August 2014  
Live Your Joy Institute News
Flip the Faith Switch

 by Barbara Gulbranson
Today more than ever, the world is filled with numerous appearances that scream sorrow, lack and limitation. Shootings, suicide, war, health pandemics and negativity bombard us on a daily basis. If we look at the news, we can get really frightened and depressed about current events. But you are not a victim of circumstance. You have a choice whether to be held in bondage by unwanted appearances or move away from the mass consciousness and step out in faith. Refuse to be part of negativity and shine your light in the world.


I live in the kingdom of all good because God lives and breathes through me. I have peace, health, love and joy in my life now and I bring it to others as God's light shines through me.


When you see tragedy in the world, there is a beautiful Buddhist practice that you can do to bring about positive change in the world. Say with all of your heart:


  • May all Beings have peace,
  • May all Beings have faith,
  • May all Beings know the Divine Presence within.

The Truth is that nothing in the world of form can harm your spiritual center. Although the world of form is always changing, God never changes and that is something you can rely on for all time. The Divine Presence is eternally within you and you can never be separated from it nor it from you.


Even so, on this life's journey you will meet challenges. In my book Live Your Joy, I talk about such transformational drama which is defined as:


"Emotional shake-ups necessary for spiritual growth."


These are the shake-ups that transform our lives, heal our souls and teach us unconditional love. Mystics teach that these are necessary for spiritual growth and these lessons propel us forward on our spiritual path. Once you reach the Infinite Bliss Mode of Action, these challenges will be met from a calm place within where the Divine lives. 


Recently I had some transformational drama in my own life. There was some matter that I seemingly had no control over. I was feeling sad and wanted to see a different outcome than what was occurring. My husband said to me, "There's nothing you can do." I had my head in my hands with tears in my eyes and looked up at him and said, "There is something I can do. I can pray." So I prayed and then went out of the house to tend to some things. By the time I returned, the situation was resolved for the highest good of all concerned. So when you think there is nothing you can do, remember that prayer is the most powerful mover of energy that there is, and when you pray something happens. And faith is what propels your prayer into manifestation.


I saw a sign on a church that said, "faith takes action." And it does. Our belief system is an active one. Our faith is powered by prayer. We must pray to set the law in motion and to activate the law. Just like when you want a lamp to go on. You don't just sit and will the light to come on. The light won't turn itself on. You must flip the switch to activate the electricity. Prayer flips the switch and activates the law.


As you go about your daily life, remember that no matter what you see in the world of effects, there always is something you can do. Have faith and power that faith with prayer. Make prayer part of your on-going spiritual practice. Most importantly, remember each day to always flip the faith switch to an on position. 


Work With Me

If you are ready to take the next step in faith, I invite you to work with me. We can work via phone, Facetime, Skype or in person to activate the power within you to fulfill your heart's desires. Email me at to get started. 



Find Your Self

at Unity in the Dunes 


I invite you to join me Sunday, August 31 at 10 am central time at Unity in the Dunes. I will be the guest speaker at the Sunday service and my topic is "Find Your Self." I look forward to seeing you there. 


Unity in the Dunes Spiritual Center

1607 Burlington Beach Road

Valparaiso, IN


Inspired Reading
Find out the keys to living in deep abiding joy, raising your consciousness and using transformational drama for spiritual growth.
Live Your Joy: How to Awaken from Spiritual Slumber
by Barbara Gulbranson by Monarch Press
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $10.57
Buy Now 

You can manifest the love of your life by using the powerful spiritual techniques described in this book.
How to Attract Your Soul Mate: The Secrets of Lasting Love
by Barbara Gulbranson by Monarch Press
List Price: $12.95
Our Price: $10.72

Connect With Your Angels

Small Angel
Have you ever wondered if angels are real, where they are and what they do? In this inspiring e-book by Barbara Gulbranson, you will learn who the angels are, how they help you and the five easy steps for connecting with these celestial friends through the enlightening ANGEL Talk Program.


You'll find uplifting stories from people who have had remarkable angel encounters and received life-changing messages from their guardian angels. You'll learn how angels help people in healing their physical bodies, living their life's dreams, averting danger, creating loving relationships and following Divine guidance. 


In this illuminating book, Barbara reveals the extraordinary ANGEL Talk Program and gives clear, step-by-step instructions that will help you see, hear, feel and know your angels. Apply these easy steps and connect with you angels today!

Angel Talk: Five Easy Steps for Connecting with Your Angels is now available on Kindle, Nook and other electronic reading devices as well as a PDF file.  
Spiritual Counseling With 
Rev. Barbara
Do you have an issue in your life that you would like to heal once and for all? Do you seek guidance on fulfilling your Divine Purpose? Are you dealing with grief, worry, fear or economic uncertainty? Are you ready to live the life you've only dreamed about before? If so, it's time to schedule a spiritual counseling session with Rev. Barbara.

Rev. Barbara uses a compassionate, non-judgmental approach to counseling. Plus, she uses her gift of clairaudience to deliver Divine messages of guidance to you. Each session includes an optional angel reading and a personalized spiritual mind treatment/positive prayer that continues throughout the week. You will come away with spiritual tools to integrate into your daily life.

Spiritual counseling deepens your connection with Spirit and opens up the avenues of joy, love, success and peace.

To schedule your spiritual counseling session, contact Rev. Barbara at Schedule My Spiritual Counseling Session. We can meet via Skype, Facetime, phone or in person.