The latest news and opportunities in government data and analytics                                                   



Welcome to Carpe Datum’s weekly newsletter, the Federal Data Prospector, the only publication of its kind dedicated exclusively to data and analytics companies that share our passion for serving the public sector. Our featured items begin with the Air Force's request for subscription solutions offering supply chain information including vendor, pricing, and product data to support their strategic sourcing initiatives.


  • Department of Defense, United States Air Force — Market Intelligence Report Subscription - The United States Air Force, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Business Intelligence Branch is seeking potential sources that are capable of providing the following items: Market analysis subscription to assist with market research trend analysis for strategic sourcing opportunities and category management at both the micro and macro levels of industry.


In other data news, on June 6th, Wired published an article entitled The Snowflake Attack May Be Turning Into One of the Largest Data Breaches Ever. In this story, Matt Burgess describes how a series of hacks targeting Snowflake customers is potentially evolving into one of the largest data breaches ever. The breach has already affected major companies like Ticketmaster and Santander, with hackers now attempting to sell data from additional firms, highlighting the urgent need for stronger cybersecurity measures.


  • In recent years, coinciding with more people working from home since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in the use of infostealer malware. 'Infostealers have become more popular because they’re in high demand and pretty easy to create,' says Ian Gray, the vice president of intelligence at security company Flashpoint. Hackers have been seen to be copying or modifying existing infostealers and selling them on for as little as $10 for all the login details, cookies, files, and more from one infected device.”


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Artificial Intelligence Quantified (AIQ)

Dept. of Defense

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative proposals in the technical areas of assessing and understanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) to enable mathematical guarantees on performance of generative AI.

Telematics Technology and Distracted Driving

Dept. of Transportation

The current project will focus on different forms of data collection, i.e., Naturalistic Driving Studies Data Acquisition Systems (NDS DAS) and smartphone-based telematic apps, analyzing the data collected in terms of accuracy at providing information, resources required for utilizing each technology, and ease of use and distribution (Study 1). The project will also involve analyzing the data collected using these two technologies in terms of distracted driving engagement according to participant sex and age (which will be analyzed using the current project’s data sets) (Study 2).

Economic Studies of FDA Regulations

Dept. of Health and Human Services

The FDA needs data on the economic characteristics of regulated industries, so that changes in regulatory policies can be empirically examined. This data will include, for example, the number, size, and location (domestic or foreign) of firms and their employment, sales, and number of stock-keeping units (labels).

National Investment Center (NIC-MAP) Senior Care Economic Data & Mapping Subscription Services

Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

The objective of this requirement is to provide on-line access to Senior Housing and Nursing Home Care Price Index forecast data by MSA for the Office of Risk Management. From an operational standpoint, data is used for modeling and predicting FHA loan performance and for computing impacts of the FHA insurance programs and the Federal budget, and for designing risk-management tools.

Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) - Topic of Interest (TOI) - Illegal, Unreported, & Unregulated Fishing (IUU-F)

Dept. of Defense

We are currently evaluating Step 1 solutions. All offerors selected for Step 2 will be notified simultaneously and as soon as possible. All relevant details will be provided at that time. For planning purposes, Step 2 in-person briefs are scheduled to be held 8-12 July 2024 in Mountain View, CA. 

Corporate Registry Data to Support IRS Analytics

Dept. of the Treasury

Submission requirements posted.

DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement for Foundational Research

Dept. of Defense

Current research topics for foundational research posted.

DHS-FEMA Risk Analysis, Planning & Information Directorate (RAPID) - Risk MAP Information Technology Operations & Maintenance Support Industry Day

Dept. of Homeland Security

RAPID RiskMAP Industry Day slides posted.

Notice of Intent to Sole Source Merative MarketScan

Dept. of Health and Human Services

The Merative MarketScan Research Databases include individual-level, de-identified, healthcare claims information from employers, health plans, hospitals, and Medicare and Medicaid programs. These proprietary databases contain the oldest and largest collection of privately and publicly insured, de-identified patient data in the United States, with more than 120+ contributing health plans, and more than 273 million covered lives since 1995.

Multifamily Economic Data

Federal Housing Finance Agency

To fulfill its mission, OCAP needs historical and forecasted data on economic measures of multifamily markets. Historical data is used to generate reports on market status and trends, as well as for developing multifamily statistical models sensitive to economic and financial conditions. Reports on market status and trends allow OCAP to monitor market conditions and make decisions to mitigate Enterprise credit risk. OCAP uses forecasts of multifamily market data under different economic scenarios as inputs to statistical models to quantify the credit risk of the GSEs multifamily portfolios. Both tools allow FHFA to efficiently monitor Enterprise performance to maintain a safe and sound secondary mortgage market.

Notice of Intent to Sole Source - AMA Physician Profile Subscription

Dept. of Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Strategic Acquisition Center (SAC) intends to negotiate a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) sole source award with the American Medical Association (AMA) for credentialing services. The AMA Physician Profile offers a unique opportunity for VA facilities to request one report which is recognized by The Joint Commission as primary source verification for education, training, certification, licensure, and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) credentials as well as disciplinary flags for physicians.

Intent to Sole Source - Cyber Cube Data

Dept. of the Treasury

OFR requires CyberCube products: Account Manager (AM); Portfolio Manager (PM); Attritional Loss Model (ALM); SPoF Intelligence; Industry Exposure Database (IED); Economic Exposure Database (EED); Active Risk Monitoring functionality; and CyberConnect APIs. In addition to access to these products via CyberCube’s platform, the proposed acquisition is to acquire bulk historical data on cybersecurity scores, subscores, and exposure scores on a portfolio of up to 10,000 entities, along with the ability to add entities on a quarterly basis.

Identity Verification Support Services

Dept. of Transportation

FMCSA is seeking to award a single firm-fixed price order off of General Services Administration’s (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) for Identification Verification Support services in order to reduce and/or eliminate the increased fraud and freight theft throughout the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) industry. The required support services must be operational as of the date of proposal submission to FMCSA and ready on Day One of the contract. Additionally, the solution must be able to integrate with all of FMCSA’s application programming interfaces (APIs).

BlackSky Secures One-Year Extension for NRO Imagery Contract

National Reconnaissance Office

The U.S. government has built a new API-enabled commercial imagery ordering architecture designed to streamline and scale the ability to order and receive data products from commercial providers. BlackSky was the first commercial imagery provider to successfully integrate and validate the performance of this architecture.

Steampunk Secures $47M DEA Program Management and Support Task Order

Dept. of Justice

The DEA task order will involve comprehensive program management and support services. Steampunk will leverage its technical prowess to enhance the DEA’s data analytics capabilities, ensuring efficient and effective operations in tackling drug-related issues.

U.S. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission Set for AI Market Investigation

In a move that signals increased scrutiny over the artificial intelligence industry, the U.S. Justice Department alongside the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have reached an accord poised to launch a probe into the practices of significant tech entities, namely Microsoft, OpenAI, and NVIDIA. The investigation aims to determine whether these firms are engaging in monopolistic behaviors that could stifle competition within the burgeoning AI sector.

US Air Force says it’s on verge of rapid electronic warfare updates

“We have to be able to continue to add pressure to the adversary in a war in order to seize the advantage and achieve our objectives,” Koslov said. “Data is the weapon that will allow this to happen, and data processing is the way to do that.” This will include combining data from all sources in the joint force, such as Army units on land, naval ships in the Pacific, or airborne platforms, he said, and then combing through that information to find new threats. The military must then use that data to develop a way to counter that new threat, and then get that new capability back to the field.

Treasury seeks information on AI uses and risks in the financial sector

“Treasury is proud to be playing a key role in spurring responsible innovation, especially in relation to AI and financial institutions. Our ongoing stakeholder engagement allows us to improve our understanding of AI in financial services,” Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang said in a statement. “The Biden administration is committed to fostering innovation in the financial sector while ensuring that we protect consumers, investors, and our financial system from risks that new technologies pose.”

DARPA and Slingshot build system to detect ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ adversary satellites

Slingshot researchers generated 60 years’ worth of synthetic constellation data with which to train Agatha, so that the system could detect minute differences in satellite behavior, using those differences to deduce the satellite’s true operational directives. As it turns out, there are “lots of little tells that add up to something much bigger,” Slingshot’s director of data science, Dylan Kesler, said in a recent interview. That could be small changes in the mass of the satellite, which affects its station keeping, or if the satellite communicated differently with Earth, or if it was always oriented in the same direction (versus all the other satellites in the constellation).

U.S. defense: Fighting the fog of war with data and AI

The Army Vantage program is not just an analytics platform but a catalyst for data-driven decision-making across the Army. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the Army can transform vast amounts of data into actionable intelligence, supporting decision-making at all levels, from strategic planning to tactical execution.

A cloud-neutral AI and analytics platform key to enabling whole-of-government digital transformation

The ability to deploy AI and analytics across different cloud and on-premise environments can help to effectively scale digital transformation across the government, says representatives from Red Hat and SAS.

Utah, Colorado Pave Way for AI-Specific State Laws – Is Your Company Ready for the Impending Regulation Wave?

The regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) has drawn significant interest from policymakers in the US, particularly at the state level. There has been a recent slew of legislative activity with respect to comprehensive AI bills across various states. We expect to see this new wave of comprehensive AI regulation at the state level continue to increase over the coming months. Early state AI laws have the potential to exert an outsized influence on the trajectory of AI regulation in the US. 

Most Americans unaware of foreign intel operations’ scope on social media, State Dept. official says

The State Department’s top digital and cyber policy official says that most Americans are seemingly unaware of how much of their day-to-day social media content is actually made up of veiled foreign intelligence campaigns. The stark declaration from U.S. Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy Nate Fick comes amid a polarized national debate over U.S. foreign policy and an upcoming presidential election where generative AI tools —- which have become a top concern for spy officials — could be used to attempt to turn the tide of election outcomes.

Can regulators keep up with AI?

The Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC) new strategic plan, which sets out the commission’s vision for the next six years, highlights AI as a key driver for the markets in the years ahead. “Artificial intelligence continues to develop, with the potential to impact processes and stakeholders throughout our capital markets. It also raises important questions about managing risk, governance, and the potential for malicious use,” the plan said.

International Talent Key to Bridging AI and Data Analytics Skills Gap

During a major 2024 conference in Washington, D.C., focused on AI and financial stability, representatives from various sectors disclosed their challenges and strategies related to recruiting talent in the burgeoning fields of AI and data analytics. From pooling resources to crafting unique educational opportunities, entities are actively seeking ways to address the skills shortage.

Informatica unveils revolutionary generative AI technology to revolutionize data management

One of the key highlights is CLAIRE GPT, a revolutionary tool designed to integrate GenAI throughout data management processes. Utilizing an organization’s metadata system of record, CLAIRE GPT allows users to interact with data through a natural language interface. This innovation not only boosts productivity and speeds up decision-making but also ensures robust data security.

Quantexa Announces Partnership with Databricks to Help Customers Rapidly Scale Data and AI Initiatives

Using the Databricks Platform capability to create a centralized data lake, combined with Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform advanced capabilities in entity resolution to create a single customer view, customers can now train their generative AI applications with contextual data. This will enable users to receive a much more accurate and richer responses with the help of Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform knowledge graph capabilities for network generation.

Innovations in ICT Supply Chain Risk Management Conference

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will host the first annual Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) Task Force Conference, titled Innovations in ICT Supply Chain Risk Management, on June 12 at the MITRE Corporation in McLean, VA. Speakers and panelists will include CISA Director Jen Easterly and other senior officials from CISA, as well as leaders from the national security and cyber community, Task Force members, C-suite executives, and SCRM experts. 

USSOCOM Innovation Foundry (IF16) Event

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM’s Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T), will host the sixteenth Innovation Foundry Event (IF16), in either Lexington KY, or at SOFWERX in Tampa, FL, (final determination will be made by the end of June), which intends to bring together Special Operations Forces (SOF), industry, academia, national labs, government, and futurists in an exploration, design thinking, facilitated event to assist USSOCOM in decomposing future scenarios and missions.

DHS SBIR Webinar—Deconstructing SBIR: But Wait There's More!

Join the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program for the Deconstructing SBIR: But Wait There’s More! webinar on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 2 p.m., EST. Attendees will hear from the newest member of the DHS SBIR team, Outreach Manager Connie Benesh, who will speak about her role and the ways in which the DHS SBIR program is engaging new and innovative small businesses to promote awareness of the program, resources for small businesses, and goals for the future.

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