April 2022
Join BNHA this April and May for great programming around the diverse cultures of Baltimore!

This month check out the latest in our lecture series speaking to the erasure of Native American culture and what can be done today to correct history. Also, make sure you join BNHA on May 13th for the premiere of our new documentary - Voices of a Black Butterfly - that takes a closer look at what exactly an urban heritage area is and the many diverse voices that shape Baltimore.

Now is the time to access grants for your next heritage area project. BNHA's Heritage Investment Grant is open and we have also included information on an additional grant with a specific focus on African American heritage projects. We appreciate all that you do to preserve Baltimore's historic neighborhoods and cultural spaces and we want to make sure you have access to the funds to keep the heritage area thriving.

Finally, we need you to spread the word on our History Through Arts youth competition. We want to see how young people view their experience in Baltimore. Please let the young artists around you know about the competition. The deadline is quickly approaching.

BNHA continues to be the voice of the heritage area. We thank you for being our partner in this endeavor.

Shauntee Daniels
Executive Director
Join Us May 13, 2022

Film Premiere of Voices of a Black Butterfly

The Peale
5:30 - 7:00p


Featured Guest: 
Dr. Lawrence T. Brown,
 Author, The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America

What is it to survive and thrive in a city that doesn’t always acknowledge your presence and history? Voices of a Black Butterfly, the latest documentary produced by The Baltimore National Heritage Area, explores the cultural aspects of living in Baltimore, where history is both enriched and complicated by its length and its diversity. The film addresses what a heritage area is and also singles out the unique characteristics of Baltimore’s urban heritage area. Baltimore’s heritage isn’t just represented by its historic buildings or museums. This film offers a voice to the real experiences of the “black butterfly,” the city’s often disinvested Black neighborhoods. These voices remind us that each culture is worth preserving in all its facets, and that we are both defined and connected as people by the wings of Baltimore’s “black butterfly.”

It's More Than History
Lecture Series


History as a Mangy Dog: Abolitionists, Indian Removal, and the Price of Denial

Friday, April 29 | 12:00pm -1:00pm (EDT)
Free online | RSVP Required

Paul Chaat Smith serves as Curator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. Mr. Smith will discuss the intersection of two powerful social movements of the 1830s and the unlikely alliance between Cherokee slave owners and leading abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison. As the long-buried story of Native American enslavement of Africans has slowly come to light, this episode can help us understand why it was ignored for so long, and why it matters now.


I Am More than Your Flag
By Any Means Necessary: Stories of Survival
Not Just a Game: The Story of Savage 
Film Screenings
With Jeffrey Kent and David Gibney
June 14, 2022 | 6:00 - 7:30pm (ET)
Free Online - RSVP Link Coming Soon
Calling All Baltimore Young Artists!
3rd Annual
History Through Arts Competition

The purpose of this contest is to engage City youth in an art exhibit showcasing their unique talents while also expressing their view of life in Baltimore City.

BNHA will host a summer exhibit showcasing this artwork in partnership with the Downtown Partnership in 2022. The contest is open to Baltimore youth ages 9-18. Submissions can take the form of photography and works on paper. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2022Click here for submission details. 

Grand Prize $300
Second Place $200
Third Place $100
Honorable Mention (2) $50.00 Gift Card
BNHA Will Be Out in the Community!

Baltimore Farmer's Market
May 29th

Baltimore Museum of Industry (BMI) - Farmer's Market
May 21st 
9am - Noon

BNHA would like to come out and share information on grants, programs and initiatives with your audience of residents. Our programs can improve the neighborhood, improve a historical site and even provide a historical narrative. Contact Kenyona Moore to have BNHA come out and support your next event.
Flashback on a Heritage Investment Grant (HIG) Project

Fell’s Point Main Street
Where Are They Now? Recording Fell’s Point Businesses Through the Years

Utilizing a $5,000 Heritage Investment Grant award, Fell’s Point Main Street completed a heritage tourism project where brief videos were produced highlighting ten historic buildings in Fell's Point featuring interviews with each of the building’s current proprietors. These videos describe various histories and functions of these buildings as they adapted for every era. The videos were successfully pushed out through social media campaigns and were featured in the two IKE kiosks in the neighborhood ensuring the widest possible public reach utilizing a small budget. This project greatly benefited the local business community by encouraging people to visit the commercial corridor and clearly connected the commercial district to Baltimore's history and landmarks further highlighting our city’s unique heritage.

We encourage you to connect to their website!

The 2022 Heritage Investment Grant cycle is now open! Applications due June 1.
BNHA receives additional funding from the U.S. National Park Service to expand its Heritage Investment Grant Program!
This year, BNHA received additional funds up to $250,000 to disburse more grant awards for its non-capital Heritage Investment Grant Program.
BNHA is seeking proposals to advance heritage tourism in the following categories: Capacity-building Support, Operating Support, Historic Preservation, Collections Care and Conservation, Heritage Tourism Events, Land, Water, Environmental Conservation (to include archeology), Recreational Projects and Trails Programming, Education and Interpretation, and Marketing and Outreach.
This is a two-year award with project request amounts up to $15,000 with a required, non-federal match from the applicant. If awarded, projects can begin September 1, 2022.
For more information and to view the guidelines, please visit our website.
Application deadline: June 1, 2022 (11:59pm)
Another Grant Opportunity

FY2023 African American Heritage Preservation Program grant round is now open!
The African American Heritage Preservation Program (AAHPP) provides grants to assist in the preservation of buildings, sites, or communities of historical and cultural importance to the African American experience in Maryland. The AAHPP is administered as a partnership between the MHT and the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture (MCAAHC).

This spring, the MHT and the MCAAHC will hold in-person overview workshops and three virtual Q&A workshops for prospective applicants.  

Overview Workshop:

4/28/22 11am-1pm
Location: Washington County Free Public Library, 100 South Potomac St., Hagerstown

Q&A Workshops:
5/5/22 6pm-7:30pm (virtual)
5/19/22 11am-12:30pm (virtual)
6/2/22 6pm-7:30pm (virtual)
To apply, register for a workshop, view grant documents, or for more information, visit - https://mht.maryland.gov/grants_africanamerican.shtml.

The deadline to apply is July 1, 2022 at 11:59pm. 

For assistance in developing project purpose, programming, and advice on site interpretation please contact Chanel Compton, Director of the MCAAHC, at chanel.compton@maryland.gov or 410-216-6190.

The perfect place to peruse and purchase unique Baltimore-themed and inspired gift items. You will also find Baltimore cultural events listed that will aid you in better appreciating the rich culture and history of the city experience.

Visit Authentic Baltimore TODAY! We are still looking for vendors. If you are interested in linking your store or showcasing your products with us, please email LaDawn Black today.
BNHA is Seeking Urban Rangers

If you love meeting new people and sharing the unique stories and history of Baltimore, BNHA wants to talk to you! We are currently looking to hire Urban Rangers for several of our walking tours. We will train you on all of the history and important sites in Baltimore and this part-time position sharing the greatness of the city pays $15 per hour. This is a great opportunity for college students, history buffs, retirees and anyone who feels Baltimore's story needs to be shared with the world! If you are interested please email Kenyona Moore and place "Urban Ranger" in the subject line. We can't wait to hear from you!

BNHA's Umbrellas Are Here!

A donation of $25 or more to BNHA gets you one of our one-of-a-kind golf-sized Baltimore-themed umbrellas. These umbrellas feature images by many of your favorite local photographers of the great neighborhoods and cultural institutions in the city.

Sending Condolences to the Family of BNHA's
Cheryl Harris

Cheryl Harris, one of our devoted Urban Ranger‘s as well as museum docent, recently passed away. Cheryl was a dedicated member of the BNHA team since 2007. Her last assignment with us was at the Poe House and Museum. The BNHA team appreciates Cheryl's many years of service to BNHA engaging the public and telling the unique stories of the Baltimore National Heritage Area.

Shauntee Daniels
Executive Director

LaDawn Black
Marketing & Communications Manager

Danielle Walter-Davis
Grants Portfolio Manager

Kenyona Moore
Interpretation & Outreach Coordinator

The Baltimore National Heritage Area works to promote, preserve, and enhance Baltimore's historic and cultural legacy and natural resources.