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New Reports Released:  NCA4 Vol II + SOCCR2
The U.S. Global Change Research Program has released two major reports:

Fourth National Climate Assessment
NCA4 Vol II, Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States, assesses a range of potential climate change-related impacts, with an aim to help decision makers better identify risks that could be avoided or reduced. The assessment follows Vol I, the Climate Science Special Report (CSSR), which was released in November 2017. Together, these reports meet the requirements of the Global Change Research Act, which mandates a quadrennial assessment of our understanding of global change and its impacts on the United States. NCA4 Vol II can be viewed on its interactive website at

2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report 
SOCCR2 represents an important technical contribution to USGCRP's sustained assessment process. The report provides an overview of how human and natural processes are affecting the global and North American carbon cycle, emphasizing advances in the understanding of carbon cycle science and associated human dimensions. Read the report at
UF's College of Journalism and FCI host 4 th Annual
Climate Communications Summit
Pictured (left to right): Jeff Huffman, Ed Maibach, John Morales, Bernadette Woods Placky,
and Marshall Shepherd.

On November 7, the UF College of Journalism and Communications in partnership with the Florida Climate Institute hosted a day focused on climate communications. The emphasis this year was on reporting credible climate science through weather forecasts.

The day began with a workshop for journalists entitled Climate Matters in the Newsroom that included several presentations. The workshop agenda included talks by members of a Florida climate science panel. Additional information about UF workshop resources can be found at

An evening event, The Forecast Calls for Change: Telling the Story of Climate Science Through Weather, featured Dr. Ed Maibach, Dr. Marshall Shepherd, John Morales, Bernadette Woods Placky, Susan Hassol, and several UF experts on the science behind the story. The presentations, hosted at the Harn Museum, were recorded and are now available online.

To contact the leads for the event or to follow them on Twitter, click here..
Rething Energy Florida hosts media briefing on the National Climate Assessment: What does it mean for Florida?
After the White House released its report as part of its U.S. Global Change Research Program, ReThink Energy Florida organized a media briefing via webinar on November 28 to hear from Florida-based scientists and experts as they discussed the report's findings, and what they mean for sea level rise, increasing heat and drought, harmful algae blooms, seasonal allergies, and mosquito-borne diseases. The featured speakers were:
  • Andrea Dutton, Associate Professor of Geology; University of Florida, and an expert on rising sea levels;
  • Ben Kirtman, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami - Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science
  • Todd Sack, MD, FACP, Gastroenterologist based in Jacksonville, Florida. The founder of My Green Doctor, he serves on the Board of Directors for Physicians for Social Responsibility
  • Susan Glickman, Florida Director; Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Named to Florida Trend's Inaugural list of 500 Most Influential Florida Business Leaders 
Click here to view the slides from the briefing. 
Click here for the video file.

2018 Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit celebrated a decade of collaboration and progress

More than 700 participants attended the 10th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit, held October 24-25 in Miami Beach, to learn more about climate change issues and how they affect our region.Florida Climate Institute member universities Florida International University and University of Miami & Atmospheric Science Rosentiel School of VA Key were among the many exhibitors at the event.

The annual event is coordinated by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, a partnership between Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties; their municipalities; and other partners. The Climate Leadership Summit is a major regional event focused on facilitating climate-related collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Summit attracts innovative thinkers and leaders from business, government, academia, and the nonprofit community to exchange ideas and dialogue through panel discussions and networking breaks.  Video recordings from the 2018 event will be made available soon.
Additional News
Southeast Florida Leads On Addressing Climate Risk, Says Florida's Head Of Environmental Protection (WLRN)

New Tampa Bay Regional Resiliency Coalition promises collaborative action on climate change (83 degrees)

FIU geologist: Hurricanes remind us that sand is not a renewable resource
Honors, Awards, and Projects 
Thomas Ruppert, Esq., Coastal Planning Specialist at Florida Sea Grant, has been asked to join the Community Rating System (CRS) Task Force's Coastal Committee. Task Force committees provide ideas and input to the CRS Task Force, which then makes recommendations to FEMA. Several topic-specific committees provide this input. The CRS Task Force's Coastal Committee is co-chaired by Wesley Shaw and NOAA's Russell Jackson. The Committee is tasked with making sure the CRS program properly addresses coastal hazards and, increasingly, climate change. The Committee will be meeting through the end of 2018 to make recommendations for changes to the 2020 CRS Coordinator's Manual.

Mark Brenner (UF) has been named a University of Florida Water Institute Faculty Fellow. Dr. Brenner is a limnologist and paleolimnologist with special interests in tropical and subtropical lakes and watersheds.
Michael Martínez-Colón (FAMU) is PI on a National Academies of Sciences (NAS) Gulf Research Program grant, "Do the microbiomes of benthic foraminifera facilitate heavy metal resistance?" in collaboration with LSU. Martinez-Colón is also co-PI on a NAS Gulf Research Program grant, "Is Gulf of Mexico marine benthic ecosystem resilience geochemically coupled to riverine-derived mineral delivery?" in collaboration with FAU (Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute) and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science. 

Tiffany Troxler, director of the Sea Level Solutions Center at FIU, was chosen by the Miami Herald as one of 50 Florida influencers, a group of leaders from business, nonprofit, health care, law and the arts sectors to help Florida address complex issues like climate change.

Aavudai Anandhi (FAMU) was presented with "The Teacher of the Year Award" for the Florida Section at the 2018 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ASABE) Conference. In addition, Dr. Anandhi reports that summer and fall 2018 has been a productive time for the students and faculty in the Biological Systems Engineering program at College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (CAFS). See additional CAFS highlights >>

Upcoming Events & Webinars

Job Opportunities

Funding Opportunities
16th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet - Safe and Sustainable Water Resources | Dec 11, 2018

16th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet - Sustainable and Healthy Communities | Dec 11, 2018

Technical Assistance and Training (TAT) Grant Program | Due Dec 31, 2018

Switzer Environmental Fellowships for students in universities in New England and CA| Jan 7, 2019

National Geographic: Conservation Technologies | Jan 9, 2019

NSF Expeditions in Computing | Preliminary Proposal Due Apr 25, 2018; Full Proposal Due Jan 16, 2019

FY19 Coral Reef Conservation Program, Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grants | Jan 29, 2019

FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation grants | Application due Jan 31, 2019

FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance | Application due Jan 31, 2019
FCI affiliates and/or authors from FCI member universities are in bold.
Alizad, K., Hagen, S. C., Medeiros, S.C., Bilskie, M. V., Morris, J. T., Balthis, L., et al. (2018). Dynamic responses and implications to coastal wetlands and the surrounding regions under sea level rise. PLoS One, 13(10), e0205176.

Arnold, T. E., Diefendorf, A. F., Brenner, M., Freeman, K. H., & Baczynski, A. A. (2018). Climate response of the Florida Peninsula to Heinrich events in the North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 194, 1-11.

Atzori, R., & Fyall, A. (2018). Climate change denial: vulnerability and costs for Florida's coastal destinations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 1(2), 137-149.

Breithaupt, J. L., Smoak, J. M., Sanders, C. J., & Troxler, T. G. (2018). Spatial Variability of Organic Carbon, CaCO3 and Nutrient Burial Rates Spanning a Mangrove Productivity Gradient in the Coastal Everglades. Ecosystems, 1-15.

Campbell, J. E., & Fourqurean, J. W. (2018). Does Nutrient Availability Regulate Seagrass Response to Elevated CO2? Ecosystems, 21(7), 1269-1282.

Chang, S., Graham, W., Geurink, J., Wanakule, N., & Asefa, T. (2018). Evaluation of impacts of future climate change and water use scenarios on regional hydrology. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22(9), 4793-4813.

Evans, N. P., Bauska, T. K., Gazquez-Sanchez, F., Brenner, M., Curtis, J. H., & Hodell, D. A. (2018). Quantification of drought during the collapse of the classic Maya civilization. Science, 361(6401), 498-501.

Fahey, C., Angelini, C., & Flory, S. L. (2018). Grass invasion and drought interact to alter the diversity and structure of native plant communities. Ecology, 99(12), 2692-2702.

Holmquist, J. R., Windham-Myers, L., Bernal, B., Byrd, K. B., Crooks, S., Gonneea, M. E.,... Troxler, T.G. (2018). Uncertainty in United States coastal wetland greenhouse gas inventorying.13(11).

Hu, X., Cai, M., Yong, S., & Sejas, S. A. (2018). Air temperature feedback and its contribution to global warming. Science China Earth Sciences, 61(10), 1491-1509.

Jones, J., & Daniel, D. L. (2018). Funder's meaning making regarding complex, adaptive projects: Findings from a developmentally oriented feasibility study. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, .

Linkov, I., Fox-Lent, C., Read, L., Allen, C. R., Arnott, J. C., Bellini, E., et al. (2018). Tiered Approach to Resilience Assessment. Risk Anal, 38(9), 1772-1780.

Liu, C., Huang, S., Xu, P., & Peng, Z. (2018). Exploring an integrated urban carbon dioxide (CO2) emission model and mitigation plan for new cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(5), 821-841.

Mazzei, V., Gaiser, E. E., Kominoski, J. S., Wilson, B. J., Servais, S., Bauman, L., ... Troxler, T.G. (2018). Functional and Compositional Responses of Periphyton Mats to Simulated Saltwater Intrusion in the Southern Everglades. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(7). 

McCoy, S. J., & Kamenos, N. A. (2018). Coralline algal skeletal mineralogy affects grazer impacts. Glob Chang Biol, 24(20), 4775-4783.

Mendieta, K. L., Gerber, S., & Brenner, M. (2018). Florida wildfires during the Holocene Climatic Optimum (9000-5000 cal yr BP). Journal of Paleolimnology, 60(1), 51-66.

Nieto Ferreira, R., Nissenbaum, M. R., & Rickenbach, T. M. (2018). Climate change effects on summertime precipitation organization in the Southeast United States. Atmospheric Research, 214, 348-363.

Osland, M. J., Feher, L. C., López-Portillo, J., Day, R. H., Suman, D. O., Guzmán Menéndez, J. M., et al. (2018). Mangrove forests in a rapidly changing world: Global change impacts and conservation opportunities along the Gulf of Mexico coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 214, 120-140.

Parkinson, R. W., & Ogurcak, D. E. (2018). Beach nourishment is not a sustainable strategy to mitigate climate change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 212, 203-209.

Puerres, L.Y., Bernal, G., Brenner, M., Restrepo-Moreno, S.A., & Kenney, W.F. (2018). Sedimentary records of extreme wave events in the southwestern Caribbean. Geomorphology, 319, 103-116.

Ruane, A.C., Antle, J., Elliott, J., Folberth, C., Hoogenboom, G., Mason-D'Croz, D., et al. (2018). Biophysical and economic implications for agriculture of +1.5° and +2.0°C global warming using AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments. Clim. Res., 76(1), 17-39.

Ruppert, T. (2018). Castles--and Roads--in the Sand: Do All Roads Lead to a "Taking"? Environmental Law Reporter, , 10914-10932.

Sanogo, V., Harrington, J., & Siddiqui, Z. (2018). Information Sources, Awareness, and Perception Levels About Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study on Florida Stakeholders. International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment, 3(2), 6-20.

Shultz, J. M., Kossin, J. P., & Galea, S. (2018). The Need to Integrate Climate Science Into Public Health Preparedness for Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones. JAMA, 320(16), 1637-1638.

Valle, D., Albuquerque, P., Zhao, Q., Barberan, A., & Fletcher, R. J. J. (2018). Extending the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to presence/absence data: A case study on North American breeding birds and biogeographical shifts expected from climate change. Glob Chang Biol, 24(11), 5560-5572.

Wilson, B. J., Servais, S., Charles, S. P., Davis, S. E., Gaiser, E. E., Kominoski, J. S., Richards, J.H., Troxler, T.G. (2018). Declines in Plant Productivity Drive Carbon Loss from Brackish Coastal Wetland Mesocosms Exposed to Saltwater Intrusion. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(8), 2147-2158.

Wu, D., Chen, X., Lv, F., Brenner, M., Curtis, J., Zhou, A., et al. (2018). Decoupled early Holocene summer temperature and monsoon precipitation in southwest China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 193, 54-67.

Xiao, H., Wang, D., Medeiros, S. C., Bilskie, M. V., Hagen, S. C., & Hall, C. R. (2019). Exploration of the effects of storm surge on the extent of saltwater intrusion into the surficial aquifer in coastal east-central Florida (USA). Sci Total Environ, 648, 1002-1017.

Zhai, L., Krauss, K. W., Liu, X., Duberstein, J. A., Conner, W. H., DeAngelis, D. L., ... Sternberg, L. (2018). Growth stress response to sea level rise in species with contrasting functional traits: A case study in tidal freshwater forested wetlands. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 508, 44-51.

Available Now! A Book from the FCI:
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts provides a thorough review of the current state of research on Florida's climate, including physical climate benchmarks; climate prediction, projection, and attribution; and the impacts of climate and climate change on the people and natural resources in the state. The book is available for purchase in paperback and Kindle format at

Individual chapters may be accessed on the FCI website.
About Us
The Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.     

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