Day 9

Our choices regarding food have broader implications beyond just what's on our plates. Animal agriculture often intersects with social justice issues, affecting marginalized communities disproportionately.

Coined by Black legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, the term Intersectionality, highlights the interactions among race, gender, class, and other systemic oppressions. It builds upon the groundwork laid by Black feminists and ecofeminists who emphasized the interlocking and interconnected nature of these oppressions.

Since the linkages between sexism and speciesism date back millennia, to the days when woman, children, land, and animals all were considered to be the property of male heads of households (hence the term “animal husbandry”), this intersection has been the focus of the most scholarship and activism over the decades. Unsurprisingly, the preponderance of animal advocates are and always have been girls and women. Nonetheless, failure to adequately attend to sexism within animal advocacy has allowed men in the movement to gain out-sized influence, which sometimes has been exercised abusively. In order to liberate animals and ourselves, we all must come to see the many ways that toxic forms of masculinity hurt everybody.

In the dairy industry, female cows endure a relentless cycle of impregnation and separation from their calves. Just like human mothers, they experience the deep bond of maternal love. By supporting the dairy industry, we inadvertently contribute to the exploitation of these mothers, their bodies reduced to milk-producing machines. Recognizing the intersection of feminism and animal rights urges us to reject these exploitative practices.

Similarly, the egg industry heavily relies on the exploitation of female hens. These intelligent and social beings are confined in cramped cages, unable to express their natural behaviors. They are reduced to mere egg-laying machines, their reproductive systems pushed to the limit.

VINE's groundbreaking work with roosters used in cockfighting illustrates the transformative power of a feminist analysis in benefiting both animals and humans. These roosters, unjustly stereotyped as inherently aggressive, are subjected to torture and coercion to fulfill human fantasies about masculinity. This not only inflicts immense suffering on them but also perpetuates the damaging notion that males are inherently violent. This harmful idea has far-reaching consequences, affecting boys and girls, men and women, and contributing to social issues such as domestic violence.

By embracing a feminist lens, we can challenge and dismantle the harmful ideologies that perpetuate both sexism and speciesism. Recognizing the interconnectedness of these oppressions allows us to work towards a more compassionate and inclusive society. It is crucial to address the ways in which toxic masculinity harms individuals of all genders and actively promote a culture of empathy, respect, and non-violence.

Shout Out

Carol J. Adams is a prominent feminist and author best known for her groundbreaking book, "The Sexual Politics of Meat." Through her writing and activism, Adams has passionately explored the interconnections among misogyny and animal exploitation, offering veganism as an essential antidote to both.

Carol's has also written extensively about the feminist "ethos of care." Her work continues to inspire critical conversations and activism in these important areas. A longtime supporter of VINE Sanctuary, Carol devoted her 70th birthday to raising funds for a our infirmary barn. We're proud to call her a friend and encourage all of our supporters to read her work.

Recipes of the Day

Carol co-authored the book Potest Kitchen with vegan nutritionist Virginia Messina. You'll find recipes for Tofu Corn Puffs, Baked Flatbread with Herbed White Beans, a "Groovin' Reuben" sandwich and more in this free sampler from that book.

Shout Out

Check out the following readings exploring the intersections between feminism and animals:

Recipes of the Day

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