February 2017
Leadership Capacities for a New Era
This past fall, we surveyed all Fellows (as we do from time to time) to track your professional pathways and leadership development, and to gain input on how we can improve our offerings through the Fellows Network, retreats, trainings, gatherings, etc.   Lissa Widoff shares some of the findings of the survey, most importantly your reflections on which critical leadership capacities we will need for the future.  (Hint: communicating across differences!)

Join the UCS Science Network

Because we want to encourage activism among Switzer Fellows, we recently passed along some information about the Science Network of the Union of Concerned Scientists.  The UCS Science Network is a community of over 20,000 scientists and technical experts who have committed to raising their hands for science-based decision making.  Switzer Fellows are strongly encouraged to join!   Put your expertise into action by receiving real-time action alerts, opportunities for you to add your voice, as well as trainings and resources on how to effectively engage in policy discussions.  If you missed the email from Erin, please contact her for more information.

UCS also offers a new resource to securely share information about political interference in science.  This tool allows you to share information securely and anonymously if you experience political interference in your work.  More information is available on their website.
Policy briefing with Jason Grumet - Recording available

On January 19th, Fellow Jason Grumet, Founder and President of the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, DC, offered Fellows his assessment of the Trump administration and the new Congress, and what they mean for energy and environmental policy.  Fellows who were not able to join the call can listen to the recorded version available on the private side of our website.  To access it, you must be logged in to the site!  (If you need help logging in, contact Don Brackett for assistance.)  Then go to Network Resources in the gray bar, click on Trainings, and you will see a listing for "Policy Briefing with Jason Grumet".  Please note, however, that our agreement with Jason is that this briefing was for Fellows only, so please help us honor that by not sharing it.  Thank you.
Reminder:  Rockwood Leadership Institute offering discount to Switzer Fellows

Our colleagues at Rockwood Leadership Institute are offering a special discount to Switzer Fellows who take their Art of Leadership course!  This course, a five-day residential retreat, teaches powerful visioning, listening, and team building skills to emerging and established social change leaders.  In the spirit of our ongoing partnership with them, Rockwood will provide a 10% discount off their sliding scale for all Switzer Fellows who apply through March 31, 2017.  Simply enter the code "SWITZER" in the online application coupon field.  We may be able to offer up to $500 in Professional Development funds to assist you with tuition if your organization can't fund the entire cost.  Contact   Erin  for more information.  
Persuasion in a "Post-Truth" World

To make progress on ideologically or politically sticky issues, social sector organizations must re-shape their messaging to do more than cite facts; they must use smart storytelling and craft solutions that don't require those they want to reach to sacrifice their values, according to a recent article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Our 2016 Annual Report is available

Each year, we have the opportunity to look back on the year's accomplishments (ours and yours!) when writing our annual report.  All Fellows were emailed a copy of the report, but if you missed it, it is also available on our website.  Our 30th anniversary was a great year!  Here's to the next 30. 
Fellow conference meet-ups

Just a reminder that, if you'll be attending a conference and are interested in meeting up with other Fellows who may be attending, there is a spreadsheet for that!  On the excellent suggestion of Fellows, we've developed a central spreadsheet where you can add your name to a list of conference attendees and try to arrange a meet-up while you're there.  The sheet is accessible to all Fellows.
Kartikeya Singh:  Of Sun Gods and Energy

Politics, capitalism, and energy poverty are combining in strange ways across India.  The result looks like progress - sometimes.

Joe Aldy:  What Trump misses about regulations - they produce benefits as well as costs

President Trump jettisoned more than 30 years of bipartisan regulatory policy on January 30 when he issued an executive order on " Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs."  The order requires that whenever a new regulation is enacted by any federal agency, regulators must eliminate two rules, so that the cost of complying with the new rule is offset by the costs associated with the two existing rules.  But Fellow Joe Aldy says Trump misses a crucial point about government regulations:  They impose costs on society, but they also produce benefits. 

Daniel Orenstein:  Donald J. Trump - Shooting the ecological messenger

Adopting new policies and new technologies requires an awareness of the damage we are doing to our global life-support system.  This awareness depends on our ecological literacy - whether we can understand basic scientific processes and how human activity is altering those processes (and then, how those alterations affect our present and future wellbeing).  Aware of this, President Donald J. Trump has declared war on ecological literacy, writes Fellow Daniel Orenstein.

Upcoming Events
Switzer Fellows Networking Call: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Policy
Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Standing Rock and Pipeline Issues, with Lisa Feldstein
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

2017 Fellows' Spring Retreat and Policy Communications Training
Saturday, March 11 - Monday, March 13, 2017
Washington Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC

Switzer Fellows Dinner (still time to RSVP!)
Sunday, March 12, 2017 - 6:00 pm ET
District Distilling Co., 1414 U Street NW, Washington, DC

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Building Alliances with Labor, with Mike Wilson
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Water Resources
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Environmental Policy and Law
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Environmental Education
Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Fracking
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Promoting Evidence-based Governance, with Rebecca Lave
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

For a complete list of our upcoming events, please visit the Events section of our website.
Fellows in the News
Noah Charney's paper on the potential of forests to become a source of CO2 has been covered internationally.

Jeff Dlott's company, SureHarvest, has been acquired by Where Food Comes From.

Erika Zavaleta's Ecosystems of California has been awarded two 2017 PROSE Awards.

Pamela McElwee was quoted in The New York Times on the passing of Vietnam's father of environmental conservation.
A vibrant community of environmental leaders