Easter represents new beginnings, life after death, light in the darkness, and newfound energy in our journeys of discipleship.
This Easter we get to arrive at the empty tomb while it is still dark. An Easter Sunrise experience gives us an opportunity to participate in Resurrection joy breaking through the darkness. If you have not attended an Easter Sunrise service, I encourage you to try it this year at 6:30am on the front lawn. Then, I invite you to come back at 11:00am as we raise our voices and sing praises to the Living God!
On Easter morning we will read John’s account of Jesus’ resurrection. You are encouraged to read our scripture and ponder it in your heart. (John 20:1-18)
Together we will ask ourselves the questions Jesus asks Mary, “why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” We will hear Mary’s eyewitness account of the empty tomb and join her in announcing, “I have seen the Lord!”
We will be called by name and sent out to proclaim the good news of the Risen Lord!