Ordinary Time

Monday, July 15, 2024

To live into the Gospel Message of Love as a community committed to offering hope to the world.


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Pastor's Corner


Last week, on Tuesday, I was invited to the grand opening of the Family Respite Room at The Gathering Inn's south campus here in Roseville. As some might remember, a quarter of our Easter Offering this year went to support this new initiative that was designed to create a safe, family-friendly space for program participants with children. The room was previously a run-down storage room. It now has new flooring, comfortable seating, toys, diaper changing area, cubbies for personal belongings, and privacy cubicles for children to rest during the day.

It gave me great joy to know that we had a small part in creating this necessary space for families working towards permanent housing. Well done, First Church!

There is, this Friday, another opportunity to be in community with our neighbors and collaborative partners. Come to 'Fun at First Church' Community Resource Festival on Friday, July 19, 4-7 p.m. in Backman Hall. This is a great way to meet our neighbors, learn more about resources in our area, and celebrate our building community here at First Church.

Jesus and his disciples were engaged in the various communities around them, bringing a word of peace, healing touch, and opportunities for new life. This is the work we are called to and I am glad to serve with you in this way.

See you later,

Meet Our New Episcopal Leader: Bishop Sandra K. Olewine

Bishop Sandra K. Olewine was elected on the 17th ballot on Friday, July 12 at the 2024 Western Jurisdictional Conference and was assigned by the Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy to serve as the resident bishop of the California-Nevada Conference effective September 1, 2024. Welcome, Bishop Olewine!

FYI - Pastor Angel on Vacation July 20-July 27

Please note that Pastor Angel will be unavailable from Saturday, July 20 through Saturday, July 27. If you have a pastoral care concern, please reach out to one of our Lay Leaders (Jan Sechrist, Ruth Ann Baker, Kathleen Mirtoni) and they will connect you, if necessary, with a pastor-on-call. Rev. Kristen Gallagher will be the preacher on Sunday, July 21.

This Week @ First Church | Mon., 7/15 - Sun., 7/21


  • Church Office - 9:00 a.m. to Noon
  • Helping Hands Monday Meal - Noon. For more info or to volunteer, see Kathleen or Eleanor.


  • Evening Prayer Service - 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.
  • Church Council & Finance Combined Meeting - 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.


  • Church Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to Noon
  • Creative Christian Crafters - Not Meeting This Week.
  • Funeral Service for John Forbes - 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary.


  • Holy Grounds Lectionary Study - 8 a.m., Fig Tree Coffee (217 Vernon Street)


  • Church Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to Noon
  • 'Fun at First Church' Community Resource Festival - 4-7 p.m., Backman Hall.


  • Worship with Rev. Kristen Gallagher preaching - 10:15 a.m., Sanctuary. Refreshments to follow in Backman Hall.

July 2024 Birthdays!

7/11, Juel Kincheloe

7/11, Jonah Berkley

7/14, Janice Gaitor

7/14, David Provine

7/16, Thom King

7/22, Pastor Angel

7/29, EJ Thomas

7/31 Dennis Bull

Looking Ahead & Parish Updates

Funeral Service for John Forbes: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary with a reception to follow in Backman Hall.

UMC Western Jurisdictional Conference Recap: To learn more about what happened in Spokane, WA, visit the website here.

Holy Grounds Lectionary Study: Bring your Bible and join us as we reflect on the main scripture for the following Sunday's message. We meet on Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Fig Tree Coffee (217 Vernon Street).

Dive into Summer Time, 'Fun at First Church' Community Resource Festival: Friday, July 19, 4-7 p.m., Backman Hall. Water slide, smoothie bike, story time, resources, crafts, and community for all! Come, be in community! Volunteers are also welcome. For more info, contact Jan Sechrist.

'Back to School' Supplies Drive: We're collecting school supplies for our friends at Woodbridge Elementary School until Sunday, August 4. Click here for the supply wish-list.

From the Treasurer: Weekly Giving (7/8-7/15)

Pledge Giving - $945.00

Non-Pledge Giving - $584.00

Designated Giving - $12.00

Total: $1,541.00

Connect with Our Pastor: Rev. Angel Rivero

Pastor Angel is available by appointment Sunday through Thursday. You may schedule an appointment with him by email, phone, or through the Church Office. He is also in the Church Office on Mondays from 9:00 am to Noon for possible "drop-in". Please note that he is typically unavailable on Fridays and Saturdays for his personal / sabbath time (unless otherwise noted).

Email Pastor Angel

First United Methodist Church of Roseville is a part of the Great Northern District of the California-Nevada Conference of The United Methodist Church.

"Following Jesus. Thriving in Community. Healing the World."

"To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

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