I know I've mentioned it to a few people, but next week, my family and I will be enjoying views like the one in this picture - a trip of a lifetime to Seattle and cruising around Alaska is in our (near) future.

Am I excited? You bet! But I know there are many things to be done around here that are currently consuming my time, so I am trying not to lose focus. However, if a couple of Sundays ago was any confirmation (that I didn't already know), this Fellowship Family can function just fine without their pastor from time to time. And do that, you will!

Next Sunday, Rev. Leigh Curl-Dove will lead worship and share her thoughts about the partnership between her organization, Church World Services of Greensboro, and Fellowship can continue in amazing ways with the help of the Holy Spirit. I'm confident that worship will be just as enriching and fulfilling and will look forward to hearing a full report when I return.

But that's next Sunday. This Sunday, I'm excited to have a front-row seat for the Holy Spirit at work as Tyra Clymer from Greensboro Urban Ministries shares with us about her organization and share her gifts during worship. We will also officially welcome Morteza and Shima to the Fellowship Family through affirmation of faith, or baptism. They have learned so much about Jesus Christ since having found us and are excited to accept God's invitation, which all who gather on Sunday will be able to witness. All-in-all, another wonderful Sunday for the Fellowship Family to gather together as a body of Christ.

I hope to see you in worship on Sunday, whether in person or online.

Until then,
Pastor Kathryn

p.s. While I am away from the office, Rev. Blake Tickle will be available for any pastoral care emergencies.
Sunday (Virtual) Worship Information

Sunday worship is in-person, but will continue to be available through Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube.

Worshipping via Zoom allows for worship participants to, at the least, see each other during worship, should a participant join through computer. Zoom also allows for worship participants to join by phone, should they not have access to a computer.

To join by phone, call: (646)558-8656

When you dial in you will be asked for a meeting ID number: enter 847 7231 7808The password is: 658602Depending on the time you dial in, you may not hear anything to start with. When the Prelude begins, you will hear audio.

To access worship by Zoom via computer, please click here.

(If you'd prefer to access the worship service through the Zoom website, please enter Meeting ID 847 7231 7808 - the password is: 658602.)

To access worship by Facebook Live, please click here.

To access worship by YouTube, please click here.

Don't forget - you can access this week's bulletin via the church's website or by clicking here.
Applewood Community School Supply Drive
For the third year, the Mission Committee is sponsoring a school supply drive for our neighbors at the Applewood Housing Community. Bring items from the list to the church from now through Sunday, August 28. We will bless the supplies during worship on August 28 and distribute to the students that afternoon. If you have questions, please contact Judy Meyler and Mimi Carter from the Mission Committee or Pastor Kathryn.
Women's Bible Study will be resuming September 13! In the spring we began Come to the Waters, and we will resume with Lesson 6. Meetings will be Tuesday, September 13, 20, October 4, and 11 at 6:30pm via Zoom so you can join us from anywhere. All are welcome! For more information, contact Mimi Carter at mfhc48@hotmail.com or Jeanie Harrison at jharrison3@triad.rr.com.
Fellowship Presbyterian has online giving available through the Presbyterian Foundation.

Click this link to be taken to the online donations page.
Fellowship has started an ongoing partnership between Backpack Beginnings, Greensboro Housing Authority, and The Applewood Community. Please contact Mary Howe to sign up: maryhowe0712@gmail.com or call/text at 336-698-6541. Please click here to sign up. 
Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions committee will be collecting “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them on the Missions table in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.
Prayer Concerns and Celebrations

  • Mark Kirstner returned home from vacation with COVID.
  • Gary Anderson grieves in the passing of his coworker, Todd Martinez from cancer.
  • Terry Anderson reports her uncle, Johnny Ziegler, is considering further medical care options following his surgery (8/3) as doctors were unable to remove the remainder of his pancreatic tumor.
  • Phyllis King reports that her son, Tim King, had a successful procedure this week and asks for continued prayers as he awaits the doctor’s report.
  • Prayers for Greensboro Urban Ministry, currently seeing a critically low level of food at the food pantry.
  • Prayers for those affected by the continued COVID pandemic.
  • Prayers for Ukraine and those caught in the crossfire as the war continues.
  • Continued prayers for our church members: Ben Wordsworth, Ned & Donna Steele family, Traci Rankins, Peggy and John Koppel, Julian Bullock, Lea Groves, Nancy Baughman, Bruce Weaver, and Marjorie Van Horn.
  • Continued prayers for the family and friends of our congregation: Casey and her daughter Abby (Terry Anderson’s niece).  Linda McDaniel (wife of Terry Anderson’s co-worker), Wynston Walker’s brother’s family, Judy Harron (Steve & Toni Lindahl’s friend), Barbara Dooley (Claire Clark’s mother), Terry and Ron McCollum (Julie Davis’s sister and brother-in-law), Christy King (Phyllis’s daughter-in-law), Curt Bacorn (Fred Campbell’s friend), Ryan and Lauren Barnes (Tye Wittman’s friends), Linda Reynolds (Beth’s mother-in-law), Gray Delafield (Fred & Marilyn’s son, Andy’s brother), Mandy (Judy Meyler’s aunt), Libby Ansel & Cindy Cantrell (Lesa Layno’s sisters), Kate Hopper (Martha Shannon’s friend), Dennis (John Archambault’s cousin), Todd Southard (John Archambault’s friend), Suzanne (Judy Meyler’s sister-in-law), Johnny Ziegler (Terry Anderson’s uncle), Katherine and Donald Bennett (Barbara Smith’s sister and brother-in-law), Felicia Schaps (Lindahl's daughter-in-law's mother), Ashley Long (Joel and Ann Long’s daughter-in-law), Joyce and Don Berger (Kandee Spain’s parents), Gwen Flowers and her family (Linda Ueland’s sister), Dorothy & Edward Archambault (John Archambault’s parents), Jenny George (Betsy Craver's cousin).

If you have any additional prayer concerns, please contact Linda Ueland (336-314-5481) or call Martha at the church (336-288-5177).

This Week’s Calendar

  • 9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
  • 9:30am: Worship (Sanctuary) – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)
August 15:
  • 9am-12noon: Office Hours
  • 12:30pm: Personnel Committee (via Zoom)
  • 6:30pm: Social Spark at Monterrey Mexican Restaurant
August 15:
  • 9am-12noon: Office Hours
August 17:
  • Office Closed
  • 7am: Men's Koffee Klatch (Panera Bread – Lawndale Location)
  • 12 noon: Bulletin and Blast Deadline
August 18:
  • 9am-12noon: Office Hours
  • 9:30am & 1:30pm: Meyler Oil Studio (Fellowship Hall)
  • 1pm: Bridge (Library)
  • 6pm: Building & Grounds Committee (via Zoom)
  • 6pm: Stewardship & Finance Committee (via Zoom)
  • 9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
  • 9:30am: Worship (Sanctuary) – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)