Weekly News & Updates

June 27, 2024

"Cellll-a-brate good times, come on!"

What a great song - one that, for me, always seems to have my toe tapping at the least when I hear it...or think of it, for that matter. And now that I have your attention and that earworm in your mind, let's think about celebrations!

This week, particularly given that July starts Monday, has many reasons for celebrations. As we conclude the July Great Church Chill Out sermon series, I invite you to think of the things that we, as individuals, as families, and as a Fellowship Family, can celebrate. What comes to mind? I invite you to bring them with you on Sunday morning when we celebrate God's love for us with outside worship at Bur Mill Park. As you'll see below, we will not be able to livestream the event - and for that, I apologize. So, if you're unable to make it out, I encourage you to find ways to celebrate the big and little things in your life and give thanks to God for them. If you would like to come to worship and stay for the picnic but still hadn't let us know, please email Carollynn Campbell - there is always room at the table for one more!

As June quickly comes to a close, ripping another page off the monthly calendar, I encourage you to read below about all that is upcoming in the life of the congregation. This includes me needing to hear from you about those "burning questions" you may have about your faith and the church - July's worship will focus on what you wonder about.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday. I am aware, however, of the heat - please make your best judgment about whether to come out or not...but I hope you do! Blake and I are planning some fun for worship; after all, what's a celebration without a few surprises thrown in!

With a celebratory heart,

Pastor Kathryn

In This Issue...

  • Worship: Upcoming Worship Service & Casual Summer

  • Stewardship: Volunteers Needed!

  • Congregational Care: Prayer List and Birthdays

  • Community Happenings: Senses Therapies and more!
Give Online

A Note from the Personnel Ministry Team & Pastor Kathryn

Martha Shannon, Fellowship Presbyterian Church's wonderful Office Manager, works hard for the church and its members that she loves so dearly. For that, we are grateful. However, Martha does have a life outside of the church and its office.

Martha has been very gracious through the years to provide church members with her personal mobile phone number so she can be reached if someone has a question. It is NOT a church-issued phone. Therefore, it is not expected of her to take church-related calls on it. We are aware that she has always been gracious to answer and/or respond to calls and texts at all hours of the day and night. However, Pastor Kathryn and the Personnel Ministry Team feel that church members having her personal mobile number is being abused to have church-related questions answered outside of regular business hours.

While Martha is extremely resourceful and always willing to help, we request that business questions, needs, and requests be kept to calls at her church extension and emails only.

Should you have questions, please contact Pastor Kathryn or Donna Steele, Chair of the Personnel Ministry Team.

Worship & Music Highlights

Worship - in-person ONLY this Sunday

Due to worship being outside and offsite this Sunday, we unfortunately cannot provide an online worship option - Technological needs to properly stream online from week-to-week are more than can be done. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to resuming online streaming next Sunday!

Pastor Kathryn Wants to Hear From YOU!

Do you have a question about church, religion, or theology that you've always wondered? Do you wonder what the Presbyterian Church (USA) believes about topics that make the headlines? Now is the time to ask!

During July - one of the hottest months of the year - Pastor Kathryn will look to YOU for what Fellowship's worship services focus on throughout the month. Now's your chance! 

Visit this link to submit an idea - anonymously or with your name. You can also email Pastor Kathryn directly.

Please Note: Depending on the number of responses received, Pastor Kathryn may not be able to get to them all. She will, most likely, prioritize topics that seem to be the ponderings of many...but she will file them away for another time - this isn't the last time this opportunity will come up!

Summer Mode: ON!

All are encouraged to dress comfortably and casually from now through Labor Day weekend – no coats, no hose, no robes, no kidding! You are also asked to refrain from wearing heavy perfumes and colognes to allow all to be comfortable in the worship space.

Mission Ministry Team Highlights

Support Backpack Beginnings

Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions Ministry Team collects “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them in the marked box in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.

Food Drive NEXT Sunday

As you head to the store over the weekend and into next week, if you are able to add a few extra items to your shopping cart, please do so for Greensboro Urban Ministries. NEXT Sunday, July 7, the Mission Ministry Team is again collecting nonperishable items after worship for the organization's food shelf. Please, no glass. And thanks, in advance, for your donations!

Notes from the Office

Office Volunteers Needed!

The church building is bustling these days with outside groups utilizing the wonderful facility we have. With all of the ins and outs that take place, an extra person would be helpful to assist with answering the phone or questions our visitors may have. If you are able to help on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, please click the button below.

I can help in the office!

Click here to visit the Member Portal website

A continued "thank you" to all who have sought to log into the member portal. If you do, indeed, click "forgot password", an email will be sent. However, they are not always being generated. Therefore, if you do request a change of password, please contact Pastor Kathryn by email and she will look into it for you.

Church Life Ministry Team Highlights

All are welcome - if you're still interested in attending, it's not too late to sign up! Please email Carollynn to ensure there are enough burgers and hot dogs for all!

Click here register for the Hike

Click here register for VBS BOTH as

Participant OR Volunteer

Congregational Care Ministry Team Highlights

Prayer List - Click Here

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

If you have any prayer concerns or celebrations to add or know someone who is well enough to come off of the list, please contact your Congregational Care Ministry Team Captain or the Ministry Team’s chair, Carol Morgan, or the Ministry Team's elder, Nancy Hull.

Not sure of who is your CCMT Captain? Click here to find out.

June Birthdays

Check out those of our Fellowship Family that have birthdays coming up and be sure to reach out to help them celebrate!

July Birthdays

Check out those of our Fellowship Family that have birthdays coming up and be sure to reach out to help them celebrate!

Community Happenings @ FPC

Zumba Classes @ FPC!

Zumba with Heather takes place on Tuesdays. starting at 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each drop-in class is $5. No reservations necessary!

Want to Play Bridge?

Did you know the church hosts multiple bridge opportunities throughout the week? For more information, please contact Peter or visit the American Contract Bridge League website.

What's Happening This Week?

Click Here for the Church Calendar - both FPC & Happenings in the Building

Congregational Leadership

Fellowship Presbyterian Church

2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410



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