Weekly News & Updates

May 24, 2024

It doesn't take me to tell you that the unofficial start of summer begins this weekend. In our family, we have two excited fish glad that the community pool opens this weekend! If you need me, I'll probably be poolside while our kids are splashing around.

On one of my Facebook groups yesterday, one well-intentioned ruling elder posted a request asking that worship leadership not ask for veterans to stand at the service on Sunday as a matter of thanking them. As I'm sure anticipated (like I did), many comments noted that Monday is not for those who served among us, but those who served who are no longer among us - it is for those who we have lost while serving our country. It is, indeed, humbling to think of how many that has been through the generations.

I think it is fitting to share with you a prayer in the Presbyterian Outlook a number of years ago, written by Rev. Jill Duffield, who now serves as Head of Staff at First Presbyterian Church. Let us pray:

Lord God, until there is war no more and you wipe every tear from every eye, we will remember. We will remember those who have served and died for the sake of something greater than themselves. We will remember and give thanks for the men and women who knowingly put themselves in harm’s way so that others might be safer. We will remember the families who grieve this day and every day for brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends and spouses, who lost their lives while wearing the uniform of our country.

Lord God, until you beat swords into plowshares and the ox and lamb lie down together, we will remember. We will remember that peace doesn’t happen without peacemakers and violence won’t cease unless we stand in the breach and begin to repair it. We will remember that war is costly, the price paid in priceless lives cut short.

Lord God, until the Prince of Peace returns and death and crying are no more, we will remember. We will remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country. We will support those left bereft in their absence. We will remember to seek reconciliation, knowing that while we cannot control the ways of the world, we can seek to work for peace in our own lives and communities.

Lord God, until there is no need for men and women to place themselves in harm’s way, we will remember and give thanks for those who did and died.

In the name of the One who grants us the peace that passes understanding, we pray. Amen.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday, when we will reflect on the three-in-one of God of the Trinity. Why and how do God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit make their way through the world, and how do they all intersect? We will examine that together.

If you ARE traveling this weekend, I remind you that you can always worship with us live online through our YouTube channel - information on that below. If you ARE traveling, I bid you safety and pray traveling mercies.

With a reflective heart,

Pastor Kathryn

Help is needed three mornings a week with the phones and any questions our many visitors may have - can you help out? Click here or see about it below.

In This Issue...

  • Worship: Upcoming Worship Service & Casual Summer

  • Stewardship: Volunteers Needed!

  • Congregational Care: Prayer List and Birthdays

  • Community Happenings: Senses Therapies and more!
Give Online

Click here to visit the Member Portal website

(A continued "thank you" to all who have sought to log into the member portal. If you do, indeed, click "forgot password", an email will be sent. However, they are not always being generated. Therefore, if you do request a change of password, please contact Pastor Kathryn by email and she will look into it for you.)

Worship & Music Highlights

Worship Online With Us!

If you are unable to join worship in-person, then join us online through Zoom or YouTube Live!

For Zoom: You may join by phone or computer.

  • To join by phone: (646) 558-8656
  • To join by computer: click here (ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602)

For YouTube Live: click here

This Week's Bulletin: click here

Summer Mode: ON!

All are encouraged to dress comfortably and casually from now through Labor Day weekend – no coats, no hose, no robes, no kidding! You are also asked to refrain from wearing heavy perfumes and colognes to allow all to be comfortable in the worship space.

Mission Ministry Team Highlights

Support Backpack Beginnings

Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions Ministry Team collects “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them in the marked box in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.

Volunteer Opportunity

Office Volunteers Needed!

The church building is bustling these days with outside groups utilizing the wonderful facility we have. With all of the ins and outs that take place, an extra person would be helpful to assist with answering the phone or questions our visitors may have. If you are able to help on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, please click the button below.

I can help in the office!

Church Life Ministry Team Highlights

Please contact Hubert if you have any questions or to let him know you're joining him. You can also register online.

Congregational Care Ministry Team Highlights

Prayer List - Click Here

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

If you have any prayer concerns or celebrations to add or know someone who is well enough to come off of the list, please contact your Congregational Care Ministry Team Captain or the Ministry Team’s chair, Carol Morgan, or the Ministry Team's elder, Nancy Hull.

Not sure of who is your CCMT Captain? Click here to find out.

Community Happenings @ FPC

Senses Therapies Welcomes Clients June 1!

Tifffany Higgins and Jenny Wonders, occupational therapist and speech therapist respectively, own Senses Therapies - a pediatric clinic to help in their areas of expertise. Earlier this month, they started adapting two of the classrooms they are renting to provide services to their young clients. Starting next month, they will welcome their first private clients - the majority of their other clients through their 40+ years of collective experience have been through Guilford County Schools. Please pray for them and say hi if you see them in the halls!

Zumba Classes @ FPC!

Zumba with Heather takes place on Tuesdays. starting at 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each drop-in class is $5. No reservations necessary!

Want to Play Bridge?

Did you know the church hosts multiple bridge opportunities throughout the week? For more information, please contact Peter or visit the American Contract Bridge League website.

What's Happening This Week?

Click Here for the Church Calendar - both FPC & Happenings in the Building

Congregational Leadership

Fellowship Presbyterian Church

2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410



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