May 16, 2024

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MES Upcoming Events Calendar

May 17

  • 3rd Grade End of Year Playdate

May 20-24

  • 5th Grade Senior Week

May 21

  • Midtown Graduating Seniors Parade at MES

May 23

  • 4th Grade End of Year Party

May 24

  • Final Lost and Found Donation Day
  • Last Day of School!

In This Issue

MES Upcoming Events

  • See left for the list of upcoming events

MES News and Reminders

  • Last Call for Yearbooks!
  • 3rd Grade Music Selections for 2024-2025
  • Visit the MES Story Walk
  • Volunteer with the MES PTA Next School Year!
  • MES GO Team Updates
  • Registration Reminders
  • Morning Carpool Drop Off Reminder
  • Principal's Blog

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

  • Volunteer for the Howard PTO!
  • APS Adult Education Classes
  • APS Calendar Links

Dolphin Donors

Keep Up With MES!

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MES Family Directory (Membership Toolkit)

Digital Dolphin Archive

Support the MES PTA:

Become a member of the MES PTA

Sign up to volunteer via Membership Toolkit

Looking for more information about something and don't see it here? Check out the A-Z Directory on the MES website!

MES Weekly To Do:

Let us know how you'd like to get involved with the MES PTA next year by completing the new Volunteer Interest Form:

2024-2025 MES PTA Volunteer Interest Form

MES Upcoming Events

Friday, May 17th - 3rd Grade End of Year Playdate

Third grade families, please join your grade-level friends at Sunken Garden Park after school on Friday, May 17th for one last playdate before summer break! There will be an ice cream truck on site to provide tasty treats to our students. Please be sure to RSVP for this playdate here to help us with the expected head count, and please note that this event will be cancelled in the event of rain.

Monday, May 20th - Friday, May 24th

It's time to celebrate our graduating 5th graders, and this year, they are going out with bang! Our 5th Grade Social Chairs have planned a full week of fun, culminating with the annual Moving On Ceremony on Friday, May 24th. Here are all the details:

Monday, May 20th - Field Trip Walk to Noble Park

Students will leave MES around 10:30am and return around 1:30pm. Pizza lunch and Kona Ice will be provided, so no need to pack a lunch if your student(s) eat cheese pizza! If you'd like to help chaperone this event, please contact Denise Lippert or Vicky Clifton.

Tuesday, May 21st - End of Year Party at MES

Students will celebrate on the MES Front Field from 9:00am to noon, including an optional foam party from 9-10am. Students participating in the foam party should plan to bring water shoes, a towel, and a change of clothing. Caregivers are welcome to attend!

Wednesday, May 22nd - 5th Grade Awards Day

Awards will be handed out to our 5th grade students by homeroom teachers during a special pancake breakfast just for students. This will also be a great opportunity to get yearbooks signed, so please be sure to send your student in with their yearbook and a fun pen! Thank you to all of the parents and caregivers who have signed up to provide supplies for this special MES tradition.

Thursday, May 23rd - 5th Grade Variety Show

This 5th-grade only talent show performance is being organized by the Student Council.

Friday, May 24th - Moving On Ceremony

Our annual Moving On Ceremony will take place on the last day of school, Friday, May 24th, at 9am in the MES Gymnasium. The ceremony will be preceded by a final goodbye parade through the halls of MES and will be followed by a light reception at 10:15am on the MES Front Field. Students may check out from school after the ceremony with their adult(s). Please note that it is tradition for our 5th graders to "dress up" for the ceremony.

Current 4th grade parents and caregivers who are interested in volunteering during the Moving On Ceremony can sign up to do so here.

Tuesday, May 21st - Midtown High School Graduating Seniors Parade at Morningside

This Tuesday, May 21st, MES alumni that are part of the Midtown High School Class of 2024 will be parading through our school in their full graduation regalia.  The actual graduation ceremony for these former Dolphins will be on Thursday, May 23rd, with Principal Sofianos in attendance to represent the elementary portion of their school careers. 

We are also so proud of MES Alumnus Shalin Bhatia, who is the Valedictorian of Midtown High School this year. We look forward to hearing from Shalin at our own 5th grade Moving On Ceremony on Friday, May 24th where he is a featured speaker. Congratulations to Shalin and the whole Bhatia family! 

Thursday, May 23rd - 4th Grade End of Year Party

The 4th Grade End of Year Party will take place on Thursday, May 23rd from 10:30am to 12pm on the MES Front Field. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to join! If you'd like to volunteer to assist with this party, please contact your class party planner: Alyssa Nolan (Hatcher and Hamilton), Shalini Sampat (Ahmed), Emily Cooper (Hood), and Britanny McMullen or Gina Buntin (Khalili).

Our 4th Grade families are also starting to look ahead to next year, when our students will be the "big kids on campus"! Please check out this Special Edition Digital Dolphin that was sent out to 4th grade families yesterday for more details and sign up to get involved in the planning via this Google form.

Friday, May 24th - Final Lost and Found Donation Day of the Year!

This is it - time to claim any lost belongings from the Lost and Found before school is out for the summer! The Lost and Found is located near the cafeteria, along the hallway to the library - simply check in at the front office before swinging by to reclaim your treasures. Any remaining unlabeled items will be donated on Friday, May 24th.

MES News and Reminders

Last Call for 2023-2024 MES Yearbooks!

The 2023-2024 MES Yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed to your children by their homeroom teachers in the next few days, if they haven't done so already. Please keep an eye out for these keepsakes to come home soon!

If you realized you forgot to purchase a yearbook earlier in the year, there is no need to panic. The Yearbook Committee has extra yearbooks that can still be purchased. Please reach out to the Yearbook Committee chair Stacy Walter for details about how to secure a copy for your child before they are gone. 

3rd Grade Music Selection for 2024-2025!

Starting in 4th grade, our students are able to choose a music specialty: Band, Orchestra, Chorus, or General Music. That means that it's time for our current 3rd graders to submit their choices for which music class they'd like to take next year! To see a brief description of each class and make your selections, current 3rd grade families ONLY should complete this Google form before the end of the school year.

Please note that changes mid-year are not possible, so please take your time in deciding which program is right for you and your child. For questions, please contact Ms. Relyea.

Visit the MES Story Walk Now through May 23rd!

In what is quickly becoming a favorite year-end tradition at Morningside, our librarian Mr. Rawls has set up a new Story Walk along the Morningside Nature Trail for our students, families, friends, and neighbors to enjoy! While you walk immersed in nature, you'll be able to read this year's featured book What Makes Us Human by Victor D. O. Santos and Anna Forlati. The Story Walk will remain set up until Thursday, May 23rd.

Not sure what a Story Walk is? Well, it's a new way to encourage people to read, courtesy of the creative mind of Mr. Rawls! Mr. Rawls has carefully separated the pages and drawings from this year's chosen book and mounted them (in order!) on weather-proof signs along the Morningside Nature Trail. Simply start at the beginning, reading each page as you walk along!

The entrance to the trail can be found at 990 Plymouth Road NE. At the beginning of the trail, you'll see a sign marked "START HERE". On this same sign, you'll find a QR code to scan with your smart phone or other device to open a set of questions to use with your child after reading the book. Make it a family outing or a playdate with a classmate! And be sure to spread the word to neigbors, classmates, and friends - Story Walks are for EVERYONE to enjoy!

Volunteer with the MES PTA for the 2024-2025 School Year!

A PTA like ours cannot do all of the awesome things we do without a lot of support from our parents and community members. The 2023-2024 school year brought back the return of a lot of favorite MES traditions and activites, and we're looking to do even more next year! However, in order to do that, we need to build up our roster of volunteers across all of our PTA committees. If you are interested in getting involved next year, please complete the 2024-2025 MES PTA Volunteer Interest Form linked below to let us know where you might want to help and what skills, talents, and secret connections you may be bringing to the table. Over the summer, our new PTA Exec Committee will begin reaching out to folks based on this information to fill out all of our committees. 

As always, we value ANY contribution you are able to make. Thanks for being part of our MES Dolphin pod and for being willing to help make our school as great as it can be!

MES GO Team Updates!

Congratulations to our newly elected Morningside GO Team members for the 2024-2025 school year! MES Parents Kristen Cincotta and Chappelle Washington Freer as well as MES teachers Kristina Davis and Allison Espelosin will all start their two-year terms on July 1st, 2024. Principal Sofianos is very excited to work with this team! Their unique perspectives and contributions are so important in helping our school be the best it can be for each child. Thank you to each of our new members for volunteering to dedicate their time to our kids and school!

MES GO Team Seeking New Community Member

If you know of anyone in our community who might consider being on our GO Team, Principal Sofianos is vetting possibilities to recommend to the GO Team for a vote at the start of next school year. This is for a two-year community seat. She is looking for someone who cares about kids and wants to lend their expertise to their local public school.  Please send names and contact information to Principal Sofianos at

MES Principal Blog

Posts on Principal Sofiano's Principal's Blog highlight the latest happenings at Morningside, including an inside view of the work of our amazing students and wonderful staff. Reminders about blog posts will continue to be sent through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal straight to your phones and email inboxes, but you can also bookmark the Principal's Blog and check it out at any time! If you are not getting blog notices on your email or phone, contact Charlette Jackson in the front office to update your information.

APS and Midtown Cluster Happenings

Join the Howard Middle School PTO Executive Board!

At Howard, the process for selecting PTO members is unique. Instead of directly voting for specific positions, members vote for candidates for the Executive Board. The Executive Board then internally decides on the allocation of positions among its members. And unlike elementary school where you are there for up to six years, you are only in middle school for THREE years so we'd love to have our rising 6th grade parents join the board!

You can find more information about the Howard Middle School on their webpage. Please email with any questions.

APS Adult Education Classes Available for FREE

Discover APS's free Adult Education Program, where we support individuals in navigating the official Georgia High School Equivalency (HSE) Program, formerly known as the GED Testing Program. From selecting a high school equivalency pathway to test preparation, class enrollment, and short-term training opportunities, APS is dedicated to guiding adults through every step.

Additionally, our program extends beyond HSE with English as a Second Language and citizenship classes held at multiple Atlanta/Fulton County locations.

To learn more and enroll, click HERE and share the information with those who can benefit.

Stay Up to Date with the APS Midtown Cluster

Click HERE for resources directly related to our cluster.

Stay Up to Date with the 2023-2024 APS Calendar 

Click HERE to view the district calendar and start planning for all the breaks.

Click HERE to view the Atlanta BOE 2024 Calendar.

Dolphin Donors

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Diamond Dolphin, Dolphin, and Platinum-level sponsors for supporting our school!

For more information about Dolphin Donors, please click HERE.

The Digital Dolphin is a weekly newsletter managed by the Morningside Elementary PTA - Contact Editor