This Week at Ascension + October 13, 2021

"Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." - Psalm 96
"We should talk … about Priesthood and Vocation"
This evening, 5:15 - 5:55 p.m. via Zoom
See additional information below.
Ordinations to Priesthood, October 16, 11:00 a.m.
Please see information below.
This evening:
Wednesday, October 13
Translation of Edward the Confessor, King of England

5:15 p.m. "We should talk ...
about Vocation"
with Deacon Meghan Murphy-Gill

6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:30 p.m. In-person & Live-streamed Mass

Image: 2019 icon of Edward the Confessor, at the shrine in Westminster Abbey

Sunday, October 17

The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer via ZOOM
10:00 a.m. In-person & Live-streamed Solemn High Mass
Mass Setting: Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612) Missa Secunda

Image: Ascension's Agony in the Garden window

From Parishioner James Baran
Rector's note: Just as I was wondering about a pastoral message for this week's newsletter, parishioner James Baran shared a published personal spiritual memoir he's recently written. When I asked if I could share a link here, James responded, "Sure, but may I also introduce it with a few words about Ascension?" That introduction and the article link are below. I hope you may experience some of the same respect and gratitude that I felt while reading both James' message below and the linked, poignant memoir.

by James Baran
I enjoy most journeys, and by this I mean British Airways, Chicago to London, or even a leisurely cross-country drive where we can observe the changing flora, trees, terrain. But the journey I've started to consider more important is -- to borrow a term from the 21st century new-age lexicon -- my "faith journey."

I have never put a lot of time or energy into analyzing my path through life, but looking at my evolution from one religious denomination to another is an exercise I recently embarked upon in an effort to document my very real history, experiences that made me who I am today.

As a child, my parents and I became Seventh-day Adventists. In total, I spent just nine years in the SDA denomination -- nine years that left me feeling hopeless, worth very little and, possibly worst of all, that harm could come to me. I came to the Episcopal Church nine years later, in 1990, after having spent no time whatsoever in a church, or even in prayer.

When I came to the Episcopal Church, I found my home in a sense. In the home where I live, I feel comfortable, safe, relaxed, myself, welcome and at ease. In my church home, I feel much the same way -- comforted, safe, valued. I left the SDA denomination feeling alienated, thrown away, useless, but I have always felt a genuine welcome here in the Episcopal church.

That feeling of welcome, to me, opened my heart so that I continue to grow in faith. The situations that led me to leave one denomination were painful, but I continued to look forward, and eventually found home. I'm grateful, especially to some of you at Ascension who have been part of this journey.

More about my experiences are remembered in an article I recently wrote for publication in Adventist Today, a publication by a more progressive group of Seventh-day Adventists. Here is the link. Thank you for your interest.

James Baran
Please click here to view seating availability.

Blocs of seats are being made available not only to Ascension parishioners but also to family members and close friends of the ordinands, members of St. Mark's Church, Glen Ellyn (Deacon Lagman's parish), and diocesan clergy and laity. Up to 50 more seats will be available in Ascension's St. Michael's Hall (available to all), where the service will be live-streamed and where Communion will be offered.

Please click here to view seating availability.

The liturgy will also be live-streamed via Facebook and YouTube.

Questions may be addressed to Br. Nathanael Rahm or the Rector.

(though it remains subject to revisions).

Please note that the ordination Prelude
will be offered by Ascension Organist David White
starting at 10:20 a.m. Saturday.
The repertoire may be found in the order of worship linked above.
From the Curate
This afternoon: Wednesday, October 13
“We should talk … about Vocation.”      
with The Rev. Deacon Meghan Murphy-Gill
5:15 - 5:55 p.m. via Zoom

In anticipation of my Saturday ordination as priest, I'll share some of my own story of hearing and following a call to priesthood. We'll also explore how all Christians have vocationsindividual gifts offered and shared in ministries for the Church's mission and for the well-being of our common faith within the Church. Please bring your own stories and your questions, whether practical or esoteric, serious or light-hearted.

Join me and others this evening, 5:15 - 5:55 p.m. via Zoom

Ordination Preacher
Fr. Bryan Cones is an Episcopal priest, writer, and theologian. Ordained in 2014, he's served in various ministries at St. Augustine’s, Wilmette, St. Simon’s, Arlington Heights, and Christ Church in Kensington, Australia. He holds a PhD in liturgy and practical theology at Pilgrim Theological College-University of Divinity in Melbourne, Australia, and now serves as Interim Rector of Trinity Church Highland Park. His book, This Assembly of Believers: The Gifts of Difference in the Church at Prayer was published in 2020. 
All Souls, November 2:
Requiem Masses at Noon & 6:30 p.m.

The Noon mass will be followed by a 'Sharing Lunch, Sharing Blessings' meal and conversation, open to all. Cards inviting your All Souls memorials have been sent to all Ascension Member households. You may also use this link to share names, or call the parish office. To be included in print bulletins, names must be shared by Sunday, October 31. More information will be shared as the date nears.
THANK YOU! to all ...
... who took part in our Ascension Sidewalk Hospitality at the Chicago Marathon 4-Mile Markright in front of Ascension on LaSalle Drivethis past Sunday, October 10. Deacon Murphy-Gill organized and served, Jim Lo Bello showed up extra early to brew coffee, and along the way others helped, showed up, were blessed, rang bells, smiled, cheered, cleaned up and more. Above, left to right: Marathon runner Mother Jackie Cameron pauses for a blessing; Ascension sidewalk hospitality participants Deacon Meghan, Jim Lenz, Seminarian Bonnie Scott and Newcomer Blake Smith; Murphy-Gill, Lo Bello & Raymond +; and bell ringer extraordinaire Gary Alexander.


Wednesday 10/13
6:00 pm: Evening Prayer via ZOOM
6:30 pm: Mass (In Person and livestreamed

Saturday 10/16
Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests
The Rev. Deacon Jo Ann Jaén Lagman 
The Rev. Deacon Meghan Murphy-Gill 
11:00 am: Solemn High Pontifical Mass

Sunday 10/17 
9:30 am: Morning Prayer via ZOOM
10:00 am: Solemn High Mass (In person and livestreamed


Wednesday 10/13
5:15 pm We Should Talk about ...
Vocation via ZOOM

Wednesday 10/20
5:15 pm We Should Talk about ...
Anti-racism via ZOOM

Also Upcoming at (or via) Ascension

All Souls Day, November 2
Requiem Mass TBA

Solemnity of All Saints Sunday, November 7
Procession and Solemn High Mass, 10:00 a.m.
Organ Recital, 3:30 p.m.
Choral Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, 4:00 p.m.

If you anticipate or wish to inquire about Holy Baptism
on the Solemnity of All Saints, please inquire with
any member of the Ascension clergy.
Mask Reminders ...
  • Yes, they are or can be miserable to wear.
  • Yes, our cultural imbroglio about masks is disheartening.
  • Yes, we all wish we could all be mask-free all the time.
  • Yes, we ask you to honor the best intentions of our own parochial mask requirements (those intentions being your best health + the best health of others) by wearing an appropriate mask and by appropriately wearing it.
Organ Repertoire for October 17, 2021
Preludia, op. 34
Alexandr Fyodorovich Goedicke
At the Entrance Procession
Hymn 483  ST. MAGNUS
At the Offertory
Hymn 495 IN BABILONE  
At the Communion
At the Retiring Procession
Hymn 660  MARYTON
Fuga, op. 34
Alexandr Fyodorovich Goedicke
About our 2021 Repertoire
As I develop a long-range plan for repertoire each year, I choose a theme or area of emphasis, often complete works or a complete large-scale work by one composer. During 2021, organ music by women composers and African-American composers is being and will be featured in voluntaries and recitals throughout the year. There are some little-known gems waiting to be discovered, as well as music by major composers, with whom works for the organ are not generally associated. Enjoy!

Between Masses, please don’t forget that The Choir of the Ascension has recorded upwards of 60 tracks that you can listen to anywhere you have an internet connection. They can be found here:
Ascension Connections
(with your click and God's help)
Participate in Ascension masses at our YouTube Channel. (Look for other connections options soon.)
Meeting ID:
792 031 7452
Password: 1133
Join-by-Phone Option: (312) 626-6799

Weekly Ascension Schedule

For connections:
via Zoom (click here)
except for Morning Prayer, Mon-Fri,
via Facebook (click here).

9:30 a.m. Virtual Morning Prayer
10:00 a.m. Live-Streamed Mass
11:00 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour

6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer via Zoom

6:30 p.m. Low Mass
Please give generously as you are able.
Treasurer Susan Schlough has asked me to remind you of Ascension's ongoing expenses at this time. To the extent that you are able, payment on your pledges or the offering of Holy Day or other special gifts will be greatly appreciated. You may still write a check and mail it to the church, or online payment is possible through the buttons at various places on our website. Thank you!
For our prayers: August 'Augie' Alonzo, Jim Berger, Sarah Ponder, Taffy Wehe,
The Rev. Canon Paula Clark, Andrew McLean and family, Beth Hall, Steven Upmeyer, Sue Lenz, Ben, Thom Ehlen, David D. Jones, Carys and Joshua Benjamin, Mike Rieman and Alexandra Olsavsky, Heather Miller and Jeffrey O’Malley, Lawrence Cox 

Birthdays: David Alan Robertson, 10/10; Br. Michael Francis Smith, OSB, 10/13;
Colin DuClos, 10/13/2009; Abraham “Bram” Bassford, 10/16
Anniversaries: David & Jenna Jones, marriage, 10/16/2010

Requiescat in pace: Kurt Allan Olson, Priest, 10/12/2013; James F. Maclear, 10/14/1999; Arthur Taylor III, 10/15/1976; James Delano Abbott, 10/15/2007; Laurence Larson, Priest, 9/30/2021
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them;
May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

The Rev. Patrick Raymond, Rector

The Rev. Meghan Murphy-Gill, Curate

Susan Schlough, Treasurer

Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm BSG, Parish Office
Vestry of Church of the Ascension
Cheryl Peterson, Sr. Warden; Kenneth Kelling, Jr. Warden; Kelly Colomberti, Marilyn Evans, Lynette Hector, Jim Lo Bello, George Pineda, David Reeves, Samuel Sommers, Enrique Vilaseco, Amber Zelazny

Approved minutes of Vestry meetings are always available online to parishioners who request the link. If you would like Internet access to these Vestry Minutes, please email the Parish Office and request the link. Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Vestry meeting minutes.
The link remains live indefinitely. Any parishioner who has the link will not need to request a new link from month to month.