"Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven."
~ Psalm 85:12
God Chose Us
Who chose first, God or you? That is the question explored in today’s three readings. The second reading, from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, reads almost like a hymn. It praises God for choosing us, for calling us to serve, and for blessing us in our service. Paul makes it clear how honored we are and how special is the call to live as children of God. This is through no doing of our own.

The first reading and the Gospel use prose rather than poetry to describe the same truth: God did the choosing, not us. When the prophet Amos was berated for being a prophet, he retorted that the whole thing wasn’t his idea in the first place. Neither did the twelve apostles in today’s Gospel ask for their calling. Jesus sent them forth, two by two, to do the work of his kingdom.
Help Us Make a Joyful Noise
Calling all OLBS youth...OLBS is re-igniting our Children's Choir. You're invited to help build up a community around our shared love of music and faith. Children will gain confidence, learn new life skills, appreciate Mass in a new way and make new friends. For more information, please contact our Music Director, Michael Hawes or watch the snippet below for a preview.
"Music give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." –Plato
July Summer Supper
Just before the Independence Day weekend, OLBS served 66 chicken salad croissant meals to 20 cars and 1 bike rider. Our Good Samaritan Ministry thanks you for your generosity. Whether you shopped, cooked, prepped, served or helped clean up, you made a difference. We could not continue this ministry without you!
Outdoor Summer Mass Series
As OLBS Summer of Prayer continues, save the date for these upcoming outdoor Masses. Following Mass, we'll talk about life's essential habit, prayer, as we read Matthew Kelly's book "I Hear God Laugh" together.

Sunday, July 18, 2021, 5pm at SJE Church
Review Parts 1-3.

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5pm at QR Church
Review Parts 4-5.

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own lawn or camp chair to setup in the parking lots. We also recommend bringing an umbrella, which will protect from glare or heat of the sun.

Follow this link to view all upcoming OLBS events.
Please note, these Masses will not be celebrated from our cars, and we are not able to provide outdoor seating.
One Book, One Parish
If you didn't get your copy of Matthew Kelly's book "I Heard God Laugh" we still have copies available at QR and SJE. Pick one up today and join the conversation—One Book, One Parish.
Apostolate for Family Consecration
The Apostolate for Family Consecration will be relocating to Queen of the Rosary beginning with the July 19th meeting. All are invited to join the Apostolate for Family Consecration Family Holy Hour on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm. Enjoy faith and fellowship as we watch and discuss a DVD, have the opportunity for Reconciliation and stay for snacks and conversation.

Follow this link to discover more about Adult Faith Formation opportunities at OLBS.
Holy Hour for Life
Save the Date
All are invited to join Fr. Louis and the Respect Life ministry on Thursday, July 22 at 7pm as we pray for the family unit.

Weather permitting, we will celebrate this Summer Holy Hour on the front steps at St. Julian Eymard. No registration required!

Questions? Contact the parish office (847) 979-0901.
Culture of Life Update
Season for Life
In addition to the many items collected for agency Wish Lists, and the $1200 raised for Project Love cards, OLBS raised $2100 that was distributed to the wonderful agencies spotlighted by Season for Life. Thank you!

Stop Taxpayer-funded Abortion
Easily send a quick, pre-written email by clicking the button below. Your members of Congress need to hear from you before they go any further.

Don't let Congress vote for an appropriations bill that includes taxpayer funding for elective abortion! Follow this link to send a note to Congress.

Next Respect Life Meeting
All are invited to join our next Respect Life Ministry meeting on Tuesday, July 13th. We will be reviewing this year's Season for Life and beginning to plan for upcoming Respect Life events this Fall.
School Report
Lunch Supervisors
Queen of the Rosary School is looking for lunch supervisors for grades K-8 for the 2021-2022 school year. For those new to the school, the lunch program runs from 11:00 to 11:40 a.m. daily when school is in session. This is a paid position. We would love to find individuals who could commit to five days a week, as this provides consistency for our students. If you (or anyone you know) would be interested in a position, please contact the school office or (847) 437-3322.
RE Roundup
We are putting the finishing touches on a seamless electronic registration and payment process for the upcoming 2021-22 Religious Education year. We will provide a link shortly! If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the parish office.

Follow this link to discover Summer family activities to help you and your family continue to live your faith.
Youth Ministry Corner
Thank you to the teens who have contacted us about additional service hour opportunities. We are finalizing plans for projects around OLBS and will be reaching out shortly. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the parish office. Thank you!
Events for Young Adults
ECHO Mini Retreat
The ECHO Chicago Mini, a Theology of the Body Weekend Retreat for young adults, is July 9-10 at St. Alphonsus Church in Chicago.

Follow this link for more information or to register.
Raise Your Hand
Calling All Care Ministers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion!

Manor Care is opening its doors after being closed to outside visitors for more than a year. OLBS has been invited to resume Communion services and sharing the healing presence of Jesus Christ with residents. Do you have 90 minutes, once a month, to share your faith and the Eucharist with our neighbors at Manor Care? Please pray to the Holy Spirit and if He is calling you to this ministry, please contact the parish office to discover more about this opportunity (847) 979-0901.

Follow this space for spotlights and updates on the various volunteer opportunities available around the parish. Joining a council or board or volunteering for a ministry requires a short time commitment and shows great stewardship. Please share your gifts and offer your talents to a consultative board or one of the many ministries serving our parish and community. Raise your hand. Make a real difference in the life of our parish, school and religious education programs. OLBS needs YOU!

Want to know more? Please contact the parish office (847) 956-0130.
OLBS Religious Education is a volunteer-based program helping to form our youth and providing opportunity for them to encounter Jesus Christ. While students are on Summer Break, Mrs. Uhlarik and catechists are busy planning the upcoming calendar for Youth Faith Formation. If you are called to teach our most  impressionable, please contact the parish office today for more information on this important formation role. Discover more.

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
Though things have opened up, we recognize that not all are able to join us at this time, so we remind you that we continue to have the following virtual tools available to help us stay connected:

Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").

Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
(847) 979-0901 | OLBSCares@ArchChicago.org

Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary, 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road

Queen of the Rosary School, 690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 | www.qrschool.org