Week 4: REPLAY

This week's theme is REPLAY.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw
Mark Your Calendar!
February 25, 8:00 pm EST
Move & smile with Dr. Dance & the largest virtual dance party ever!

Dr. Peter Lovatt, will lead the RESET Challenge participants in the largest Dance Party. Join us as we learn the psychological benefits of dance with 40,000 StrongLives in YMCAs across the country.

Who is Dr. Dance?
  • Author
  • Dance Psychologist
  • Britain's Got Talent Guest
Today's Advice
Add joy and playfulness into your meditation.
Learn from Coach Stacy Sims: click the video below.

Click below to register or visit the
Learn from our team!
What's Fun? A Sleep Over Party!

Sleep over party fun is timeless: pillow fights, games, movies, music and snacks. You are most likely grinning right now, as a favorite memory from your own childhood just popped into your head.

Tips for an awesome sleep over:
  • Follow Covid safety guidelines
  • Start with a healthy snack
  • Burn energy with physical games and dancing
  • Relax with a movie and low fat popcorn
  • Play board games
  • Get a good night sleep (ha)
  • End with a nutrious breakfast

Note: sleep overs aren't just for school friends! Invite your grandchildren, cousins and adult children for a playful get-together.

Workout with Us!
"I'm Not Flexible Enough for Yoga"

Perhaps you have heard someone say this, or you have thought it about yourself.

You don't need to be flexible to practice yoga. Being flexible doesn't make you "good" at yoga.

It simply means you are flexible. <wink>
Daily at 5:30 pm

Check out our Premieres on YouTube! Each evening at 5:30 pm, a new video is released. Can't make it at 5:30? No problem! These videos are saved to our playlists and you can access them at your convenience.
Music to Motivate!

by Morgan Strathmeyer, York Branch Group Exercise Instructor.

Kick up your heels and have fun with this playlist!

Around the Community!
Play with us by dancing along to our favorite song! Send in clips of you doing the Y-M-C-A to be featured in one of our future videos!
by Larry Richardson,
President and CEO,
YMCA of York and York County
and the Lancaster Family YMCA

Philippians 3:12-14

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Our Sponsors

Thank you to Stewart Companies for being a sponsor and making our community as healthy as possible!