
Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

At the same time that Presidential politics are headlines in the USA, and the Lord is shaking all that can be shaken (Hebrews 12:27-29) the Holy Spirit is aflame in Africa among youth and pastors catching the FIRE Jesus preached: " I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" (Luke 12:49) .

The Risen Christ's nearly last Word before He ascended is being carried out in churches, markets, even bars (!) throughout major nations in Africa, most often by young people taught the Truth of Yeshua's Fire and His Gift of repentance. They have been preached repentance by pastors already converted (Acts 3:19) by repentance. Here is the Risen Christ's Word in Luke 24:46,47:

" Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."

As a counterpart to the media politics barrage in your nation, NDR will be reporting often on these testimonies from repentance speakers in Africa. They will build your faith and bless you with His Joy. We are One Body; His Bride!

Here is the testimony of one young evangelist, Justin Zulu in Malawi. As you have prayed and financially supported NDR at any point this is YOUR FRUIT! Please insert your name instead of mine. Here's his report:

Greetings pastor Jeffrey.

Remember I told you that I want to conduct crusade on 19 July 24 on our college. the crusade was so awesome and I was surprised by attendance. And school management was so surprised I have attached there complement on this email

450 students attended the conference and more than 300 people rededicated and gave their lives to Jesus Christ

I wanted to update you

Thank you so much

Justin Zulu 

FROM : Justin Zulu ( Malawi)

Greetings in the name of our lord jesus Christ, pastor Jeffrey Daly!

I thank God for the life that he has given us and the connection that the lord himself made it possible for us to meet. I have benefited alot and Jesus Christ himself has commissioned me through you and I have been transformed to an extraordinary preacher of the gospel not just gospel but the gospel of REPENTANCE. 

Pastor Jeffrey, I have really come to appreciate the donation (money) that you have been sending to help me in different areas of my ministration. The ministration was really somehow hard to me because of a number of deficit but you came at right time you helped me with donation to buy phone and laptop so that the gospel of REPENTANCE can be unlimited, really the message is touching many through social media in different platforms. I have more than 5000 followers on Facebook, 213 on watsap group, 1043 on tiktok and 10 subscribers on YouTube all these become possible because of the financial help that you reached out to me and each and every day souls are coming to Jesus Christ. You are an angel in our generation may the lord of abundance keep on remembering you all the time . Glory to Jesus Christ 

During my ministration I was going door to door many of the times in fact it's what I do , preaching the gospel of REPENTANCE to many souls , reviving the hearts of many who backslide , glory to Jesus Christ. In my ministration I had challenges when it comes to distance since I was treated by πŸ‘£ foot moving from this house to that house and the distances were not just distances but too long. The area I live is rulal area , village area . Houses are scattered very far away from each BUT I complained to you about this issue and requested for a help of bicycle 🚲 you never went far YOU SENT ME DONATION to buy a bicycle 🚲 so that I can travel to continue ministering.

Pastor Jeffrey I have more words of appreciation than you can never imagine and you can't know how much the bicycle 🚲 is helping me I have reached more than 66 houses ( families) and more than 71 souls have surrendered their lives to Christ as am writing this I wrote a schedule that contains days to revisit the families to continue feeding them with the word of God, planting the gift of repentance and feeding them With the mystery of our lord jesus Christ so that they should stand until our lord jesus Christ returns to take us to our peaceful, everlasting existence. 

Many who are familiar with technology they have smart phones are the ones that I add them on watsap group, I minister to them day and night so that also they can run with the gift of REPENTANCE beyond my realm since Jesus said we should make disciples of all the nations ( Mathew 28:20) . The lord is good the impact is really seen 

I believe that as many are growing spiritually and they are catching deep understanding they will be able to saw seed in NDR and it's my prayer that one day they should do so . Pastor Jeffrey what I have is deep appreciation for your help sometimes I run out of words how you reach out to me please! Thank you so much may the lord himself bless you alot and alot 

Continue guiding me and stretching your arm in assisting me spiritually and physically, since IAM student I encounter alot but still more by the grace of God am still standing and surviving 

I will attach photos of the gift of bicycle 🚲 and some photos of the souls that I preached to them right in their homes 

God bless you pastor Jeffrey and mag the lord increases and make your vision successful in the name of Jesus Christ 

There are deep reasons why am being that much thankful, I am doing school and this is my last year and we have just opened our new semester of this year, so they want us to pay half of the full fees and I consulted some but their answers mmmmm!!! always are conditional , just some few days ago I was asking for help to someone though this one is a lady not even of my age but she said I can help you but make sure you should be coming and be sleeping with me ( adultery), someone said I can help you but make sure you marry my daughter a lot that I can explain . that’s why am very much thankful for your help always 

God bless you a lot.


As the Lord leads, please join me in this prayer:

" Heavenly Father, in Yeshua's Name above all names, breathe on this mighty move of God among Your people in Malawi to bring even more souls into Your Kingdom. Please give us Your Wisdom and Your Provision to carry this Fiery Torch of Your Holy Spirit to all communities, starting in Malawi, then spreading into all of Africa and then spreading into all the nations. Purify your pastors and priests, and all shepherds of Your Body of Christ, to return fully to You with humble repentance, so that they can shepherd young and old into the Kingdom and into the calling You have for each of them. Awaken Your Bride in this hour as only You can do. In Yeshua's Name, Amen. "


Are you among those discerning the times realizing ALL need to come into the Messiah/Christ's Kingdom through repentance? And do you see that thereafter it's His Gift by which you and I cleanse as His Bride; He's the soon-coming Bridegroom?

Then you're on our team ! That is our simple mission: to encourage God's gift of repentance personally and in all nations.

Years ago there was a great Bible teacher on the radio, J. Vernon McGee. He asked us each show to "get on the Bible bus." Well now we have, if you will, not a bus, but another vehicle, good for rough terrain, a "Repentance Rover."

Please join us for this remarkable journey! We are a volunteer-based, donor-funded ministry. Your donations are sent to pastors all over His planet now preaching repentance (Mark 6:12) and, like the first disciples, seeing miracles (Mark 6:13). Thank you in advance for giving, whatever amount, in the faithful spirit of Luke 8:3, and the cheerful giving of 2 Corinthians 9:7. Even small donations help those like Justin !! Thank you !

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance






Our Cleansing the Bride call on Wednesdays allows private time with the Holy Spirit to remove old sin patterns, old strongholds no longer needed. Please join us! email me or Susan Hammer [hammersusan1@gmail.com] for the zoom or phone information.

This is the Youtube link of the Global Day of Repentance Zoom meeting we had for Kenya July 3, 2024 https://youtu.be/0PNUcKkAKFs

a powerful teaching and beautiful sharing of communion was given by Susan Hammer on an earlier Africa Kneels call-- : https://youtu.be/D9NoY7h9XxI

The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:  https://youtu.be/oT15XrDvv9c


and a video on moving from betrayal to love: https://youtu.be/jXrTov7njYA

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com