Weekly News & Updates

March 27, 2024


Come Thou fount of every blessing

Tune my heart to sing Thy grace

Streams of mercy never ceasing

Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet

Sung by flaming tongues above

Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it

Mount of Thy redeeming love

We have navigated the lines of this beloved hymn for the last 40 days and Sundays, watching Jesus through the eyes of the Apostle Peter - the one Jesus calls the rock on which the church will be built. As Peter has struggled with his faith, asking questions, we examined them too. We have gone through the ups and downs of faith with Peter - and there will be more ups and downs in the coming days for sure.

Today is Maundy Thursday, the beginning of the end. This evening, we will gather in the Sanctuary with our Fellowship Family and our siblings from Guilford Park Presbyterian Church to dine with Jesus and his disciples through bread and cup. I hope to see you at 6pm, whether in-person or online. I hope you then stay for dinner in our Fellowship Hall for a soup and salad dinner where two Presbyterian congregations can find more common ground.

Tomorrow, you have two opportunities to mark the events of Good Friday:

  • All are welcome to Guilford Park's Fellowship Hall (2100 Fernwood Dr., enter off the Fairfield Avenue entrance) between noon and 5:30 for the "Stations of Peter" - and experiential journey to reflect more deeply on Peter's actions during Jesus' final days. This option will take approximately 30 minutes.
  • At 6pm we will gather in the Sanctuary at Guilford Park to mark Jesus' final hours in a traditional Good Friday service with our combined Family. That service will also be streamed online through Guilford Park's website - please click here to access it.

Sunday, we will find the tomb empty and celebrate the resurrection as a Fellowship family in two worship services - one with the rising of the sun at 7am and then in the Sanctuary at 10am. Between services, all are invited to the Fellowship Hall for breakfast (served from 7:30-9am) and the Egg Hunt for children. The forecast looks like the clouds will clear and it will be a lovely spring day to celebrate. I hope to see you there!

In the days ahead, I challenge you to be intentional with your time, doing more than just going through the motions of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter because it's "what you're supposed to do" and can, instead, examine your faith with new eyes and changed hearts so, come Sunday, with confidence we can all say, "He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!"

With an anticipatory heart,

Pastor Kathryn

In This Issue...

  • Worship: Upcoming Worship Services & Easter Lilies
  • Mission: Immigrant Meals; WVAR
  • Stewardship: Pledging Update & Volunteers Needed!
  • Church Life: Soup for Maundy Thursday; NCAA Tourney
  • Congregational Care: Prayer List and Birthdays
  • Community Happenings: Zumba Class & Community Bridge
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Worship & Music Highlights

Worship Online With Us!

If you are unable to join worship in-person, then join us online through Zoom or YouTube Live!

For Zoom: You may join by phone or computer.

  • To join by phone: (646) 558-8656
  • To join by computer: click here (ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602)

For YouTube Live: click here

This Week's Bulletin: click here

Mission Ministry Team Highlights


Celebrating a Great Month!

The Mission Ministry Team celebrates a busy month!

  • 658 pounds of food for Greensboro Urban Ministries
  • 7 units of blood for the American Red Cross
  • Mary's Blessing Bags were distributed downtown to our displaced neighbors
  • 10 immigrant meals for Easter were delivered in partnership with Church World Service.

We also celebrate with Mark Kirstner the successful events that White Voices Against Racism held and look forward to the next events in May. Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered this month on these special projects! It couldn't be done without YOU!

Support Backpack Beginnings

Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions Ministry Team collects “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them in the marked box in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.

Volunteer Opportunities

Office Volunteers Needed!

The church building is bustling these days with outside groups utilizing the wonderful facility we have. With all of the ins and outs that take place, an extra person would be helpful to assist with answering the phone or questions our visitors may have. If you are able to help on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, please click the button below.

I can help in the office!

Church Life Ministry Team Highlights

Women's Bible Study Concludes on April 2

The Women's Bible Study returns Tuesday, April 2, at 6:30pm. It's not too late to join! Please contact Mimi Carter if you would like a book or information about joining the Zoom study.

Congregational Care Ministry Team Highlights


It is with a heavy heart I share the passing of Julian Bullock, who died peacefully in his home on March 27th. Becky and family were with him and are doing well at this time. We will celebrate his life on Wednesday, April 3, at 2pm in the Fellowship Sanctuary.

If you are able to assist in any way with the service or reception, please contact Carol Morgan, co-chair of the Congregational Care Ministry Team.

We give thanks to God for Julian, for his life, and for his love of Jesus Christ. May we continue to pray for Becky, their children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren during this time.

Pastor Kathryn

Prayer List - Click Here

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

If you have any prayer concerns or celebrations to add or know someone who is well enough to come off of the list, please contact your Congregational Care Ministry Team Captain or the Ministry Team’s chair, Carol Morgan, or the Ministry Team's elder, Nancy Hull.

Not sure of who is your CCMT Captain? Click here to find out.


Check out those of our Fellowship Family that have birthdays coming up and be sure to reach out to help them celebrate!

Community Happenings @ FPC

Zumba Classes @ FPC!

Zumba with Heather takes place on Tuesdays. starting at 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each drop-in class is $5. No reservations necessary!

Want to Play Bridge?

Did you know the church hosts multiple bridge opportunities throughout the week? For more information, please contact Peter or visit the American Contract Bridge League website.

Click Here for the Church Calendar - both FPC & Happenings in the Building

Congregational Leadership

Fellowship Presbyterian Church

2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410


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