May 2024 Newsletter
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a beacon of
liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service,
rooted in Love.
Liberal Religion
From the Minister

First Parish Wants You….To Become A Member!

With Annual Meeting just over a month away – now is the time for you to make
the leap of faith and sign the First Parish membership book. Although everyone is
encouraged to attend Annual Meeting only signed members can vote. You all have
important issues in front of you. Now is the perfect time to commit to First Parish as you make important decisions that impact the years to come. In order to be able to vote at Annual Meeting all members must have signed the book one month in advance.

So why become a member? Why not just stay a committed friend? First Parish in
Scituate (FPUU) is the blending of individuals into a community of caring. You all arrive together each having come from different beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences in a shared search for truth and meaning. Everyone has a place here and everyone is a member of your community. Yet there is another step beyond being a member of the community and that is becoming a signed member of your congregation. Membership in this congregation requires no creedal commitment; our free faith imposes no standardized expectation regarding theology, spiritual practice, or belief.

If you have just begun attending services at FPUU — I am glad you are here. If
FPUU has been your spiritual home for the last few years or so — I am glad you are here. If FPUU has been your spiritual home for decades — I am glad you are here. Regardless of how long you have been connected to this community, I hope that you have found or are finding that FPUU makes a difference in your life, giving it greater strength, depth, significance, and direction. I hope that you feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the liberal religious values this congregation represents. I hope that you have found or are finding here a community that is worthy of your support, your ideas, and your energy.

I’ll have the Membership Book available this Sunday for anyone who is ready to
make the next step.



Rev. Erin (she/her), Interim Minister

A Month of Sundays
In May 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024
Rev. Erin and others from the congregation.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
This I Believe - Sarah and Rev. Erin
Sunday, May 19, 2024
This I Believe - Diane and
Rev. Erin

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Notes from the Music Director

Thank you to Cathy, Noah, Howard, Mark, and Carol for providing the music on April 21st.

Our Choir Anthems for May and June :

May 5: When the Poor Ones by Jose Antonio Olivar and Miguel Manzano

May 12: A Peaceful Bach Canon arranged by Jean Anne Shafferman

May 19: Answering the Call of Love by Jason Shelton

May 26: Circle Round for Freedom by Linda Hirschhorn

June 2: How Could Anyone by Libby Roderick

* Brave by Sara Barielles to be sung by Cathy

June 9: What a Wonderful World by Bob Thiele and George Weiss.

Choir Rehearsals continue Sunday mornings - 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Anyone in 7th grade or older is welcome to come sing with us!

On Mother’s Day ( May 12th) all the music I play will be my Woman Composers:

Elisabetta de Gambarini, Louise Farrenc, Catherine Rollin, and I’m going to play the song “Beautiful Noise” which was created by an all-female songwriting team consisting
of Alicia Keys, Brandi Carlile, Brandy Clark, Hillary Lindsey, Lori McKenna, Hailey Whitters, Linda Perry, and Ruby Amanfu.

Beth (she/her)

Happenings for the Month of May 2024
at First Parish

Game Night
Friday, May 3, 5:30 p.m. at the church.

Anti-Racist Working Group
Sunday, May 5, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the church.

Finance and Endowment Committees
Tuesday, May 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Parish Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 9, 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Spring Fair (Plant Sale)
Saturday, May 11, 2024,
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the church.

Social Justice Committee (Zoom)
Thursday, May 16, 2024, at
7:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 16, 2024,
9:00 a.m. at the church.

Friday, May 17, 2024, 9:00 a.m. at the church.

Movie Night - Social Justice Committee
Friday, May 17, 2024, 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Anti-Racist Working Group
Sunday, May 19, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the church.

Anti-Racist Working Group
Sunday, May 26, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the church.

Private Event
Friday, May 31, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at the church.
Transformative Service
Social Justice and Denominational Affairs
Movie screening and discussion Fri., May 17
80% of Americans don’t think they have ever met a trans person, so everything they know about trans people comes from film and television. DISCLOSURE is an unprecedented look into 100 years of transgender images on screen, showing how Hollywood’s projections affect the ways people see trans people and how trans people see themselves. Please join us at the church on 5/17 at 7 pm to view the movie, followed by discussion led by Social Justice Committee members. This event is open to the public. Please invite people you know to join us for this important discussion.

May Special Collection
The Social Justice Committee has selected World Central Kitchen (WCK) to be the recipient of the donations to the plate on Sunday May 5 and donations via the First Parish website earmarked for WCK during the month of May. WCK responds to natural disasters, man-made crises, and humanitarian emergencies around the world. Their team mobilizes quickly to get meals to the people who need them most. They leverage local resources, and provide comforting nourishing meals in a time of crisis that are so much more than a plate of food—it's hope, it's dignity, and it's a sign that someone cares. In addition to their work in Ukraine, Haiti, Japan and other places around the world, WCK announced recently that they are resuming their humanitarian aid in Gaza following the tragic loss of 7 of their workers killed by an IDF strike on April 1. If you prefer, you can support the work of WCK by donating directly via their website.

May Meeting of the Social Justice Committee
Please join us on Thursday, May 16 on Zoom from 7 - 8:30 pm. Included in this month’s agenda will be plans for the Pride breakfast we are co-sponsoring with St. Luke’s on June 29 and looking ahead to the summer and plans for the new church year in the fall.

Day of Observance (from the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal)
May 17th is the 20th anniversary of Gay Marriage in MA . On that date in 2003, couples all across the state filled Town Halls obtaining marriage licenses and getting married. It was a day filled with love and happiness.

Anti-Racism Working Group -
Conor invites you all to take part in the remaining meetings of an experiential conversation series on Sundays after Coffee Hour during in May, and June that will explore our own biases and the role we play in a white supremacy culture. The remaining dates are: May 5th, May 19th, May 26th, June 2nd. In this Sunday’s meeting we will be discussing Part 4/Confronting Whiteness. You can attend if you missed earlier ones, but it is preferable that you read/watch the materials from the missed weeks before joining. If you have any questions please email Conor.

Join the UU Church in Norwell on the First Saturday of each Month:
Ellen,(she/her) Social Justice and Denominational Affairs Committee Chair
Strong Community
Around the Parish
Sharing Sad News

Dear members and friends of First Parish,

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that Gail, a long-time member of the congregation, died Wednesday, April 22, 2024. She was 90 years old. We offer our sympathy to her children and her friends.

You may read more about Gail in her obituary.   
Ship Shape Day
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, there will be a Ship Shape Day to help keep Scituate clean and spend time outside with our First Parish UU community! For more information, visit Ship Shape Day.
Game Night Friday, May 3, 2024,
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
On Friday, May 3, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., there will be a Game Night at the church. Game Night is hosted by Conor.

Come enjoy the night and bring a game or two that you like or a deck of cards.

Spring Fair
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Join in the fun! Please consider donating, volunteering, and shopping at our Spring Fair on May 11, 2024! The Spring Fair is one of our annual fundraisers and is a really fun event. It’s very easy to participate, even if you won’t be around on the day of the event.

If you have Perennials in your garden that are in need of dividing, please pot some up and bring them to the church the day of the fair or no earlier than a couple of days before the fair if you are not going to be in town on May 11. There are lots of pots available in the church garage. Please tag your donations with a description of what they are, including colors. Unless it is obvious what it is, the better the
description, the more likely it is to be sold! You can even attach a photo if you have one. If something is very special, you can recommend a price for it. Otherwise, we will price it along with other perennials.

For questions about donating perennials, or to volunteer to help sell them, please reach out to Ellen.

If you have extra Seedlings that you can donate or want to help sell seedlings, please let Vicki know, including whether they were grown organically or using conventional soil. Please plan to bring your seedlings to the fair the morning of, or no earlier than the day before.

There will also be a free Seed Planting activity for children!

Calling all bakers! Please let Janie know if you can donate Baked Goods, or if you would like to help with sales the day of the event. Baked goods should be dropped off first thing in the morning on the day of the fair.

If you would like to donate Crafts or help at the crafts table, please reach out to Eileen.

Pretty native seed jars are available for children to give to mom. Please contact Jane, if you have questions.
Cleaning out your basement, garage, or attic? Please bring your Yard Sale items the day of the Fair. You should plan to arrive by 8:00 to unload your car and then move your car over to the Senior Center or Ball Field parking lot. You are responsible for selling your own items, including providing your own petty cash
or using your own Venmo account, and we request that you donate 50-100% of the proceeds to the church. You are also responsible for taking any unsold items with you at the end of the day. If you have any questions about the yard sale, please reach out to Jean.

We are also looking for additional volunteers to help promote the Spring Fair, and to set up, serve as floaters, and/or clean up on the day of the event. Please let Jean or Cathie know if you can help with any of these activities.

Any other questions or suggestions, please contact any member of the Finance Committee or the Fididdlers! We hope to see you at the church on Saturday, May 11!


4th of July Fun at Ferry Beach!
July 2-6, 2024

Fourth of July Fun for Everyone! A multi-generational retreat with adventures for all!

Imagine yourself, or your loved ones sitting seaside in the sand celebrating the 4th of July! Days filled with non-stop fun or relaxation! A fabulous firework display visible from the beach on the 4th of July. A celebratory cookout, all-you-can-eat with live music by ONWARD, dancing, and various games & activities.

Want a snapshot of what your days could look like?
For four mornings, wake up to the sound of the ocean, the fresh sea salt air and head down to the boardwalk to capture the sunrise. Feel the swift ocean breeze and hear the sounds of the birds singing about. If you're looking for a thrilling morning, join in the traditional Ferry Beach polar bear swims into the ocean. If you're looking for a more relaxing morning, enjoy your morning coffee from the comfort of a rocking chair on the porch, until the aroma of fresh cooked bacon, eggs and pancakes, French toast... comes to call. After a delicious meal embark on your daily adventure, joining in one of the many amazing workshops (see below), the pop-up afternoon activities (arts & crafts, bum volleyball, games, music) beach time, free time to read, chat, or enjoy an ice cream with a new friend & enjoy campfire s'mores to end an amazing day.

This Year's Workshops...
Theater Arts
Actors, singers, dancers, gymnasts, acrobats, musicians, mimes, clowns.... experienced or novice, however you like to perform- bring your talents. Also calling visual artists and crafters- want to help make props, costumes, and set pieces? Once we know what talents are in the room- both obvious and hidden- our director, Jesica will help us craft a theatrical performance unique to Ferry Beach. 

In this relaxing workshop, we’ll explore the natural world around Ferry Beach, from the beach to the woods. We’ll play some fun games based on ecological principles, and practice some outdoors skills. We’ll talk about a few Ecojustice Elders, people who furthered the principles of both economic justice and ecological justice. And we might even dissect some flowers. 

Come surround yourself in nature!
Join the Band
Come channel your inner rock star! This 3 day workshops is for those of all different levels. You'll learn how to jam & play with others with song arranging and playing from charts. Over 40 charts provided! There will be plenty of opportunities to practice and perform later in the week.

Workshop leaders are Rudy, drummer Chuck and bass John from Onward & the Ferry Beach monthly jam. Designed for ages 14+ (younger for youth with musical experience).

Spiritual Arts
Come let your creativity shine!

Join Robi as we play with some of the most popular artistic mediums that Ferry Beach has to offer! From Fashion Art and Recycled Treasures to Nature Photography and Beach Sculptures. Artists of all talents and levels are invited to come and discover the joy of art. Art at Ferry Beach is always judgment free!.  
Pricing per Person:
Lodging: (Includes Meals, Conference Fee discounted)
- Adult: $313.60 
- Youth: $245.60 

Commuting: (Includes Conference Fees + lunch only)
- Adult: $240 ($60 per day) 
- Youth: (ages 9-17): $180 ($45 per day)
- Child: (Under age 8): Free 

Lodging Prices Vary Based on Selection. 

Individual Membership: $35.00
​Family Membership: $60.00

Membership must be paid to attend any Ferry Beach program and is due annually. Need to renew your membership?

No matter what stage of life you are in, you can find this to be a fulfilling experience. There will even be an optional multigenerational bridging workshop and ritual for anyone transitioning to a next chapter in life.

So come join us for days of fun as you and your family members choose what is most inspiring and fun for YOU! 
Weekly Announcements and Previews

The Countdown is On!
General Assembly is just two months away. We can't wait to bring you this year's inspiring sessions, engaging workshops, and opportunities to connect with UUs from all over. Be sure to follow General Assembly on Facebook and Instagram for updates!

The UUA Board of Trustees invites all first-time and returning attendees to a live webinar on May 29. Learn more about what you'll experience at this year's General Assembly, including how to access the delegate portal, navigating the GA app, and information on the Commission on Social Witness.

On-Demand Workshops Open June 1
General Assembly offers dozens of informative and inspiring on-demand workshops. Beginning on June 1, registered GA attendees will have access to workshops via the GA event app, powered by Whova.

Here are a few highlights from GA 2024's many workshops:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I make connections during the virtual General Assembly?

A: You'll be able to connect with fellow attendees in a variety of ways throughout General Assembly. Through the Whova conference app, you can:

Join daily interactive Cohort groups that match your interests alongside others who share them.

Explore the app's Community Board for interest groups, caucuses, and affinity spaces where you can find kindred spirits.

Attend virtual meet-ups and visit chat rooms for socializing and networking.

Meet with theological schools and UU professional organizations and fill your shopping cart with items from the bookstore and other merchandise retailers.
Secure your spot at the virtual 2024 General Assembly. Enjoy dynamic speakers, transformative worship, and exclusive access to on-demand programming. Be part of this extraordinary gathering!

We're Hiring!
The UUA is looking for a full-time GA Events Administrator. Learn about this position and how to apply.

That's all for this week!
May's Monthly Calendar 2024