In the spirit of growth and learning, I hope you'll find something that resonates in this month's email. If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.
Help Me Help You
As with many things, the more effort you put into coaching, the more you will get out of it. My latest article for SmartBrief on Leadership shares four ways you can get more from coaching.

Stop Procrastinating
How to Stop Procrastinating offers strategies to attend to those things you're putting off.

Ideacast interview on same topic.

Burning Up
A bit of inspiration for everyone in Adam Grant's interview with Dolly Parton. One of my favorite pieces: "I don't have time to burnout, I'm burning up. Energy begets energy and creativity begets creativity." 

Boosting Retention
Many employees craving on-the-job professional development. 3 Ways to Boost Retention Through Professional Development does just that. [My favorite offer coaching beyond the C-suite,]

More on Boosting Retention
Check out this practical article on having "stay" conversations with your team. Let's Call It A Retention Review

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If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.