First Baptist Newsletter | June 13, 2024

The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg exists to help people experience God's gift of life in Jesus.

Worship This Sunday

June 16, 2024 | 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Worship

Because He Lives

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Your Dad

Holy Spirit Come

It Is Well With My Soul



Philippians 4:6-9

Ben Winder

The presence of the Spirit of God in our lives allows us to experience true, eternal peace.

Kids Worship

Our Elementary School kids current theme is Start the Party: Celebrate the Good News in which they're learning about joy. This week they'll learn to celebrate each step of the way as they look at story of Ezra and the rebuilding of the temple in Ezra 3:10-13.

Preschool Worship

Our Preschoolers current theme is Start the Party in which they're also learning about joy. This week they'll learn I can have joy when I do hard things as they also look at story of Ezra and the rebuilding of the temple in Ezra 3:10-13.


Sunday Morning Before Worship

9 a.m. Bible Studies & Choirs

Digging Deeper Class | Room 204

A co-ed group of adults of all ages currently studying the Book of Romans.

Masters Class | Conference Room

A co-ed group of adults of all ages, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Sonshine Class | Heritage Hall

A co-ed group composed primarily of retired adults, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion.

Special Needs Class | Heritage Hall Room 2

This co-ed group for adults with intellectual disabilities is part of our Special Needs Ministry.

Remember the Preschool & Kids Choirs and First Youth & Raising Adults SMBS are taking a summer sabbatical.

10 a.m. Intergenerational Fellowship in the Narthex

Between our 9 a.m. offerings and the beginning of worship each Sunday we offer coffee, juice, and other goodies for you to enjoy in the Narthex. We encourage you to come a few minutes early or stop by after your 9 a.m. activity to spend some time getting to know other members of your church family of all ages. We'll see you Sunday!

Summer Suppers | June 23 & July 21

This summer we want to give you the opportunity to connect with other folks in the First Baptist family around the supper table in one another’s homes.

You can sign up to be host, or sign up to attend dinner at someone else’s home.

The church will assign supper groups.

The host will coordinate food (host provided or potluck style).

It will be informal time of food and fellowship.

Sign up for one or both dates at the link below!


Upcoming Schedule


19-21 - CBF General Assembly - Greensboro, NC

27 - Summer Supper


21 - Summer Supper


4 - Fellowship Lunch | Blood Pressure Clinic

7 - Choir Rehearsal Resumes

11 - Promotion Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks

18 - Discover First Baptist Lunch

Contact Us

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg

1900 Gandy Blvd N

St. Petersburg, FL 33702
