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Florida DEP Launches Interactive Algal Bloom Dashboard
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has launched a new interactive algal bloom dashboard. This dashboard is a visual enhancement to the state's existing sampling slate. This data has been publicly available on DEP's website, but previously did not allow the public to easily see where algal blooms were occurring in Florida, in real time. The algal bloom dashboard features real-time updates of sample locations for up to 90 days and all available details related to those samples, such as photos and toxin information. Users can search by specific address, zip code, city or place. The tool includes quick links to other resources such as public health information.
Climate Science Call for Papers: TRB 2020 Annual Meeting
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Task Force on Climate Change is pleased to announce its annual Call for Papers related to reducing the causes of climate change (mitigation) and preparing for its effects (adaptation). There may be a session for presentation by authors of a selection of the best papers submitted for consideration. Eligible papers can address a broad range of topics including, but not limited to, the following subjects:  
  1. Evaluation of the relative effectiveness of various strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector.
  2. Evaluation of strategies to prepare for climate change, including protecting specific transportation asset types.
  3. Retreating from/abandoning particular transportation assets as climate change makes protection nonviable.
  4.  Data gathering and analysis strategies for evaluating transportation mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  5. Cross or co-benefits between mitigation and adaptation strategies with wide reaching direct and indirect impacts.Public-private partnerships to improve transportation sustainability or resilience.
  6. Rapid transitions (EV, AV transit, shared vehicles/walking, biking, & street livability improvements) to mitigate and overcome climate change.

All papers should be submitted via the TRB Annual Meeting website and must be submitted by August 1, 2019. When submitting your paper please indicate your paper is intended for the selected committee involved in the call and that you are submitting specifically to this call.. Be sure to include this Committee name (Special Task Force on Climate Change) and number (A0020T) with the paper submission. For more information, contact Robert Graff, review coordinator at rgraff@dvrpc.org or Mark Abkowitz, Chair of the Special Task Force at mark.abkowitz@vanderbilt.edu.

NAS Presentation Videos: Climate Intervention Strategies that Reflect Sunlight to Cool Earth
Presentation videos from the April 30, 2019 meeting of the Committee on Developing a Research Agenda and Research Governance Approaches for Climate Intervention Strategies that Reflect Sunlight to Cool Earth are now available on the study website.

The meeting offered perspective on the current landscape of solar climate intervention research and research governance efforts, and discussions about the committee's task with the sponsors to understand their needs and expectations, with input from interested stakeholders
New Release: Community-Driven Resilience Planning
(Source: National Association of Climate Resilience Planners)

The opportunity for increasing community resilience is in the very process of developing a plan when those who are most impacted are at the heart of society's efforts to build a resilient future.This framework:
  • Advocates deepening democratic practices at the local and regional levels
  • Puts forth principles and practices defining the emergent field of climate resilience
  • Offers examples and resources for community-based institutions implementing community-driven planning processes
  • Is useful for a range of stakeholders, including community-based organizations, philanthropy, and the public sector.
The National Association of Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP) is a multi-stakeholder, peer-learning, resource, and referral network that fosters effective, place-based climate resilience planning and implementation. Download the framework here.
Awards, Honors and Updates
King Floods in September 2015. Photo Credit: NOAA.
Shimon Wdowinski (FIU) has received a research grant from the state of Florida Office of Insurance Regulation to study "Coastal flooding hazard in Florida: Evaluating the contribution of local subsidence." Over the past decade several Florida coastal communities have experienced a significant increase in flooding frequency, causing significant disturbance to property, commerce, and overall quality of life. The increased flooding frequency reflects the contribution of global, regional, and local processes that affect elevation difference between coastal communities and rising sea level.This research project will evaluate the contribution of local subsidence to the increased coastal flooding hazard in Florida by using two geodetic techniques, GPS and Interferometeric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). The two techniques provide observations of surface changes over time with different spatial and temporal resolutions and, hence, complement one another. The proposed project will produce detailed maps of local land subsidence along the Miami-Dade coast.
Upcoming Events & Webinars

Job, Internship, and Fellowship Opportunities
Outreach & Education Assistant | FSU Coastal & Marine Lab| St. Teresa, FL

Funding Opportunities

AI for Earth Innovation | National Geographic | Ocober 9, 2019

Sea Level Change Science Team | NASA | Ocober 31, 2019

Campbell, L. G., Campbell LG, Thrash, J. C., Thrash JC, Rabalais, N. N., Rabalais NN, et al. (2019). Extent of the annual Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone influences microbial community structure. PLoS One, 14(4), e0209055.

Carlson, A. E., Dutton, A., Long, A. J., & Milne, G. A. (2019). PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): Ice-sheet and sea-level responses to past climate warming. Quaternary Science Reviews, 212, 28-32.

Chiri, H., Abascal, A. J., Castanedo, S., AntolĂ­nez, J. A. A., Liu, Y., Weisberg, R. H., et al. (2019). Statistical simulation of ocean current patterns using autoregressive logistic regression models: A case study in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Modelling, 136, 1-12.

Jamet, Q., Dewar, W., Wienders, N., & Deremble, B. (2019). Fast Warming of the Surface Ocean Under a Climatological Scenario. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(7), 3871-3879.

Larjavaara, M., Davenport, T. R. B., Gangga, A., Holm, S., Kanninen, M., & Tien, N. D. (2019). Payments for adding ecosystem carbon are mostly beneficial to biodiversity. Environ. Res. Lett., 14(5).

Lenz, B., Lenz B, Fogarty, N. D., Fogarty ND, Figueiredo, J., & Figueiredo J. (2019). Effects of ocean warming and acidification on fertilization success and early larval development in the green sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. Mar Pollut Bull, 141, 170-178.

Misra, V., Mishra, A., Bhardwaj, A., Viswanthan, K., & Schmutz, D. (2018). The potential role of land cover on secular changes of the hydroclimate of Peninsular Florida. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 1.

Ozkan, C., & Mayo, T. (2019). The renewable wave energy resource in coastal regions of the Florida peninsula. Renewable Energy, 139, 530-537.

Servais, S., Kominoski, J. S., Davis, S. E., Gaiser, E. E., Pachn, J., & Troxler, T. G. (2019). Effects of Nutrient-Limitation on Disturbance Recovery in Experimental Mangrove Wetlands. Wetlands, 39(2), 337-347.

Stoddard, M. A., Miller, D. L., Thetford, M., & Branch, L. C. (2019). If you build it, will they come? Use of restored dunes by beach mice. Restor Ecol, 27(3), 531-537.

Ware, M., Long, J. W., & Fuentes, M. M. P. B. (2019). Using wave runup modeling to inform coastal species management: An example application for sea turtle nest relocation. Ocean & Coastal Management, 173, 17-25.

Wilson, R. M., Neumann, R. B., Crossen, K. B., Raab, N. M., Hodgkins, S. B., Saleska, S. R., et al. (2019). Microbial Community Analyses Inform Geochemical Reaction Network Models for Predicting Pathways of Greenhouse Gas Production. Front. Earth Sci., 7.

Available Now! A Book from the FCI:
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts provides a thorough review of the current state of research on Florida's climate, including physical climate benchmarks; climate prediction, projection, and attribution; and the impacts of climate and climate change on the people and natural resources in the state. The book is available for purchase in paperback and Kindle format at Amazon.com.

Individual chapters may be accessed on the FCI website.
About Us
The Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.     

Email: info@floridaclimateinstitute.org        Website: floridaclimateinstitute.org
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