Main Street Alabama kicked off 2020 in great style with a new Main Street Alabama's, three well-attended new city application workshops, quarterly training planned and ready to go, and a great start on our annual conference "the LAB."

Main Street Alabama commissioned Pilcrow Pictures to produce two videos for our organization. Main Street Alabama staff, Marylon Barkan, Trisha Black and myself worked in four communities to get the footage and interviews needed for the videos. My special thanks go to Marylon Barkan, Marketing & Communication Coordinator, for her tireless efforts to bring this project to a very successful conclusion. Marylon left us at the end of December on this very high note. We will miss her and her creative spirit and wish her all the best in her new endeavors.

In our next newsletter we will feature a new service we offer; "Ready to Recruit." We work with Downtown Professionals Network on this technical assistance and training service designed for communities needing to identify or better profile business types that might be targeted for expansion and recruitment and are seeking to take the scope of Economic Vitality and business development efforts to a new level. We are currently providing this service to Anniston and Gadsden.

Just a few of the things we have going on! Always busy creating jobs and keeping character in Alabama!