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Week 6

The sixth chapter of the season started at Sécure Lodge with good odds; with the right water temperature and weather conditions a run of small “fly size” sábalo arrived into the system. The dorado were also very active, and we followed the baitfish from the lower section all the way to the upper beat looking for dorado feeding frenzies. 

For the ones who don’t know how a feeding frenzy looks, a school of dorado cruises the shallows until the leader decides to start the party. Then it’s chaos: boiling water and sábalo jumping up in the air, trying to get away of their predator’s powerful jaws. And if you land the streamer in the middle of them, is guaranteed that the dorado will smash it. 

This week’s group of four anglers caught good-sized fish in all the beats while fishing floating lines and streamers.


Week 6

Last week we hosted anglers from the USA, and Japan. Weather conditions were exceptional, plus a big school of small sábalo entered both the Pluma and Sécure Rivers.

Every angler got their golden trophy, in both quantity and quality. In addition, pacú fishing on streamers was some of the best since the season began.

Agua Negra

Week 6

Last week we fished with three friends from the United States. The weather was good all week and the fishing even better; the first days of the week we found a large group of migratory sábalo and many dorados attacking them. We were able to follow that group for several days and caught many dorados between 6 and 15 Ibs. We also managed to capture three pacú in the Agua Negra River.

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