Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - August 25, 2024 | |
Five Minutes for Gratefulness | |
This past Sunday, Mtr. Pamela suggested in her sermon that we set aside some time to be grateful to God. You might be wondering just how to do that.
This is what I have been doing for the last few months. First, I wrote down moments in my life I am grateful for. These include simple, even silly, moments like my 8th birthday when I got the Star Wars Ewok Village playset(!) to the life-changing moment I met my wife, Andrea. Now, I set a timer and take five minutes every morning and evening to quietly be present in one of those memories on my list. I make a point to feel the gratefulness those moments bring out of me and aim that gratefulness toward God.
I don’t want to overstate this, but I will say, making gratefulness into a daily activity has changed some things in me. I am more immediately aware of God’s goodness than I have been in the past. I have a more positive view of the world and the things that happen in it. In short, I am much more deeply aware of all the ways I have been blessed.
I am also doing something that fits very well with what the Bible commands. We are meant to purposely remember what God has done for us and be grateful. Psalm 42.6 says “my soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you.” Psalm 77.11 says “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” And of course each Sunday, we all remember together Jesus’ offering of himself for us. “This is my body… this is my blood… do this in remembrance of me.”
Consider giving gratefulness some space in your day. I did, and I am, um, grateful for it.
God bless,
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P.S. Starting in September, a group is going to begin gathering at 1pm for half-priced senior lunch at IHOP on the third Wednesday of the month (Sept. 18). | |
September Events: Mark Your Calendars | |
Epiphany will be holding our second annual Chili Cook-Off and Dad Joke Contest after the 10:15am service on September 15. Start testing your chili recipe! On September 18, Epiphany seniors are invited to a lunch gathering at IHOP in Chantilly at 1pm. Lunch is half price for seniors! On September 21, Epiphany's women are invited to a brunch at Amphora in Herndon beginning at 10am. Also, Epiphany families are invited to our Fall Family Camping Trip at Matthews Arm National Park September 27-28. Expect sign-ups and more details about these coming activities in the weeks ahead.
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South Sudan Bishop at Epiphany Sunday | |
We will welcome the Rt. Rev. Abraham Yel Nhial, bishop of the Awiel Diocese and acting archbishop of Northern Bahr, an archdiocese of nine dioceses in the Anglican Church in South Sudan on Sunday, August 25. Bishop Abraham attended seminary with Fr. Peter.
Before coming to seminary, Bishop Abraham was one of about 35,000 Sudanese "Lost Boys" who walked more than 1,000 miles to freedom after their homes were overrun by radical islamists in Sudan. These radicals killed many and destroyed entire villages of those who did not convert. Over the last few years, South Sudan and Sudan have experienced war, famine, and governmental breakdown. Bishop Abraham will be preaching at 8am and 10:15am on August 25. You can learn more about Bishop Abraham, his diocese, and the ministries he is building here.
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Changing Ministry at Coates this Fall | |
For more than a decade Epiphany has partnered with Coates Elementary School in Herndon to provide weekend meals for students who rely on free breakfasts and lunches at school. In the past we have delivered weekend food bags to the school. Now, the school has decided to end the food bag effort and instead create a food pantry to help parents feed their children on weekends. We need non-perishable donations such as canned meats, soups, stews, vegetables and fruits. Cereal, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, dried beans, rice, and healthy snacks are also needed. All must be peanut and tree nut-free. Donations will be needed throughout the school year and can be placed in the large container next to the receptionist’s desk. Cash donations can also be made specifying Coates. Once a month we will be making a delivery to the school so please watch for the dates. Any questions? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Melanie Kobos ( | |
Join Epiphany's Choir Sept. 5 | |
The new choir season kicks off on September 5 with rehearsals every Thursday from 7-8 PM. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir, all are welcome to lift their voices in song. Come be part of our musical community and make a joyful noise together. | |
Seeing and Reading Pilgrim's
Progress this Fall (New Time)
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Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan is arguably the most influential Christian novel in the English language. This fall, the Museum of the Bible is offering a Broadway-quality production recounting Christian's adventurous journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. We are interested in putting together a group from Epiphany to see this production on Saturday, September 22 at 4:00 pm. We can get a 16% discount if we have a group of 10 or more. Please contact Jane Burkett ( or Melanie Kobos ( if you're interested. Starting Sunday, September 29, Jane and Melanie invite you to join them in reading and discussing a modern-language version of the classic text of Pilgrim's Progress at 9:15 on Sunday mornings. Stay tuned for more details, and please reach out if interested! | |
"Sons of Disobedience"
- Not Just a Metal Band
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Join Stand in the Gap Prayer Ministry | |
The Stand in the Gap ministry is one of the ways we pray for our leaders (clergy, staff and Vestry) of our church. It is time to sign up once more for a four month period to pray for our Vestry and Staff from September-December. Thank you to those who have participated in the last four months. Will you consider signing up again to pray, or perhaps you have taken a break and it is time to come back to this ministry. Perhaps you have never participated in this program - consider trying it for this next session. There are no meetings and you pray wherever you are. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Brad Johnson at or call/text 703-599-2709. Our leaders really need your prayers.
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Epiphany Calendar
August 23 - Sept. 1
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Friday, August 23
8:30am Men's Bible Study in Library and via Zoom
9:00am Morning Prayer
Saturday, August 24
9:00am Band of Brothers
Sunday, August 25
8:00am Worship with Holy Communion
9:15am Adult Education
10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)
11:30am Uganda Travelers Meeting
1:15pm & 2:00pm Chantilly Heights
3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship
Monday, August 26
9:00am Morning Prayer
9:30am Ladies Bible Study in Library & via Zoom
Tuesday, August 27
9:00am Morning Prayer
Wednesday, August 28
9:00am Morning Prayer
6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal
Thursday, August 29
9:00am Morning Prayer
Friday, August 30
9:00am Morning Prayer
Saturday, August 31
9:00am Band of Brothers
4:00pm Faith Day Baseball Game
Sunday, September 1
8:00am Worship with Holy Communion
10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)
3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship
If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at
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