• Local Israeli leaders strengthen ties, skills at conference

• Kosher Korner: Passover Edition with tips, recipes

• Voices: Ottawa couple dedicated to helping kids

• Voices: Canada to China: Our shared history

April 11, 2024 • Jewish Federation of Ottawa

Federation at 90: Defending Jews worldwide, then and now

In the 1970s and 1980s, in 2002, and again in 2023, Jewish Ottawa can be proud of our response. Our community is strong and understands the value of standing up for what’s right in support of Jewish causes, then, now, and in the future. 

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Israeli immigrant community leaders gather for conference in Miami

The World Zionist Organization (WZO) hosted a conference for Israeli immigrants from North America, and two volunteers, Inbal Marcovitch and Yulia Elgin attended on behalf of the Canadian Israeli community of Ottawa. Both leaders in our community have made a huge difference to their micro-communities. 

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Kosher Korner: Passover Edition, cooking and cleaning made easy

As we prepare to celebrate our freedom from slavery, we may feel like we are slaves again to the cleaning and cooking. But … never fear, Rabbi Levy Teitlebaum, Director of the Ottawa Vaad Ha Kashrut, is here with some tips and tricks to make the Passover preparation easier, along with some recipes that are quick after a long day. 

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Ottawa couple helps children in Ottawa and Israel with toys and books

For more than 30 years, Edna and Seymour Eisenberg have been fundraising and supporting projects to improve children's lives in Ottawa and Israel. "Who would not like to see a sick or traumatized child’s face light up after getting a toy or book that speaks to their heart?” asks Seymour, whose latest initiative supported gifting children with a book that delt with the war.

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Canada to China – Back to our roots,

Jewish-Chinese connections unite family

In this Voices column, Valerie (Chan) Hum, shares how her family bonded over shared history during a special trip to China where her family and her Jewish daughter-in-law, Sharon, were able to visit their ancestral homes, and even discovered Sharon's grandparents' refugee records at the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum.

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Marking life's milestones

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