Federal Housing Plan:

A BC local government analysis

The proposed 2024 federal budget includes a new housing plan, with several programs that impact local governments. Initiatives include supports for renters, homeowners, developers, and other orders of government. The plan broadly fits into three categories: building more homes, making it easier to rent or buy a home, and helping Canadians who can’t afford a home. Details are yet to come, but the plan does address some of the core components in UBCM’s Housing Strategy. Read on for a UBCM analysis of the federal government’s “Solving the Housing Crisis: Canada’s Housing Plan”.

Annual reports from CCBF recipients due June 1

If your local government received funding from the Canada Community-Building Fund in 2023, it’s time to submit the Annual Expenditure Report. Read on for instructions and more information.

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Webinar: RCMP Municipal Police

Unit Agreements

Communities with a Municipal Police Unit Agreement (MPUA) are invited to a webinar hosted by UBCM and the Province on May 7, 10-11:30am PDT. Elected officials and staff are invited to attend the webinar, which will focus on the authorities and responsibilities of municipalities with an MPUA. Register here.

Communities stretch grant dollars as emergencies pile up 

The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund has been instrumental for communities to mitigate emergency risk, and to recover afterwards. As emergencies increase in severity and frequency, local governments in BC are relying more heavily on funds like this — and at the same time, are being assigned more responsibilities.

Grand Forks Mayor Everett Baker and UBCM president Trish Mandewo speak to the need for long-term funding to address this complex challenge.

Copyright, Union of British Columbia Municipalities 2024

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