September Calendar
Check out our Fall events and reminders!
First Pet Hugs of Fall
Tuesday Sept 4, 12-1pm on Upper Sproul
Welcome New Students!
Find your GBO photo on facebook!
Five Wellness Tips to Kick off the Semester
Do your checkups! 
Take advantage of your health insurance and do three things: get your physical, dental cleaning, and annual eye exam.
      • Students with SHIP, physicals and dental cleanings are free and annual eye exams are $10. 
      • If you have different insurance, you can STILL use the Tang Center for your checkups. Check with your insurance on coverage prior to your checkup at Tang.
Take advantage of discounted prices at the Tang Center Pharmacy!   
Over-the-counter medications and contraceptive products (condoms, diaphragms jelly, etc.) are offered at discounted prices! Generic prescriptions are also FREE for students with SHIP.
If you're having sex, have safe sex.
-  Cal bears don't go bare-use a condom every time. Condoms at the Tang Center Pharmacy are less than $3 for 10!
You can order contraception such as the pill, patch, or ring through eTang 
without a medical appointment.
- Self-directed STI testing is available without an appointment through the eTang patient portal.
Eat well to feel well.
Try a healthy sample and get easy recipes at our various food demonstrations on campus! Recipes from demonstrations are also available afterwards online! Have a specific nutrition question? Come to nutrition drop-in at the Tang Center on Wednesdays from 2:30-5pm and ask a registered dietitian

Talk to an advice nurse.

Think you have a cold but aren't sure what to do? Have a headache that isn't going away? Ask an advice nurse or get preventative tips and help. You don't need an appointment! 

Interested in student health?  Do you want to voice the health issues of your communities? UHS is looking for both undergraduate and graduate students to join the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). Applications accepted through September and priority given to those who submit by August 31.  Learn more and apply.

Have a great first month of the Fall semester! Go Bears!

Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |