Support Calflora

Calochortus clavatus var. avius, or Pleasant valley mariposa lily, is native to California, and endemic (limited) to California. Its rare plant rank is 1B.2, meaning it is rare, threatened, or endangered. Volunteers are working on locating seeds for this plant and other rare plants in fire scars.

Volunteer Sarah Hauck finds Calochortus clavatus var. avius seed pods within the Mosquito and Caldor Fire scars.

Re-seeding in fire scars supports and expedites species regeneration. Seed bank storage also safeguards against extinction and loss of genetic diversity.

Plant Range for Calochortus clavatus var. avius

Shaded areas show potential plant range for Calochortus clavatus var. avius. Use Calflora to see plant ranges, or potential habitat, for all 8,500+ wild plant species in California.

Potential plant ranges are determined by algorithm. For each occurrence of a plant within an ecoregion, the Calflora algorithm collects these values:

  • elevation
  • precipitation
  • summer high temperature
  • winter low temperature
  • temperature range
  • accumulated temperature
  • wet season
  • growing season
  • hardiness zone

More information about Calflora Plant Ranges here:

To learn about volunteering with the fire scar seed bank project, please reply to this email and we will connect you with CNPS. Calflora and CNPS are two separate nonprofits, and we enjoy collaborating.

Caldor Fire (2024 Priority)    

1. Calochortus clavatus var. avius  (photo above by Morgan Stickrod)

2. Lewisia kelloggii var. hutchinsonii 

3. Navarretia prolifera var. lutea     


Mosquito Fire (2025 Priority)

1. Poa sierrae

2. Lewisia serrata

3. Phacelia stebbinsii

Support Calflora, an Independent Nonprofit

Calflora is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 31-1689940. Donate to support Calflora here. Please reply to this email or contact with any questions.


1700 Shattuck Avenue #198

Berkeley, CA 94709

(510) 883-3148

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