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Week 1

Another season starts here at Sécure Lodge. The long wait is already over and we’re back in the water, surrounded by the green forest, blue skies, clear waters, and hungry dorado! This week we hosted a group of seven anglers from all over America; fishermen from Bolivia, Brazil, and the United States came looking for fresh golden bullion.

The week started with extremely low and clear water, which gave us the chance to stalk fish in the shallows while they were chasing sabalo. Then the rains arrived and the water got murky for three days so we had to adapt to different technics, fishing topwater flies as poppers, making noise in the surface. The results were excellent, and we landed several good fish those days.

At the end of the week, the water turned clear once more and two groups decided to go camping and were treated to many chances of sight fishing in the headwaters. Meanwhile, the anglers staying at the lodge wanted to fish the creeks.

Ashahana and Maniquicito Creeks are our “trout spring creeks,” water where every single cast counts. We were lucky enough to land nice-sized fish while sight fishing for resident dorado, and also a big yatorana.

Pacú fishing was low due to the water and air temperature but despite that, we connected two that unfortunately won the battle.


Week 1

The season began with a heavy rain that prevented fishing during the first day, and the high level of the river would remain throughout the week, generating both changing water color and temperature. Here in Pluma we received six American and two Chilean anglers. With the assistance of our guides, everyone finished the week with good-sized dorado, as well as several failed bites. They also managed to capture a pacú, which is not normal at the beginning of the season.

Agua Negra

Week 1

We start this new season with many expectations, new structures, and a good water level. The weather was not with us during this first week, but we still had an excellent week with five great people from South Africa. A big rain carne the first day causing the rivers to rise and the temperature to drop, impacting the fishing for most of the week! But even with bad conditions we were able to find excellent results, capturing more than seven dorado over 14 Ibs. and four big pacú!

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