Finding a Mentor Who Believed in Me
Click here or on the image above to hear Marcela's story about how a nurturing mentor saved her from the perception that she was "not good enough for science," and pushed her to get her PhD.
Choosing a Lab: Mentor First, Science Second
Dr. Marcela Hernandez,  Graduate/STEM Diversity Director at The Ohio State University, and Dr. Dina Myers Stroud, Research Assistant Professor at the Departments of Physics and Medicine at Vanderbilt University, share how they have both come to the same conviction: when it comes to choosing a lab, the quality of your research mentor is a more critical factor to consider than the exact science being conducted.

Click here to read the full article.

Dr. Leah E. Robinson Receives R01 Funding After Participating in NRMN-P3 Coaching Group

Leah E. Robinson, PhD, an Associate Professor from the School of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan, participated in the NRMN Proposal Preparation Program (NRMN-P3), one of the NRMN Professional Development Core's Grantwriting Coaching Groups, Directed by Dr. Anne Marie Weber-Main and hosted at the University of Minnesota. 

The R01 grant proposal she prepared while in the NRMN-P3 program received an "Outstanding" score upon its review after being submitted, and in late August 2016, she received notice that her proposal was selected to be funded.

Click here or on the image to the right to read our full interview with Dr. Robinson about her journey as a scientists, and her experience with NRMN.
NRMN in Science Magazine: "Mentoring's Moment"

Jeffrey Mervis of Science explores the challenges of the uphill battle NRMN has faced since its initial inception.

"Diversity advocates have long believed that mentoring holds the key to increasing minority participation in U.S. science... NIH officials admit that 4 decades' worth of programs aimed at removing obstacles to participation by underrepresented groups haven't moved the needle very much. And NRMN's supporters are worried that NIH may also end the network prematurely if it falls short of some short-term, quantitative goals."

The leadership team at NRMN is crafting a response that confirms our continued commitment to creating positive change through mentoring. We welcome your thoughts!

Click here  to read more at AAAS (subscription required to access full article).
Highlighted Publications featuring NRMN Faculty Authors

In late July of 2016, the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities, in collaboration with the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities, released a report entitled I ncreasing Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce: Actions for Improving Evidence. The report was the result of working groups that  more than 70 experts across 28 universities and collectively developed the recommended actions for improving evidence. Among these were several prominent faculty who are leading initiatives at NRMN and across the NIH Diversity Program Consortium.

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Your Enhanced NRMNet Profile Experience 
Don't forget to log in to your NRMNet profile to take advantage of all the enhanced features that have been added since July 2016! You and your colleagues can now easily create a new account with an existing social media account, and access the powerful new MyNRMN networking application.
What are you waiting for? Sign in and connect with your Network today!

Connect with NRMN at Scientific Meetings this Year
Personnel and representatives from the National Research Mentoring Network will be present at biomedical scientific conferences and annual meetings across the country this academic year. 
Click here or on the image above for a preview of NRMN's plans at some of the most prominent of these events that support the development of scientists from a diverse range of populations.

NRMN Members Advance Health Disparities Research and Awareness
In August and September of 2016, faculty members around the country from across NRMN were active in supporting the advancement of research addressing health disparities and health equity. Click here to read more, from a new award to study Chronic Disease in Native and Pacific Populations, to building awareness among official in the nation's Capitol, to releasing video interviews with health disparities experts about topical research concerns, and more.
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