Tallahassee to speak to your representative in person, there is much you and your club can do from home. Please contact Jim Wylie at  for more information.

Allen Yergovich
Governor - Florida District of Kiwanis International 
#KidsNeedKiwanis #FLKiwanis #GetQuacking
For content submission, contact
Angie Bailey, 2019-2020 Communications Chair
via email at

Submission are due by the 10th of the month.