Final Day to Watch!
**Special Sneak Preview**


February 26 - March 4, 2021
If you missed the live Q&A with Director Dieudo Hamadi, watch it on our YouTube channel here! Many thanks to Amanda Gann for providing interpretation for the conversation and to Icarus Films for making this special sneak preview possible!

You have until 11:59 PM EST tonight to watch the film here!
About Downstream to Kinshasa: Interspersed with moving stage performances and persistent assertion of space and dignity, Dieudo Hamadi’s Downstream to Kinshasa follows and honors a group of disabled survivors of the 2000 Six Day War as they seek reparations and recognition of their experience from the government. (KM)
Dieudo Hamadi Select Filmography

Downstream to Kinshasa (2020)
Kinshasa Makambo (2018)
Mama Colonel (2017)
Atalaku (2013)
Below, you'll find the almost complete lineup for the rest of the Spring 2021 season with two more films to be announced! We'll share more specific information about these films soon, but we're excited to share them with you!
Our $30 season pass gives you access to the rest of this entire lineup, and all proceeds will go on to support our partners at The Brattle Theatre! By the time you've watched three films, you've made back the cost of the pass and then some! (and you get a free tote!)
Coming Soon!
Directed by Daniel Hymanson
Available online:  Friday, March 12th – Thursday, March 18th

Join us for a live Q&A with Director Daniel Hymanson and editor Isidore Bethel on Monday, March 15th at 3 PM EST! Register for the Zoom Q&A here or watch through Facebook Live!

About So Late So Soon: Artists Jackie and Don Seiden have been married for five decades and in that time, they have each created distinctive art practices while living in their colorful house in Chicago. So Late So Soon intimately follows Jackie and Don as they contend with the effects of deterioration on their home, art, and bodies. (KM)
The Choice (U.S. Premiere!)

Directed by Gu Xue
Available online:  March 26th – April 1st

About The ChoiceAs their aunt sits on life-support in intensive care, a family gathers to discuss her condition and plan the next steps. There is little chance of recovery, yet decisions must still be made. Over the course of a single, hour-long unbroken take, Gu Xue silently and expertly observes the family discuss the fifth aunt’s fate and argue over who will be responsible—financially and practically—for her continued care. - Open City Documentary Festival program notes

Shared Resources

Directed by Jordan Lord
Available online: April 9th – April 15th

About Shared Resources: Continuing filmmaker Jordan Lord's approach with accessibility shaping and embodying the form of their films, Shared Resources explores various forms of debt (financial, emotional, etc), interdependency, and how that manifests within the lives of the filmmaker and their parents. (KM)
maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore
Directed by Sky Hopinka
Available online: May 7th – May 13th

About maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore: This film follows Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier's wanderings through each of their worlds as they wonder through and contemplate the afterlife, rebirth, and the place in-between. Spoken mostly in chinuk wawa, their stories are departures from the Chinookan origin of death myth, with its distant beginning and circular shape. (SH)

The DocYard is a program of the LEF Foundation in partnership with the Brattle Theatre.
Other series sponsors include the Tyler Family Foundation and Irving House at Harvard.

If you are interested in becoming one of our sponsors please contact us!