January 14, 2021

Join OCVA’s Arica Sears and Zak Shelhamer as they discuss how destination management and destination marketing can work hand in hand to inspire visitation to nature-based destinations like Oregon’s South Coast. Integrating stewardship messaging into inspirational messaging can invite responsible visitors to be mindful in your destination while also showing them how to visit like a local. 

  • Understanding the Visitor Lifecycle 
  • Working with land management agencies like OPRD, USFS, USFW, ODOT, ODF to understand tourism impacts. 
  • Creating a unique invitation that doesn’t turn people away. 
  • Bringing sustainable tourism to your destination 

Arica Sears - Deputy Director, Oregon Coast Visitors Association
Zak Shelhamer - Director of Marketing + Sales, Oregon Coast Visitors Association

OSCRTN Zoom Meeting
February 24, 2021 at 1pm marketing@thepeoplescoast.com

Monday, February 8, 3–4pm
Topic: Cash Flow Management

Our second webinar in the Restaurant Success Toolbox Series will focus on best practices and real examples of restaurants shifting to and expanding take-out, curbside delivery models. ORCA Experts will discuss actionable steps in continued commitment to a superb dining experience. The current environment can also be conducive to new sales and product line opportunities. Our panel will address menu engineering, continued customer service interactions, and building the Total Intentional Experience. Bring your questions and issues that need resolution. Questions will be answered live during the webinar. Connecting you and your specific needs is a key feature of this series in that assistance for no-cost business advising is available with restaurant experts as a part of this project. Take advantage of this before the advisers become fully occupied! Register for the webinar now. Take action now to survive and build your business for success in changing times!

Co-Sponsor(s): Business Oregon, ORCA, SBDC

The Zoom join link will be emailed to you following your registration.

Fee: No Cost

The Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of Treasury announced that the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) will re-open the loan process beginning today, Monday, January 11 for new borrowers and certain existing PPP borrowers. Please check here for a link to the application when it goes live. 

New borrowers were able to submit their applications beginning Monday, January 11, though lender availability is limited. If you have already exhausted your first PPP loan, the loan process for your second draw will be available beginning Wednesday, January 13.

Eligibility for a PPP loan now includes all of the following organizations. 
  • Small businesses
  • Tribal businesses
  • Self-employed individuals 
  • Independent contractors 
  • Sole Proprietorships 
  • 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations 
  • 501(c)(6) organizations (with certain lobbying restrictions applying) 
  • 501(c) and quasi-governmental DMOs (with certain lobbying restrictions applying)
More information on eligibility considerations and what is covered can be found on US Travel's FAQ guide or view a recording of last week's webinar outlining details of the PPP and other programs included in the relief bill. For additional resources, please visit US Travel's COVID Relief Resources page.

Ten months of pandemic and uncertainty have created enormous challenges for our small businesses. Their importance to our region has never been more apparent; local residents and leadership understand that continued support now is essential to their, and our, recovery. 
More robust financial assistance arriving from state and federal government, and many of our larger local employers are increasingly listing excellent employment opportunities that empower local purchasing. In the meantime, however, SOWIB and our local communities are committed to assisting large and small businesses with all available resources.
Please stay safe: despite recent surges, we’re holding up. Oregon’s rates of COVID infection and COVID-related deaths are STILL among the very lowest in the country. Our region has fared better than most; we’re poised to take our first steps toward economic recovery.  

Each county’s trajectory of COVID infections for the preceding two weeks is measured weekly. Based on that data, each county is advised of its assessed risk level, triggering required precautionary measures commencing the week following measurement. A description of the risk framework and associated requirements may be found here.
Status changes effective January 14 were announced on January 7, based on Infection rates for the two weeks ending January 2nd.  Effective January 14th Coos County moves from “high” to “extreme” risk, Curry County moves from “extreme” to “high,” and Douglas County remains at “high” risk. 
For continuing detail on each county’s data and changes of status, click here.

New Federal Stimulus Package
Key provisions of the recently-passed stimulus package appear below. For more detail, please register for the “Pandemic Finance” seminar listed above. (Further adjustments are expected after January 20.)
  • For Businesses: More than $284 billion for new or second forgivable PPP loans, including amounts dedicated to very small businesses.
  • $20 billion for new forgivable loans and debt relief for businesses in low-income communities, to be available via the Small Business Administration.
  • For Workers:  All unemployment benefits to include an additional $300 per week through March 14, 2021.
  • One-time Economic Impact Payment of $600 to individuals earning up to $75,000 per year and $1,200 to couples making up to $150,000 per year, with $600 for each child dependent.
  • Continues and expands the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, providing unemployment benefits for, e.g., self-employed and gig workers, and other workers ineligible under traditional criteria.
  • Continues Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program assistance for those who have exhausted regular state unemployment benefits.
  • Increases the maximum number of weeks an individual may claim benefits.
  • $10 billion in block grants to states for child care assistance, especially for essential workers, and operating costs for child care providers.

For Education: 
$82 billion will be provided under various criteria to assist K -12 schools and institutions of higher education.
State Tax Relief for Businesses and Individuals
If you and/or your business anticipate difficulty paying 2020 taxes due to the economic impacts of COVID-19, please see https://www.oregon.gov/dor/Pages/COVID19.aspx summarizing tax relief provisions enacted by the Oregon Department of Revenue. Provisions include
  • 100% penalty waivers on 2019 income tax due from businesses that are impacted by COVID-19.
  • 100% interest waivers on 2019 income tax due from small businesses that are impacted by COVID-19 and that have less than $5 million in gross receipts.
  • Continuing to provide extended payment plans of up to 36 months for any taxpayer impacted by COVID-19 when entering into an approved payment plan.
Intern Zach Willsey and volunteer help Kyle and the SOWIB team distribute PPP in Coos Bay. 
Free PPE for Businesses (remember the Bandon Chamber still has PPE if you need it)
SOWIB was able to distribute an unexpected large shipment of PPE from Business Oregon in early December with the assistance of local partners. In all, the project involved 1500 cases of material, including several hundred thousand masks; 90,000 pairs of gloves; and more than 1,000 gallons of hand sanitizer. SOWIB staff arranged temporary storage, transportation, publicity, and distribution logistics, and labor for four one-day-only events. Distribution sites were established in Brookings, Bandon, Gold Beach, Coos Bay, Myrtle Creek, and Roseburg. Invaluable assistance was received in Curry County from SOWIB board members Georgia Nowlin and Bryan Grummon, from Brookings High School administrators, and from the Curry Public Library. In Douglas County, we’re especially indebted to Tim Allen of South Umpqua Rentals in Myrtle Creek for generously providing badly-needed storage space prior to the event, amplifying outreach to businesses, and allowing distribution on his premises. Also in Douglas County, the Roseburg News-Review worked to publicize the event and volunteered its parking lot and supportive employees to create a second Douglas County distribution point.
Rapid CARES Act Response
Each of our region’s three counties acted quickly in early December to ensure that unexpected additional CARES Act funds reached local businesses. The funds ($1.4M for Douglas; $1M for Coos; $700K for Curry) had been sent to each county by the state on very short notice, with a December 28 deadline for redistribution to businesses. 
Within days of receipt, each of our counties had established its own eligibility criteria and application/award systems. All three chose to have the award process managed by Coos Curry Douglas Economic Development Corporation. Through the combined efforts of CCD, SOWIB, and multiple other regional business organizations, businesses quickly received notice of these “first come, first served” opportunities. Applications for more than 100% of available funds were received within hours.
Rural Youth and the Future
  • A SOWIB-sponsored November webinar (Zoom video recording: https://bit.ly/35Oav2K shared the results of a major study providing new perspectives on youth engagement strategies with more than 40 states, regional and local education policy-makers and practitioners. The study was conducted in rural Oregon (Coos County) and rural Maine by a team co-led by OSU Assistant Professor Dr. Mindy Crandall. Assisted by school administrators, the researchers collected more than 2,000 anonymous student responses to questions on a wide range of topics. Taken together, and analyzed from multiple perspectives, the data provide new insight into students’ perceptions and motivations for engagement – or disengagement – from education and workforce perceptions. 

Kyle Stevens
Executive Director
PHOTO CREDITS: South coast at sunset (top image) by Tim Peterson. US Department of Treasury logo (second image). Restaurant by Jay Wennington. Last image via SOWIB.