Law & Life
Get it Done in '21--Why not you?
This month, the focus is on all you can achieve this year if set up right in 2021. As a fitness coach and also an attorney that focuses on fiscal fitness, I've learned that both will power and motivation are at our disposal. That's right. We create them by taking small, successful steps each day.
21 Reasons to get a Plan in '21
There is no shortage of good reasons to organize your life for your loved ones. Indeed, we found 21 great ones to help you banish procrastination and move forward to enjoying this beautiful life.

Fiscally Fit and Physically Fit
Physically fit, emotionally fit and financially fit. They all take the same techniques. What's your goal for 2021? Eat less, workout more, curb spending? (I'm on Day 17 of my workout program!)

My Parental Fears Created My Law Firm
My son, Gianni, never really slept as a baby/toddler. These endless nights alone in the dark, rocking him to sleep, turned my passionate feelings about his protection into my law practice.

January Bonus
Law of Attraction Binder
Have you seen this planner?

As our mindset towards our goals is so important and because the goal, more than anything, is for you to be successful, I'm gifting this highly-popular and effective Law of Attraction Planner to all of my new January clients.
This planner helps banish overwhelm, reduce anxiety, focus on short and long-term goals and more. This, coupled with either getting your estate plan taken care of, creating your new business, or taking hold of your fiscal/physical fitness goals will give you that head start in 2021 to be amazing!
The Parent Spot
Little Kids & Estate Planning
Take a free course to learn how to secure your kids.

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