613.591.YOGA (9642) 

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November 24, 2016

The holiday season has begun and we're here to help bring serenity and festive fun to your days (and evenings too)!

In this newsletter...
  • Get ready for our new holiday schedule and upcoming special events
  • Save the date for Veronique Dumont!
  • Relieve some holiday shopping stress at Beyond
  • Read Cara-Lynne's blog and learn how she plans to enjoy the holidays more
  • Project Purse - A huge success!
  • Therapeutic Effects welcomes Carol Wooster to the team
Starting December 1st!
Follow Beyond Social Media for your chance to win a gift during our 
12 Days of Christmas Contest!

Festive and Fun is the theme at Beyond this holiday season! Stay active during the holidays with a great line-up of classes...

New classes starting the week of December 5th: 

Holiday Specialty Classes at Beyond...

Explore postures in a brand-new way with Yoga at the Wall
Dec. 5th &12th at 8:00 p.m.

Take some time to reconnect with  AromaYin
Dec. 10th at 10:30 a.m. 

Get your Spirit Groove on!
Dec. 17th at 10:30 a.m.

Rejuvenate and recharge after a hectic week with Holiday Stress Redux  
Dec. 30th at 1:00 p.m.

Bend, bond and Reach Beyond with a special  Holiday Family Yoga class
Dec. 31st at 10:00 a.m.


Holiday Social on December 24th

It's all about fun and festivities on the 24th. Let's bring in the Holiday Season together with a morning of special Holiday Hatha classes, tea and treats! Wear your craziest holiday attire. Come to one or both classes...Bring family, friends and visitors from out of town! Sign up here

Classes are payable by a cash donation and a non-perishable food item. Share the love and support our community charities: Chrysalis House  and 
Exciting news...Save the date!

Veronique Dumont

I gnite your Inner Fire and Warm up Your Winter 
on February 3rd & 4th, 2017!

We are excited and honoured to welcome Veronique Dumont Shiva Rea affiliated Teacher Trainer and singer  to Beyond for three very special classes.

Join Veronique on Friday from 6:30-9:30 p.m. for Chakra Mandala Namaskar, a Shiva Rea Prana Vinyasa® Master Class  followed by a yogi social with music. 

On Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., enjoy a full day of "Becoming the Sun and Embody the Moon", and bring life to your practice by exploring Prana Vinyasa Flow® through asana and mantra.

Our Holiday gift to you... 
Only $99 plus HST for this two day/three class event!
This will be a very popular event, so don't be disappointed, 
Register Now to save your spot! 

Yoga Beyond Words with Cara-Lynne Auld
Tis the Season...

Oh, the holidays.  I love the holidays, there are lots of magical moments, great and small.  So from the moment Starbucks starts serving their Christmas blend I start plotting and planning with joy.  But then the expectations start to pile up, the to-do lists starts to grow and quite honestly I start to feel a little like this in my head.

*Did I buy her the watch or the scarf? What time did he say brunch was? Did I mail the cards?

I decided this year I wanted to enjoy the holidays more.  I could I try to be more organized, great idea, not likely to happen.  So, I decided to try mindfulness.  You may have noticed it has become a bit of a buzz word; and while it's easy to allow your eyes to gloss over a little bit when someone starts to talk about it, think about this...
"Project Purse"...A Huge Success!

Nathalie & Lisa 

A huge thank you to everyone in both the Beyond and Blue Bamboo communities who took the time to bring in a purse filled with necessities to be distributed to the homeless women in Ottawa. What a caring community...the purses just keep coming! 

Wellness Tips with Therapeutic Effects

New Member of the Therapeutic Effects Team!

Therapeutic Effects is delighted to welcome Carol Wooster to the team! Carol will be joining us starting Friday November 25th, working alternating Fridays from 4-7 and Thursdays from 9-12. Come and experience her Indie head massage using warm oils and a head, face, neck and shoulder massage for an hour!  Learn more about Carol...

Hydrating Holidays
Big meals and lots of snacks may be in the near future with holiday spirit and festive cheer around the corner. Nutrition is an important factor especially this time of year when many people feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed or any combination of the above. Diet impacts your muscles and mood, so keep limber and emotionally balanced by trying to eat vegetables and fruit first and keep well hydrated with water, before indulging in the extras.  Happy holidays!

Yours in health, 
Erin, Karen & Carol
The Therapeutic Effects Team

Therapeutic Effects is located at Beyond! 

Beyond Training Centre

April 20-27, 2017 *No class on April 24th*
REGISTER BEFORE March 20, 2017 & SAVE $100.00

Learn more and register here >

Tina & The Beyond Team 
Beyond Yoga Studio & Wellness Centre 
3-66 Hearst Way 
Kanata, ON  K2L 2P4
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