What does Black History Month mean to me?
Anyone who knows me would know that history is my favorite subject. I was taught that if we study the past, we could prevent making the same mistakes in the future. Black History Month has always been a time of reflection for me. I think about how hard the first black doctor, nurse, lawyer, police officer, and soldier must've had it. Who supported these individuals when their country and people attacked them for breaking the status quo within their community? The adversity they faced daily would break the most formidable man or woman today, but they persevered it. Today, I stand in my position because the people before me and the allies who helped them have an opportunity.
Last month, the nation celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King day. Dr. King's, I Have a Dream speech is arguably one of the greatest speeches in American history. The country will forever be in debt to Dr. King's contributions, but we rarely talk about the impact of his wife, Coretta Scott King. Mrs. King continued Dr. King's push for racial equality and became an early advocate for the LGBT community.
During a speech given in 1998, Mrs. King stated, "As an African-American woman, I am concerned about discrimination against my race and gender. But it's just not good enough to support human rights for one's own race or culture and then be silent about injustices to other groups. As long as that's all we do, our successes will be limited, and we will be working against each other instead of with each other."
Most Americans think that Black history is about slavery, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Jim Crow laws, but 24 years ago, an iconic civil rights leader fought for equality for all Americans. As we close out this February, we should challenge each other to live by the vision of Dr. King and his wife, Coretta.

Cyril Davis, RN, BSN
SPRAVATO® Staff Manager
Lakes Depression Center
The Power of Making Small Changes
The key to making a big change is to make a small change first. This has to do with inertia.

If you want to get unstuck quickly and effortlessly, then leverage the power of making small changes.

We are often stuck in the idea that changes in our life need to be huge. It seems overwhelming. Therefore, we do not do anything. We just wish, wait and hope. On the other hand, maybe we are stuck in a very comfortable routine. The trick is to realize that the force of inertia (the tendency of bodies at rest to stay at rest) will keep you exactly where you are unless you do something. That something may not even relate to what you want.
You have probably heard of taking a big goal and chunking it down into smaller goals. This is a great idea. However, sometimes we do not even know where to begin.

What should be the first small goal? Take a look at the health tips below!
Add 10 Minutes of Exercise to Your Day!
If you don’t already exercise, aim to do 10 minutes each day. If you do currently exercise, add an 10 extra minutes to your routine. Researchers have found that just 10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise can leave you with improved sleep, stress relief, and an improved mood, according to a study published in The Primary Care Companion to the Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry. In fact, the article's authors even point out that exercise is often overlooked by mental health professionals and their patients as a credible intervention for ailments like depression or anxiety.
Go to Bed 10 Minutes Earlier
It can be tempting to think that only big lifestyle changes will make a difference to your health — going entirely vegetarian or vegan, exercising five days a week, or going to bed several hours earlier, for example. It turns out, though, that when it comes to sleep, going to bed just 10 minutes easier can make a substantial difference to your sleep patterns and rest. 
Go to bed 10 minutes earlier. By the end of the week, you’ll get an extra 70 minutes of sleep. Keep it up all year, and you’ll have slept 60 hours more. Imagine how well rested you’ll feel! 
We provide comprehensive psychiatric and psychotherapy services for a vast array of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychotic illness, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse/addiction, trauma related issues, relationship difficulties, life transitions, and behavior problems. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Did you know? SPRAVATO® can have a rapid antidepressant response and is added on to an antidepressant and the rest of your regimen. It is the first new mechanism of action to treat depression that has come out in over 30 years. 
There is hope for treatment-resistant depression. Call (248) 859-2457 to set up an appointment.
Marsha Linehan, developer of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), explained that “people with Borderline Personality Disorder are like people with third degree burns over 90 percent of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.” We can help. Learn more.
Lakes Psychiatric Center remains open for business. We are offering Zoom online tele-therapy appointments for new and existing clients as well as in person sessions. Please contact the front desk to assist you with your appointment type or instructions for using Zoom. Call (248) 859-2457 for info.
Lakes Depression Center is continuing to provide SPRAVATO® treatments per the usual schedule. We have enhanced our safety and cleaning protocols. You are safe to start treatment or continue treatment. Call (248) 956-7164 for info.
Ashley Rubel
Licensed Professional Counselor

New member of the
Lake Center Team!
to schedule an appointment

Ashley earned her master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling from Wayne State University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a development plan counselor with the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals. Prior to joining the Lakes Psychiatric Center team, Ashley worked at a non-profit organization, which provided her with invaluable clinical experience, treating a wide range of presenting problems in persons 6 years and older through individual, group, and family therapy. She practices trauma-informed care and places an emphasis on developing a strong therapeutic relationship, which is the foundation for effective treatment. She believes that you are the expert on yourself and your goals, and partners with you sharing her own knowledge on treating mental health and substance use disorders to develop a clear plan to elicit change.
Kelly Gamache
Nurse Practitioner

New member of the
Lake Center Team!
to schedule an appointment for your child or adolescent

Kelly graduated from Oakland University in 2014 with her master’s in nursing earning a Family Nurse Practitioner certificate. In 2020 she obtained her post master’s certificate as a Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Early in her career in family practice, Kelly knew that she wanted to further her education in psychiatry and help patients to receive the mental health care that they needed.

Kelly believes in a holistic approach to mental health care as well as the importance of good therapeutic relationships with her patients and their families. Kelly will be seeing children and adolescents and is accepting new patients for medication evaluation & management.