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Fantastic February 
February may be the shortest month of the year but it sure was busy. This month, we've hung, lord only knows how many pictures/pieces of art, a house full of doors, replaced all the door knobs in another house, patched over 150 nail holes in drywall, repaired a door jamb, installed some shelving, fixed a crooked tile, caulked a tub, revitalized a sunroom (which you can see in the pictures below), and for those of you who are new to the mailing list or haven't heard yet, we received to prestigious Best of 2017 award from Homestars. 
Tip of the Month

Have you ever had to get up early and accidentally woken up your partner with the Squeaking of your bedroom door? Well you won't anymore, because this month's tip is all about the best way to keep those doors swinging, smooth and silent.
Image from
UpCycling 101: Colander Planter

Here is a good one for those empty nester who's children left there university cooking supplies in the basement, or maybe for newlyweds that have been given one too many Colanders. 

The project is elegant in design and easy to execute. It's shouldn't take more than an hour to complete. 

All you need is a colander(s), landscape fabric or sturdy plastic, potting soil, jute rope, drywall anchors, hook(s), and plants of your choosing. 

Step 1: Cut out a circular piece of landscape fabric or plastic, to fit the colander and cover all the holes. (if using plastic poke a few small holes in the bottom from drainage) and place it in the colander. 

Step 2: Pour a bit of potting soil into the landscape fabric or plastic, and plant your garden. Not sure what to plant? You can't go wrong with a herb garden. 

Step 3: Cut 4 long pieces jute rope and tie them nice and tightly to where the handles meet the bowl of the colander. Next, tie the other ends of the rope together. Decorative chain is also an option, but be sure it can hold the weight and you have a way to attach it to the colander before you buy it. 

Step 4: Hang your colander, if not in a joist or concrete you will need to use a drywall anchor with a minimum 40lbs of holding power to attach your hook to the ceiling. 

There you have it, a beautiful little upcycled hanging garden to brighten up any room or outdoor space. 
Thank You!

A big thanks you for all the congratulation on our most recent award. It mean so much that you chose to take the time out of your busy schedule to do that. We are incredibly lucky to have such wonderful and loyal customers. We wouldn't be able to call ourselves "consecutive Best of Homestars award winners" without you
Revitalized Sunroom