Your Independent Neighborhood Garden Nursery

Beautiful Plants and Inspired Designs since 1954

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Dear Friends of Anderson's La Costa,

Happy February!

Hold on to your hats and your umbrellas. Here comes the rain again! We hope you can dodge the rain during this big storm without any serious damage. Hopefully though, you will get swept away by your sweetie with the holiday of love this month. Just in time for our annual Pre-Order Rose Sale!

 20% Off

Pre-Order Roses

Roses are now 20% off when you pre-order and pre-purchase at our nursery during the month of February. Our favorite rose grower Otto & Sons Nursery carries the best quality and selection of roses in the state including floribunda, grandiflora, hybrid tea, and David Austin.

Availability lists and special order forms are now available, and your pre-ordered bud and bloom roses will be delivered to Anderson's for pickup in April. We will also have a nice selection of roses in stock at the nursery sometime in March. Please check out Otto & Sons' website for all of the options and images of roses they carry this year, and then place your order with one of our fabulous nursery staff members.

In the next section, you'll find Steven's February write-up and his top picks this month. Then, Gardening Tips will follow.

Please come visit us soon and let us know what you're looking for while we look forward to seeing you!

Best wishes,

Your Anderson's La Costa Team ~ Steven, Manny, Tandy, Jen, Hanna, Madeline, Grace, June, Loni, Cypress, and Marc and Mariah

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Happy Valentine's Day!

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What's New at the Nursery Steven Froess

Hello Everyone! 


One month down, and February is already in full swing. I hope everyone is surviving the big storms that are hitting Southern California without too much damage. Locally, we received over two inches of rainfall in 3 days during the first big storms of the year, and it looks like there's still more in the forecast. In total that makes for a lot of rainfall, so please stay safe out there.

All this rain is making the weeds grow faster than I can pull them, but I will never give up! In February, I like to try and time a good rain with my early spring amendments of earthworm castings and soil booster. Amendments like these are more effective if you work them into the soil, however, a good steady rain will do the work for you and that's a win-win.


As per the nursery's February tradition, we have begun our Pre-order Rose Sale this month with hundreds of varieties to choose from. Whether you want a hybrid tea rose for long stem cutting and fragrance, a climbing rose to line a fence or arbor, or highly sought-after David Austin brand English roses, there are plenty to choose from. I know what some of my favorites are and I love seeing what types people order since there are so many beautiful roses to choose from. 

Rose growing field at Otto & Son's Nursery near Fillmore, California

As we inch closer to spring, the plants are really beginning to bloom. Most of the South African-originating Proteaceae family plants are budded and starting to flower including Leucospermums (pincushion protea). We will have an excellent selection of these in all sizes this year. Currently, you will find 'Hawaiian red', 'Hawaiian yellow', 'Brandi de la Cruz', and 'Blanche ito' with small buds. 

Ceanothus (California lilac) are budded and usually one of the first native plants to start flowering. Ceanothus 'Concha' and 'Joyce Coulter' in particular are currently in stock, look nice, and are loaded with buds.

Verbena lilacina is another native that can flower throughout the year, budded and with flowers at the moment (great for butterflies!)

(Photo credit San Marcos Growers)

The hummingbirds are darting around all of the grevillea flowers. 'Amber passion', 'Long Jon', 'Moonlight', 'Mt. Tamoritha', and 'Coastal gem' are some of my favorites.

Speaking of flowering plants, Camellia japonica are starting to come into full bloom. They typically have larger, more showy flowers than the sasanqua Camellias which bloom earlier in the season. 'Nuccio's Gem', 'Nuccio's Pearl', and 'Nuccio's Jewel', 'Bob Hope', and 'High Fragrance' all look great. 

Anigozanthos (Kangaroo paw) are beginning to flower nicely, 'Bush ranger' for a short red, 'Amber velvet' for a nice orange, 'Gold velvet' for a bright yellow, and 'Celebration Carnivale' for an eye-catching purple (with more to come!)

The citrus trees all have small buds, too, and who doesn't love the smell of citrus blossoms? We have a great selection, but they sell quickly so be sure to get yours before they are gone! Everything from lemons and limes to oranges and mandarins, and a few polmelos.

Come see our restocked selection of all your favorite houseplants. The indoor greenhouse is chockablock and a great place to duck out of the rain. Purple and green oxalis (shamrock) are in way before St. Patrick’s Day, and orchids and pre-potted containers make the perfect Valentine’s Day or any day gift.

Tillandsias (air plants) are now replenished as well. I love how nice and full it looks after a good restocking. Back by popular demand, we will be making more of our abalone and urchin tillandsia hanging ornaments. 

The cactus and succulent section is also quite full right now. We recently received these blooming cacti that are so charming! The aloe have not finished blooming yet. Check out this ‘Eric the Red’.

During the slower days, we have been doing some nursery updating, building new tables, and have increased our bedding section. Meanwhile, we just received our first shipments of the season of both 4-inch and hanging baskets of pink jasmine and one-gallon clivia which will all be in bloom fairly soon.

The Garden Gift Shop is starting to receive a serious overhaul for the spring. Based on quite a few requests, we are pleased to announce we are now selling t-shirts! Also, new hats, new gifts, and local artist gift cards will continue to arrive over the next few months.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and treat yourself by visiting the nursery. I look forward to seeing you soon. Feel free to call us if you have any questions.

Please stay safe and enjoy the rain. Spring will be here before you know it!

Your Local Horticulturalist,


Gorgeous Birds Nest Fern 'Victoria'

Garden Design Services

Welcome to Anderson's La Costa Garden Design Services. Our talented staff has designed hundreds of gardens for SoCal homeowners. Having a dedicated garden designer visit your home or office will help you create the beautiful outdoor space you've always dreamed of.

Our experienced Garden Designers can assist you with:

  • A garden designed to your preferences
  • Optimal plant selection and options for your unique setting and microclimate
  • Advice on drought tolerant and California native designs
  • Recommendations on soil amending
  • Plant problem identification and resolution
  • Address maintenance needs
  • A scheduled nursery visit to view the recommended plant materials
  • Professional garden advice as needed

We hope you stop in and visit us to find out more about how we can help you with your garden. Our Garden Design team is talented, creative, passionate, and professional. Please call or visit us at the nursery or send us an email:

February Gardening Tips

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At the top of this month's gardening tasks are planting and pruning trees and shrubs. In San Diego County, we can plant trees of all kinds: fruit trees, shade trees, and flowering trees. It is an excellent time to transplant mature or established trees and shrubs while they are dormant. Don't fertilize newly planted trees or shrubs until after they have started to grow and then only very lightly the first year.

When is the Best Time to Prune?

While you shouldn't prune flowering trees until after they've bloomed, you can now prune most shrubs and deciduous shade trees before they leaf out. Most trees and shrubs benefit from an annual pruning. It keeps them in shape, gets rid of dead and diseased wood, and encourages new growth. Few birds are nesting in trees in the winter. This is an especially good time to prune coniferous trees like pines and cypress since their pests (various bark beetles) are not active at this time of the year.

However, not all trees and shrubs should be pruned early - especially some of the flowering ones. Early spring bloomers set their flower buds the fall before. Pruning them early in the spring would mean losing some blossoms. There are exceptions,'s often easier to prune when you can see the shape of the plant before the branches are masked by leaves. Trees and shrubs that need a good shaping could sacrifice a few blooms to be invigorated by a pre-spring pruning.


If you haven't done it already, now is the time for your annual rose pruning. Use good shears that will make clean cuts. Remove approximately one-half of the top growth and height of the plant and leave about 4 to 8 healthy canes creating the shape of a vase with the center section remaining empty. Remove dead, dying, and weak canes. Apply a dormant disease and insect spray to the canes and immediate soil around the pruned roses. New growth will be seen approximately 8 weeks after a good pruning. 

To continue reading February Gardening Tips, click here.

Anderson's La Costa Nursery

400 La Costa Ave. Encinitas, CA 92024

tel: 760-753-3153 | email:

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