We are currently at the halfway point in our school year and that means it’s a good time to step back and reflect on where we are at and what we have before us. I see so much for which I am grateful. 

We recently received good news about our graduation rates. The Class of 2022 recorded our second highest graduation rate on record (83.5 percent) and our rate has steadily climbed 11 percentage points in the past decade. While we will not be satisfied until all of our students walk across the stage with their diploma, this trend is certainly worth honoring. 

One data point within these graduation rates connects to a larger theme I see throughout our schools and that’s the power of engagement. Students who enrolled in at least one hands-on Career Technical Education course (like welding, forestry, computer science, culinary, etc.) had a significantly higher graduation rate than those who didn’t. Engagement is something we are focused on within our schools and we know that it can take many different forms: performing arts, athletics, clubs and student organizations or CTE courses to name just a few.