A Note from Scott and Marsha
February 21, 2019
We had a moment a few weeks ago that had our staff at the garden center in stitches. As we are working on projects, every day can look different. And this was one of those days when we needed Sean, our walking plant encyclopedia guru and just all around funny guy, to jump in and paint. But he didn't have a paint shirt so Ann found him one in the closet. Apparently she is not a good judge of size because when he returned with the shirt on, he looked like he had stuffed himself into it like Mr. Incredible and started flexing! I hate that I missed it because Ann and Caroline were talking about it days later and still crying. Because I'm not always at the Garden Center but in our offices, it always brings great joy when I hear the stories of good times. Some people work in toxic environments and have to struggle with difficult relationships. I hate when I hear that. So when I see everyone laughing and genuinely enjoying one another, able to laugh at themselves and tease one another in good fun, it really brings me joy. No, we aren't all perfect around here, but most days, we are pretty agreeable and like to have fun! Life is too short to take it so seriously. Enjoy the moments, laugh with those you love/work with and for garden's sake, come buy our plants and flex your muscles as you plant them.  
So you won't get any cherries out of these beauties, but you will enjoy gorgeous and fragrant blossoms in spring, and glossy, dark green foliage in summer that provides amazing shade. We love these trees and know you will, too! For more info about them, check out this week's blog post!
Deciduous Magnolias are some of the first trees to bloom in the spring. In contrast to its evergreen cousin, the deciduous magnolia does not keep its lovely green foliage through the winter. However, these trees are a great choice and come in many sizes and varieties.
More than just the state tree of North Carolina, the dogwood is a stunning and long-lasting bloomer. Blooms are white, pink and even dark pink! They don't grow too large, so they are an excellent choice for your landscape and smaller lawns. We have a few varieties to choose from, including the Kousa Scarlet Fire.
If you follow us on social media, you already know this (and if you aren't following us on social media, what are you waiting for?! Follow us now!). We have recently changed our website name, email addresses, and Instagram handle to fgsdurham. Please use our new address www.fgsdurham.com the next time you visit our website. Tag us in a post with #fgsdurham or @fgsdurham! We love seeing the pictures you take while you are here!
THIS Saturday, February 23, 2019
Caring for houseplants made simple! Debbi will help you choose houseplants that will work well with your lighting. Get to know the best varieties that remove indoor toxins and are safe for pets and family. The seminar is free, but registration is required.
Please register by Friday at noon!Only a few spots left! Email caroline@fgsdurham.com  or call Caroline at 919-484-9759, ext. 101.
Our  blog   is updated weekly with posts to educate and help you bring green home. Spring is the perfect time to plant trees! A flowering cherry tree would be the perfect pick! Find out more in this week's post! Or if you missed it last week, read last week's post about the Redbud . Our website also has information about all three divisions at FGS:   Garden Center Landscape Design and Installation   and  Lawn Maintenance .
Spring is also the time to get your lawn and landscape ready! Whether you are looking for year-round maintenance or a one-time landscape design and installation, FGS can make it happen! Request an estimate for lawn maintenance or design consultation for landscaping today!
We post daily to Instagram and Facebook to keep you up to speed with the latest information about what we are up to, what's in stock, or all the fun we're having!
For Garden's Sake | 919.484.9759| www.fgsdurham.com