February 2021

One Health Happenings
One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the
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COVID-19 and One Health News

Be sure to click on both 2020 and 2021 to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published around the world.

John Oliver with colorful language on the need for having a One Health approach discussing what could cause the next pandemic, what we can do to avoid it, and why you shouldn’t kiss pigs.
February 12, 2021-- This statement details three top priorities for multilateral cooperation to suppress the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, including 1) containment of transmission, 2) rapid vaccination, and 3) increased emergency finance. It includes an overview of a Task Force (pp 20-21) assigned to Investigate Origins, Early Spread of the Pandemic, and One Health Solutions to Future Pandemic Threats. In order to prevent future pandemics, it is essential to understand the origins and emergence of COVID-19 and to undertake a One Health approach for preserving and enhancing ecosystem and human health. The third of three Task Force objectives is to identify One Health solutions to future pandemic threats. https://tinyurl.com/112exc9s 
This policy brief is the result of a collaborative work carried out under the initiative of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Sciensano and the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (Belgium) within the framework of the Belgian One Health (BEOH) Network that was launched November 2019. Its contents were informed from the outcomes of the BEOH COVID-19 survey initiated in 2020 during the pandemic. https://bit.ly/2OQu44d
Free Online Tutorial
Created by The Applied Cognitive Science Lab at Pennsylvania State U, this free online tutorial / course is a computer-based tutor that teaches knowledge to help interrupt the transmission of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Learn the science behind COVID-19 and how to stay safe from SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory pathogens. “Anyone can tell you this information, but you need to practice it and commit it to memory to the point it becomes muscle memory. It needs to be a procedural skill," Requires that you set up a FREE login. Tutorial is 2-3 hours (+) of instruction depending on how deep you want to dive and how much you want to learn and commit to behavior. [There is also an accompanying book that can be purchased if desired ($18.95 USD) not required to use the tutorial]. A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health. Get it at Amazon Smile (https://tinyurl.com/3c5y2djz) and also Donate to the One Health Commission.
Hurry! This Screening Ends March 3

Created by Terra Mater Factual Studios.
View the documentary, available for online screening until March 3, 2021, and listen to the Jackson Wild hosted panel discussion.

Watch for an airing in your region.
Deem SL, Brenn-White M, 
Molecular Frontiers Journal, Vol. 04, No. 01n02, pp. 30-35 (2020)
This commentary explores the human drivers of emerging infectious diseases and contends that a One Health approach is imperative to get through this pandemic and to prevent future ones. 

February 21, 2020
Author: Dr. Jonathan Chan   In: ABC News
February 23, 2021
Special half-day virtual symposium hosted by Cornell Wildlife Health Center, WWF, Cornell Veterinary Medicine and Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability. Guest Speaker Dr. Jane Goodall, UN Messenger of Peace
Moderated by Thomas Friedman of the New York Times. See the Agenda: http://wwf.to/3ppREBv
February 23-25, 2021 Virtual Workshop
Hosted by the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) Forum on Microbial Threats, this meeting examined ways to integrate the One Health approach as part of outbreak prevention, detection, preparedness, and response efforts. It explored research opportunities, multi-sectoral collaboration mechanisms, community engagement strategies, educational opportunities, and policies that can effectively implement the core capacities and interventions of One Health principles to strengthen national health systems and enhance global health security.
  • Day 1, What One Health has accomplished thus far, current state of affairs around the world. The "response" facet of outbreak preparedness was highlighted. 
  • Day 2, What critical changes need to be made right now to incorporate One Health into national and global health systems? The "surveillance and detection" facet of outbreak preparedness was highlighted. 
  • Day 3, What capacities do we need to build down the line to ensure global health security? What lessons have we learned that can help pinpoint priority actions for incorporating One Health into national healthcare systems? The "forecasting and predicting" facet of outbreak preparedness was highlighted.
Recording will be available on the same webpage 10-14 days after the event.
February 10, 2021  Webcast
Bringing together experts from across disciplines, One Health is an international movement that starts from the presump-tion that the fate of humans is intimately connected with those of wild animals and the ecosystems on which we all depend. The recognition of this reality makes One Health both a powerful antidote to anti-science ethos and a cutting-edge vision of 21st century global health. But it offers something else, too: It is one of our last, best hopes for preventing a pandemic worse than Covid-19. .... Our future may depend on it. Investigative reporter Jimmy Tobias spent many months researching One Health for his recent Nation cover story. View this Nation Conversation about this most hopeful new movement and what we can do to support it. https://www.thenation.com/events/pandemic-covid19-onehealth/ 
October 2020
October 2020, Hosted by the Living Earth Collaborative and Saint Louis Zoo, Panelists Dr. Lisa Kelley, Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute, Dr. David Wang, Washington University School of Medicine and Dr. Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine discussed how diseases arise in nature and jump to humans, and what we can do to keep it from happening again. Moderated by Dr. Jonathan Losos. COVID-19 is just the latest of several zoonotic diseases to emerge in recent decades as a result of detrimental human-induced environmental changes to the planet, and if we don't change the way we treat nature, it won't be the last. https://bit.ly/3aCc9qE
Public Education and Awareness
Smithsonian Institute Updates newsletter about the OUTBREAK Exhibit. https://s.si.edu/3ewwZaG 

Other News
Call for Nominations (including self-nominations). ILAR is seeking nominations of 5-7 new Council members to include experts who can help expand its mission to cover topics in wildlife research, conservation, and One Health. Expertise is needed in biomedical research, field-based animal research, biodiversity conservation, and the interdisciplinary enterprise of animal-human-environmental interactions in natural and captive settings and other types of relevant, practical experience across sectors, industries, and policy-making. Three year terms with option for reappoint to begin in the first quarter of 2021.  Deadline Friday, March 5, 2021. https://tinyurl.com/3tpe7xkh
The US Tick-Borne Disease Working Group was established by Congress in 2016 as part of the 21st Century Cures Act to provide subject matter expertise and to review federal efforts related to all tick-borne diseases, to help ensure inter-agency coordination, and to examine research priorities. The 2020 report addresses not only tick-borne diseases, but also the biology, ecology, and control of the ticks that transmit disease. Included is a recommendation to adopt a One Health interdisciplinary, collaborative approach in health care for humans, animals, and the environment leading to integrated tick management to prevent transmission of tick-borne diseases. One Health is mentioned by name over 15 times in the report. 
Recommendation 3.1: Implement multi-agency, ecologically-based One Health efforts on tick-borne diseases promoting research and enhanced vector surveillance to identify and validate integrated tick management in keystone wildlife hosts, particularly white-tailed deer, and the sustainable management of their populations.
March 15 – March 19, 2021, At its midyear meeting AOAC INTERNATIONAL’s Analytical Solutions Forum will introduce to members the Global One Health Concept. AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes standardized, chemical analysis methods designed to increase confidence in the results of chemical and microbiologic analyses. It provides the platform, processes and scientific rigor that enable industry and regulators to keep our food and environment safe. In this Symposium, Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD, Executive Director of the One Health Commission and Rear Admiral David Goldman, MD, MPH, of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s Office of Food Policy and Response will discuss how AOAC’s mission and globally-respected process for developing standards for foods and feeds are essential components in the growing One Health approach to public health. See Agenda. https://tinyurl.com/44dvejye
Invitation to submit papers
Special Research Topic (Open Access)
Frontiers in Public Health, Planetary Health Section -
What does One Health entail, or rather, what can it entail, as we can question whether the beauty of One Health is the same in the eyes of many beholders? Are there imperatives to a One Health approach that are imposed by the complexity of the challenges? How can we take into account the decolonizing perspectives regarding One Health? What are the key benefits and challenges of creating or strengthening the essential third pillar of One Health (and integrative nature – human health approaches and concepts)? Frontiers’ Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections around cutting-edge research themes. Defined, managed and led by renowned researchers, they unite the world’s leading experts around the hottest topics, stimulating collaboration and accelerating science. Papers are invited on One Health complexity challenges. 

By Bruce Kaplan, DVM, Dipl. AVES (Hon.), Contents Manager/Editor One Health Initiative Website, Co-Founder One Health Initiative team/website, Sarasota, Florida, bruce@kaplandvm.com

The One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team (OHI) was created in April 2006 when Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP published the CDC article, ‘Confronting Zoonoses, Linking Human and Veterinary Medicine. Her article prompted Bruce Kaplan, DVM to contact her and that year they started the One Health Initiative team. Thomas P. Monath, MD, joined the team in March of 2007 and suggested that they create a web presence to promote One Health. Together they initiated the OHI website which was launched on October 1, 2008 with Dr. Kaplan as the designated contents manager/editor. Read More. tinyurl.com/OHI-History
Student News
(International Student One Health Alliance - ISOHA)
ISOHA Webinar (In Spanish)

día 6 de Marzo de 2021, 10:00 hrs a las 12:30 hrs (Hora de la ciudad de México; GMT -5)
Estamos felices de anunciar la primer conferencia hablada completamente en español por parte de ISOHA en colaboración con el instituto One Health de México. Se llevará a cabo el día 6 de Marzo de las 10:00 hrs a las 12:30 hrs (Hora de la ciudad de México; GMT -6) a través de la plataforma de Zoom y contará con ponentes altamente reconocidos, tocando el tema de One Health ante la actual crisis mundial. Puedes registrarte en el siguiente enlace: https://forms.gle/9rMZHAtaS459o2uc7 
¿Preguntas? Contacta a isoha.southamerica@gmail.com

Ponentes y temas:
Dr. Luis Lecuona – Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos - “El papel de los animales silvestres en la diseminación de enfermedades”

Dr. José Ramón Gallegos Velasquez - Colegio de Médicos Veterinarios y Zootecnistas del Estado de Jalisco - “El papel de la medicina veterinaria en una sola salud”

Dr. Juan de Jesús Taylor Preciado - Ex rector del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias; Ex presidente de la Federación Panamericana de Facultades y Escuelas de Ciencias Veterinarias. - “El concepto One Health en la Educación y el Ejercicio profesional Veterinario”

Edgar Eduardo Pulido Chávez - Director General de la Agencia de Sanidad Inocuidad y Calidad Agro alimentaria
March 6th, 2021
11 AM - 1:30 PM Eastern
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Mexico City time; GMT - 6)
We are happy to announce ISOHA's first Spanish-speaking Conference hosted in collaboration with the One Health Institute of Mexico. It will feature highly recognized speakers focusing on the theme of One Health in light of the current world crisis. Registration https://forms.gle/9rMZHAtaS459o2uc7 
Questions? Contact isoha.southamerica@gmail.com.

Speakers and Topics:
Dr. Luis Lecuona - US Department of Agriculture -
"The role of wild animals in the spread of disease"

Dr. José Ramón Gallegos Velasquez - College of Veterinary Doctors and Zootechnicians of the State of Jalisco -
"The role of veterinary medicine in One Health"

Dr. Juan de Jesús Taylor Preciado - Former Director of the Center for Biological and Agricultural Sciences, University of Guada-lajara; Former President of the Pan American Federation of Faculties and Schools of Veterinary Sciences - "The One Health concept in Veterinary Education and Professional Practice"

Edgar Eduardo Pulido Chávez - General Director of the Agency for Health, Food Safety and Quality -
"One Health Challenges from Animal Health"
One Health Lessons (OHL) and ISOHA invite interested students (18+ years old in any program or field) to sign up to become a Student Lesson Leader to teach virtual COVID-19 & One Health Lessons to children.
The Lesson Leaders Program is a 4-hour training program (separated into four, 1-hour blocks) to equip the public with skills to teach OHLs in their own communities. Volunteers will attend an orientation, shadow two 1-hour lessons, and then teach on their own with another volunteer watching. The sign-up form for Lesson Leaders is open continuously. Be sure to select that you heard about the program through ISOHA to become a jointly certified Lesson Leader by OHL and ISOHA. bit.ly/OHLlessonleaders

ISOHA is excited to announce a competition between continents to see which continent can produce the most certified Lesson Leaders! The certified students from the continent with the most ISOHA-affiliated students to complete the Lesson Leaders Program by April 25th, 2021, will win an exclusive meeting with Dr. Deborah Thomson, Founder and President of One Health Lessons, and Dr. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Direc-tor of the One Health Commission. https://tinyurl.com/d4pdujjw
See our current journal club discussion
on this month's article:
“Reflection on One Health in Action During the COVID-19 Response” by Dr. Barbara Häsler et al. bit.ly/isohajc.
The ISOHA Journal Editorial Team would like your feedback on how to improve our online journal club! Please take our brief survey. Survey link: bit.ly/isohajcsurvey

Thank you for your time--we appreciate your suggestions and insights.
See also OHC online Opportunities Bulletin Board: https://tinyurl.com/yy7bjz85

Students are spreading the message of One Health all around the world! https://bit.ly/2WF3RaS

Your one-stop-shop for links to student group resources, educational opportunities, advocacy information, and communication platforms. https://bit.ly/3dr03Qg
One Health Issues in The News
Another way human behaviors are impacting antimicrobial resistance.

Using soil microcosms, researchers discovered that herbicides increased the relative abundance of bacterial species that carried antibiotic resistance genes. Genetic mutations that improved bacterial growth in the presence of herbicides also increased bacterial tolerance to antibiotics. Herbicide exposure also led to more frequent transfer of antibiotic resistance genes between bacteria. https://tinyurl.com/kivfptbc
Neglected One Health Issues
Mongabay article. Thanks to technological advancements, it’s now possible to make synthetic versions of animal parts like rhino horn, elephant ivory, and big cat fur, demand for which is contributing to the extinction crisis. Yet this practice is controversial, as some conservation groups assert that selling synthetic parts could actually promote more poaching. Proponents of the strategy say more conversations are needed around this possibility, including looking at the issue from an economic perspective. https://tinyurl.com/3sdn148
How you Can Help!!!!
Amazon Smile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to One Health Commission by shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/27-0799294 or with AmazonSmile 'ON' in the Amazon Shopping app. https://tinyurl.com/3c5y2djz
Upcoming Events
February - April, 2021
All events at 6 pm Eastern
This seminar series hosts speakers to address a variety of One Health-related topics. Lectures are open to the public at no cost. Spring 2021 speaker line-up.
March 3, 2021
World Wildlife Day Online Celebration
Learn more about World Wildlife Day. Jackson Wild, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Secretariat, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and supporting organizations invite you to join this annual celebration where winners of the World Wildlife Day Film Showcase will be announced. See the beautiful Finalist Films. This year’s World Wildlife Day theme highlights the central role of forests, forest species and ecosystems services in sustaining the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people globally, and particularly of Indigenous and local communities with historic ties to forested and forest-adjacent areas. No registration required for March 3; Event will be streamed live via YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldWildlifeDay/live
April 6-11, 2021
Hosted by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Center for One Health Research (UAF-COHR) in partnership with the U.S. Department of State. This event is part of the United States contribution to One Arctic, One Health, an Arctic Council project now in its fifth year. This conference will bring together scientists, healthcare professionals, educators, students, policy makers, and community stakeholders to learn about the latest advances in One Health research. The goal is to build international, interdisciplinary teams to work on the most pressing issues facing the future of the Circumpolar North. See the Conference Video. https://bit.ly/32sMERU
October 22-27, 2021 
American Biological Safety Association Annual Conference with featured sponsor, Elizabeth R.Giffin Foundation at Georgetown University, CME available for medical professionals. Currently planned to occur in Raleigh, North Carolina.  absaconference.org
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
February 22, 2021 Webinar
Online presentation hosted by the One Health Academy in Washington, DC with webinar support provided by the One Health Commission. Speaker Jacqueline Fletcher, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity. Recording available at this link. https://bit.ly/3s6AURr See also https://tinyurl.com/gienopt4
February 3, 2021 Webinar
  • NASA and NOAA Earth Observations for Health and Air Quality Applications
  • Surveillance for Harmful Algal Bloom Associated Human and Animal Illnesses
  • Exploration of Decontamination Strategies for Odor Detection Canines
January 30-31, 2021 Webinar
Hosted by students from the University of Ilorin One Health Initiative, University of Ibadan One Health Club, and One Health Lesson Interns to create awareness about One Health Awareness Month, encourage students to create One Health Clubs in their Universities and educate them on how to start a One Health Clubs, talk about the Current Global One Health Education Movement, and to create awareness about One Health Lessons. Recording of second day available. https://bit.ly/3arRcyB
November 4-5, 2020 Online Conference
Panel discussion on day 2 of the summit which brought together SARS-CoV-2 researchers from Cornell’s Ithaca and New York City campuses, including Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell Tech. The event was designed to share research and promote collaborations across colleges, campuses and disciplines to advance COVID-19 research.
October 8, 2020 Webinar
Global Landscape Forum
Hosted by the International Livestock Research Institute and CGIAR

October 6, 2020  Community Teach-Up
Naalya Village, Wakiso District, in Uganda. Hosted by the Rural Water Initiative for Climate Action Uganda (RWICA) in partnership with One Health Lessons and the One Health Commission. Following careful COVID-19 precautions, this event targeted youth and community leaders taking them through a 1-day training and youth leadership program. The aim was to create mindset transformation among youth and community at large to conserve nature, create awareness about One Health and its role in preventing Covid19 and future pandemics through purposeful training and mentoring. Information contact: ashafaith16@gmail.com

June 4, 2020 Webinar
Hosted by the UN Environment Program, the International Livestock Research Institute and CGIAR . Recording Available https://tinyurl.com/347jpsr8
Don’t forget to USE the

Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can directly post and view One Health Opportunities, from summer programs to educational, job and funding opportunities. http://bit.ly/2kdZmiN

Check out other One Health Community Resources / Services on the One Health Commission website.
Courses and Summer Programs

SAFOSO’s e-Learning course “Epidemiology for Non-Epidemiologists” has recently been approved for CE credit in the United States. U.S. veterinarians and veterinary technicians can now receive 4.5 CE credits through completion of this self-paced course. The course can be found on the CE Broker website at https://bit.ly/2Ot2f1R
Graduate Studies/Scholarships

Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
Deadline April 1, 2021
Accepting applications for its master’s of science in Global Infectious Disease program. Over 18 months, GLID candidates will receive a unique combination of training that brings together science, health, technology, modeling, social sciences, economics, and governance to support their careers. Each student will learn about the multitude of ways to approach global infectious disease problems, such as through life science research, mathematical modeling of outbreaks, epidemiology of pandemics, and diplomacy to advance health outcomes. Faculty come from diverse backgrounds in the sciences, medicine, health, and policy. Applicants will choose a concentration in Data Modeling or Science Policy depending on their background and interest. Learn more at https://glid.georgetown.edu/

University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda
Deadline February 28, 2021
​Through this flagship Master of Science in Global Health Delivery (MGHD) program, ​the in Rwanda is pleased to offer a one-year blended program providing specialized skills in One Health, and the needed cross-cutting skills to improve the health of animals, the environment and humans through a transdisciplinary, multi-sectoral and holistic approach. Course content will be deliberately broad but comprehensive, spanning critical issues such as infectious disease management, food security, climate change and health, ecosystem health, pandemic preparedness and response, neglected tropical diseases, alongside “feet-on-the-ground” learning experiences that embrace the intersection of cultural, social, economic, environmental and health studies on present-day communities-at-risk.
Graduates will be equipped to analyze, interpret and create plans for the implementation of innovative solutions to present and future health threats such as today's pandemic. Learn more https://ughe.org/mghd-one-health-track/
Thesis Based MSc Candidate, Ontario, Canada
Piloting a framework to guide collaborative management of complex One Health issues at the wildlife, domestic animal and/or human interface. A 2-year MSc opportunity, commencing in May 2021, is available in the Department of Population Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College in Canada. Co-supervised by Drs. Jane Parmley and Cathy Bauman. The focus of this MSc will be to apply and evaluate a new tool kit outlining best practices and steps for putting a One Health approach into practice. Review of applications will begin March 1st, 2021. Further details available at http://bit.ly/3rQ7mr8
Journal Articles / Reports

Ghai RR, Carpenter A, Liew AY, Martin KB, Herring MK, Gerber SI, et al., Emerg Infect Dis. 2021, Original Publication Date: February 24, 2021, DOI: 10.3201/eid2704.203945

What makes an effective One Health clinical practitioner? Opinions of Australian One Health experts, Steele SG, Toribio J, Booy R, Mor SM, One Health, Volume 8, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2019.100108

Do not blame bats and pangolins! Global consequences for wildlife conservation after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 19], Turcios-Casco MA, Cazzolla Gatti R., Biodivers Conserv. 2020;1-5. doi:10.1007/s10531-020-02053-y

Reflecting on One Health in Action During the COVID-19 Response, Häsler B, Bazeyo W, Byrne AW, Hernandez-Jover M, More SJ, Rüegg SR, Schwarzmann O, Wilson J, Yawe A, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol 7 (2020), DOI=10.3389/fvets.2020.578649   
Editorials / Commentaries / Reviews

Author: Kristin Jankowsky In: Delaware Journal of Public Health, January 2021
Led by the Delaware Humane Association. "With the creation of this pop-up, open-door, One Health clinic in their neighborhood, we offer a unique opportunity to use the human-animal bond for the benefit of the community as a whole. This open platform encourages further development of the emotional and physical well-being of both pet and owner by creating a welcoming environment free of judgement or financial barriers. We aspire to give our clients the power to take an active role in their pet’s healthcare with the hope that this translates to empowerment in their own healthcare decisions…. This inclusive healthcare model shows promise to provide access to services in both rural and urban areas for people and pets and could become an impactful way to reach populations that have been previously underserved. " See page 6 of the January 2021 DJPH issue or go directly to the article. Learn More about One Health Delaware. https://bit.ly/3cgvpLt

Manniello, M.D., Moretta, A., Salvia, R. et al. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-021-03784-z
New Book

By Bill Gates
With the help of experts in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, political science, and finance, Gates has focused on what must be done in order to stop the planet’s slide to certain environmental disaster. In this book, he not only explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, but also details what we need to do to achieve this profoundly important goal. The One Health concept may or may not be included. https://tinyurl.com/f5z5coga
February 2021
  • Assessing the Infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 in Aerosols Captured Among COVID-19 Patients in Singapore
  • Gathering Evidence for Animals as Dengue Reservoirs
  • Duke One Health Partner Laboratory Provides COVID-19 Testing Support for Sarawak, Malaysia
February 2021
Check out more Resources in the Commission’s One Health Library
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Bailey Archey, Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
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The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.
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