As we get grounded in new year, many of us are exploring new opportunities, charting new paths and building new skills. Here are five resources to inspire your journey.
In my latest article for SmartBrief on Leadership, I share six difference-makers for staying on track to reach your goals.  

Subscriber bonus: download my How to be a Goal-Getter worksheet.
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Habit making and breaking is a perennial new year topic. This Hidden Brain episode looks at research around how to build good habits and break bad ones.
Increasing Impact (to reduce burnout)
Liz Wiseman offers practical advice on how to reduce burnout by increasing your impact rather than decreasing your workload.
If you're inspired to up your leadership skills in 2022, this Inc. article shares three things from four entrepreneurs that will help you be a better leader.
This Hello Monday episode on Reinventing Yourself may inspire you to take a leap.

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