
A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks

Having known a fair number of intelligent people over the years, I have picked up some useful phrases.

Was thinking of one today that fits with the philosophy I have been promoting. "What you fear shall come upon you."

This is another way of saying ‘ Energy follows thought.’

As a kid, I remember farmers being afraid of not getting enough rain for the crops ~~ or being afraid of too much rain or afraid to do or not do things. 

Various religions have used fear to control membership~~ and it worked. Fear has been used to control people for a long time.

It seems fear is woven into many conversations and especially TV news. I only get an occasional glimpse of news and that is more than enough. 

We are affected by what we hear, whether we believe it or not, so why subject ourselves to negativity?

If you expect the worst, you are likely to get it. Remember~ 'Pessimists are seldom disappointed.'

Are you willing to try an experiment? 

It doesn’t cost anything or take much time. 

Try giving THANKS for 'the best possible outcome’ of any challenging situation.

In my opinion, there are a lot of possible futures, and what we expect ~has a lot to do with which future we get.

Every morning give THANKS for being at the right place at the right time. 



Global Healing Summit

March 15-23

As mentioned in our January Newsletter Raymon has been invited to speak at the Global Healing Summit. Raymon will be one of the speakers on the first day. There are over 40 speakers during the 7 day event. Click the button below to watch the promo video, see the lineup of speakers, and register

The event is free to attend but if you purchase a video of it the Raymon Grace Foundation will receive a portion of the cost. Please be sure to use the link below to sign up so the Foundation gets credit.

Global Healing Summit
Book Recommendation
My Friend Tom McCarthy, who invited me to be on the Global Healing Summit, sent me a book he has written and I actually read it. 
It is very similar to the information I have been sharing with you but written in a different style, probably because Tom went to school longer than I did.
 It is a book about SUCCESS and he is offering a really good deal as he describes here. 
1. Please send people to www.TheBreakthroughCode.com. When they are on the site, they will see links to buy the book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The book is $19.95. 
2. When they buy the book they will also receive free access to a 14 module master class ($495 value) plus access to the audiobook version of the book, as a bonus for buying the book. They will also get free access to my Codebreaker Mobil app. 

Raymon Grace Foundation
Raymon's Website

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 

If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com