September 2024 Newsletter

Our Vision:
We aspire to be a beacon of
liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service,
rooted in Love.
Liberal Religion

From the Minister

Welcome back and welcome home. The summer weather might be hanging on — yet we are solidly in our fall swing here at First Parish!

Our service will celebrate our coming together, be a blessing of the backpacks, and include a special water ceremony. Whether you will be in the Sanctuary or online, please bring a small amount of water that represents an important moment from your summer and your backpack, or computer bag, or whatever symbolizes the work of the season for you.

As we did last year, upon entering the Sanctuary each will be handed an index card - please be prepared to write a sentence (or two at the most) as to what meaning the water holds for you. Not necessarily from whence the water springs - but why it’s important to you. These are a few samplings from last year: “This is from the lake near where my daughter was married in July.” “I learned to swim at the pool at the Y.” “This is from my kitchen faucet. We stayed home this

summer and it was wonderful.” “This is from a beach in Maine where we said goodbye to my grandmother.” “From my dog's water bowl. I love my dog.” The cards will be collected with the Offering and later in the service we will mix our water together as I read each of the cards. 

The water ceremony part of the service will be done in four parts beginning with a call of one of the directions. An usher will invite a quarter of the congregation up to pour your water as a reader and I share the cards as our waters are mixed together. Breathe! It always sounds more confusing in theory. So to recap, write on your card, put it in the offering basket and then when the time comes wait for the usher to give you your cue.

I am so grateful for your presence in my life and how each and every one of you is such an important part of the life here at First Parish. When you come to service on Sunday the 8th, remember to bring your water and your backpacks but also bring your thoughts, inspiration, energy and hope for our year ahead — a year in which we will continue to tend to each other and our larger world as we tend and nurture our own spirits.

See you soon!



Rev. Erin (she/her), Interim Minister

A Month of Sundays

In September 2024

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

No Service

Sunday, September 8th Annual Water and Backpack Service

Rev. Erin Splaine

Sunday, September 15th

Rev. Erin Splaine

Sunday, September 22nd

Rev. Erin Splaine

Sunday, September 29th

Rev. Erin Splaine

Notes from the Music Director

September brings exciting times ahead, and I look forward to leading music at First Parish one

more year!

Our choir rehearses each Sunday from 9:00-10:00 in the sanctuary. Anyone in 7th grade or older is welcome to join us.

Our Choral anthems this month:

9/8 - The Water Remembers by Jason Shelton.

9/15 - More Than Welcome Here by Bryan Sirchio and Richard Colligan.

The chorus:

More than welcome here, this is home, we belong!

9/22 - Draw the Circle Wide by Gordon Light and Mark Miller

9/29 - NO ANTHEM

September 29th service: I will be out of town for my daughter Sophie’s wedding in Hudson New York. Micah M. a Scituate High School student, will play the piano for the service. Micah has studied the piano for many years with local teachers and attends First Parish Cohasset.

Beth D. (she/her),

Happenings for the Month of September 2024

at First Parish


Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the church.

Finance/Endowment Committees

Tuesday, September 10. 7:00 p.m. at the church.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the church.

Parish Committee Meeting

Thursday, September 12, 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Minister Search Committee

Sunday, September 15, 2024

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the church.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the church.

Social Justice Committee (Zoom)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. over Zoom.

Zoom link here.

Meeting ID: 876 4268 3025

Passcode: 668783

Minister Search Committee

Sunday, September 22, 2024

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the church.

Canning Lessons

Sunday, September 22, 2024

~12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the church kitchen.


Finance/Endowment Committees

Tuesday, September 24. 7:00 p.m. at the church.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the church

Canning Lessons

Sunday, September 29, 2024

~12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the church kitchen.

Minister Search Committee News

Hello! We have had a busy summer planning for our Fall search for our new minister. We are asking each and every one of our members and friends to plan to attend one or all of our planned Focus Groups that will help guide our search. On Sunday, September 15 we will participate in the worship making a covenant with you as we go forward with our search. The dates and times for the Focus Groups are:

Sunday, September 15, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm in the Old Sloop Room after Coffee Hour

Sunday, September 22, 12:00 - 1:30 in the Old Sloop Room after Coffee Hour

Thursday, September 26, 7 pm- 8:30 via Zoom

We are also in the process of having a virtual UUA led workshop called B4 - Break Barriers, Build Beliefs - it will be important for as many of our members and friends to attend this crucial workshop to assist us in our search. We will publish the date and time when it is scheduled with the UUA.


Search Committee 

Laura C.

 Mary B.

Maryann P.

Abby D.

Jim D.

Transformative Service
Social Justice and Denominational Affairs

September Special Collection - This month’s Social Justice Collection will be donated to the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA).

  • MIRA’s vision is for a commonwealth - and a nation - where all can thrive, no matter where they came from or how they got here, and all can fully participate in their community’s social, economic, and civic life. MIRA Coalition’s mission is to convene, serve, and organize together with its members, community leaders, and allies for the advancement of all immigrants across the Commonwealth and beyond. MIRA Coalition places immigrant and refugee voices at the forefront to advocate for the well-being of our communities.
  • On Sunday, September 8, you can donate to MIRA by placing cash or check in the collection plate when it is passed. Alternatively, you can donate to MIRA at any time by going to the First Parish website (type “MIRA” in the notations box) or directly to MIRA by going to their website
  • You can also visit uumassaction to find out how you can get involved in UU Mass Action’s Immigrant Justice activities.

September Social Justice Meeting - Zoom - The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 18 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. All are invited to our online meeting.  

Ellen I. , (she/her) Social Justice and Denominational Affairs Committee Chair

Strong Community

Game Night

There will be a Game Night at the church. Come enjoy the night and bring a game or two that you like or a deck of cards.


Happy September! 

The church Fididdlers crafting group invites you to join us Wednesday nights from 7-9 pm starting in September for Snowflake Fair crafting projects and personal projects. It’s a great time to meet with other church members, join in stimulating conversation, and learn easy-to-do crafts. You don’t need to be crafty- everything is very simple and we have all the supplies needed. For the month of September, we will be meeting at the following church members houses:

09/04 7 pm Eileen K.

09/11 7 pm Eileen K.

09/18 7 pm Suzanne O.

09/25 7 pm Mary Ann P.

There is a blue donation box in the church foyer for craft donations.  We are looking for EPOXY 6000 craft glue, colored glass flower vases, wine corks, red fabric, small shells, and thin craft paint brushes, ¼-1/2 inch wide, 1/8” grosgrain ribbon colors red, white, and green.

New Canners Wanted! 

Grandma‘s Cupboard is recruiting for the fall canning season. If you have canned in the past or are ready to try something new, we invite you to join our group as we prepare for the snowflake fair.

If you are 15 years old or older, come and learn this delicious craft, this is a skill that the whole family can learn and enjoy as you help the church. 

Please notify Mary Ann P.

Thank you!

Suzanne O.

Eileen K.

September Monthly Calendar 2024

Click here for the latest calendar