July 2024 Newsletter

Our Vision:
We aspire to be a beacon of
liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service,
rooted in Love.
Liberal Religion

From the Minister

Dear Everyone at First Parish,

Yes, Everyone. The very sweet card Michelle and I opened which congratulated us on our wedding (which also contained a very generous gift) was signed, “From Everyone at First Parish.” So, thank you to everyone at First Parish for your kindness and generosity.

Michelle and I were married Thursday afternoon on the front steps of her shop with 120 or so friends and family in attendance, a few enthralled folks passing by, and a supportive UPS driver. We pivoted from our wedding to a protest march to Town Hall reminding folks why it’s important to vote this November, and then spent a glorious evening on the beach for our reception. It was a good day.

I hope that the summer ahead is full of good days, rest, and replenishment for you all. The year we had together was fruitful and hopeful. You all deserve some down time before we begin again in the fall.

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.


Everyone in Provincetown

Rev. Erin (she/her), Interim Minister


In July 2024 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, July 21, Gifts: What are they and how do you use yours?


Sunday, July 28, History

Mary Ann /Jen

Happenings for the Month of July 2024

at First Parish

Finance and Endowment Committees

Tuesday, July 16, at 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Social Justice Committee (Zoom)

Thursday, July 18, 2024, at

7:00 p.m.

Transformative Service
Social Justice and Denominational Affairs

Pride Breakfast Thank You - Thank you to those who attended this year’s Pride Breakfast, contributed food, and helped with childrens’ activities. We had a wonderful turnout for this joyful event.

A special thank you to Abby for participating as a speaker. She expressed how precious LGBTQ+ rights, like legal marriage, are and how important it is to fight to protect those rights that are now threatened again. In addition to celebrating individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, this was a great opportunity for us to strengthen connections with others in the community who are interested in doing what they can to support LGBTQ+ folks. We will continue to look for opportunities to work with other community groups like our co-sponsors of the Pride Breakfast, St. Lukes and STRIDE, to amplify our voices on issues that align with our UU values.

July Social Justice Committee Meeting - Please join us on Zoom on Thursday, July 18 from 7:00- 8:30 pm. You can attend for any portion of the meeting time.


Monthly Action Hour - We all have a hard time carving out time to support causes about which we really care. UUMass Action’s monthly Action Hour is just that - one hour. You will have the opportunity to hear updates on all of their campaigns and take action such as calling or emailing your legislators , signing petitions and more to support front line and coalition partners. They focus on their key issue areas: climate justice, immigrant justice, criminal law reform, Indigenous Legislative Agenda, and economic justice. You can sign up for the July Action Hour on July 24, 12-1p.m. For a sample of the actions discussed at the last Action Hour see the June guide. 

Ellen,(she/her) , Social Justice and Denominational Affairs Committee Chair

Strong Community


Embrace the new beginning on Wednesday, August 7th, at 11:00 a.m. with a renewed focus on canning. The first week of August marks a fresh start, an opportunity to dive back into the art of canning with enthusiasm and purpose. Please consider donating materials directly to the Fididdlers.


First Parish/Town of Scituate HERITAGE DAY EVENTS:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Come one, come all to First Parish Church’s Root Beer Float Extravaganza, Sunday, August 4, 1:00-5:00 p.m. The Root Beer Float Extravaganza will coincide with Scituate Historical Society’s Lawson Tower Heritage Days visiting hours and bell concert. 

The Root Beer Float Committee is looking for volunteers- teens included- to help with set up, serve, tear down. If you are interested in being involved and stay in Scituate during Heritage Days, please contact Eileen.


Happy 4th!

Suzanne and Eileen

July's Monthly Calendar 2024

Click here for the latest calendar